Wong Kim Ark case
"The question at issue is not one that affects American-born Chinese only, but every American-born son of a foreign-born father who did not become a naturalized citizen of this country prior to the time arrived at maturity. In this view of the case one sees at a glance that many thousands of voters all over the United States are deeply interested in the knotty legal problem, though of course should the United States Supreme Court reverse the ruling of Judge Morrow, as it is confidently expected that it will, the American-born Chinese will be the only ones ultimately deprived of citizenship. Sons of non-naturalized Caucasians will merely have to secure naturalization in the ordinary way. But the Mongolians, while the existing Chinese restriction laws are in force, will be forever barred from citizenship." San Francisco Call, Feb. 8, 1896 http://library.uchastings.edu/library/Library%20Collections/Displays/wkadisplay/case.htm
Wong Kim Ark (Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration, ARC # 296479)