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omnīno: adv., altogether, entirely, wholly
Sequani, -orum: the Sequani, a Gallic people who occupied the upper river basin of the Arar (Saône), the valley of the Doubs and the Jura Mountains, their territory corresponding to Franche-Comté and part of Burgundy.
Iura, -ae, f.: the Jura mountains, a small mountain range north of the Alps.
angustus, -a, -um: narrow
singŭli, -ae, -a: single, separate, inividual
carrus, -i m.: wagon
dūco, -ĕre, duxi, ductum: draw
impendĕo, ēre: to hang over any thing, to overhang
perpaucī, -ae, -a: very few
ex-pĕdīte: adv., without impediment, without difficulty, readily, promptly, quickly
fines, -ium f. pl.: borders, and hence territory, land, country enclosed within boundaries
Helvetii, -orum m.: the Helvetii or Helvetians. historical map
Alloborges, -um, m. pl.: the Allobroges, a Celtic tribe of ancient Gaul, located between the Rhône River and the Lake of Geneva in what later became Savoy, Dauphiné, and Vivarais.
pāco, -āre: pacify, make peaceful
Rhodanus, -i m.: the river Rhodanus, the Rhone
vădum, i, n.: a shallow place in water, a shallow, shoal, ford
trans-ĕo, -īre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ĭtum: go over, cross, pass over
Genava, -ae f.: Genava, a city of the Allobroges, now Geneva
pons, pontis, f.: bridge
per-tĭnĕo, -ēre, -ŭi,: to stretch out, reach, extend to a place
per-suādĕo, -ēre, -si, -sum: to persuade, convince of a fact; persuade, prevail upon
existĭmo, -āre: judge a thing according to its value; form a judgment; consider, regard

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