Gallia, -ae, f.: Gaul, roughly equivalent to modern France
Galli , -ōrum m.: Gauls, people from Gaul.
dī-vĭdo, -ĕre, vīsi, -vīsum: divide
in-cŏlo, -ĕre, -lŭi: to inhabit, dwell in
mĭnĭmē: superl. adv. least, smallest; by no means, not at all; (w. numerals or sim.) not less than, at least
com-mĕo, -āre: go up and down, come and go, visit frequently
per-tĭnĕo, -ēre, -tinŭi: reach to, extend to; reach, extend; tend towards, have as an object or result; relate to, belong to; apply to, fall upon
importo, -āre: bring in, import; introduce; bring upon, cause
Germani, -orum m.: Germani, or Germans
Rhenus, -i m.: the river Rhenus, better, the Rhine.
Helvetii, -orum m.: the Helvetii or Helvetians. historical map
prae-cēdo, -ĕre, -cessi, -cessum: go before, precede; surpass, excel
ob-tĭnĕo, -ēre, -tĭnŭi, -tentum: hold, possess, keep possession of; maintain, continue, obtain
ĭnĭtĭum , -ĭi n.: an entering upon, beginning
căpĭo, -ĕre, cēpi, captum: to have, seize; catch, take possession of by force; receive
at-tingo, -ĕre, tĭgi, tactum: to touch; affect, concern, resemble; handle, manage
Rhodanus, -i m.: the river Rhodanus, better, Rhone (Walker)
septentrĭōnes, -um m. pl.: seven plough-oxen; the north; constellations ursus minor or maior
ŏrĭor, oriri, ortus sum: arise, spring from, proceed from
occāsus , -ūs m.: setting of the heavenly bodies; the west
vergo , -ĕre: to bend, turn, incline; bend, turn, incline oneself; lie, be situated