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<center>[[Sulpicius Severus|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin|text with notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin|vocabulary]] || [[Bibliography for Sulpicius Severus, Life of St. Martin|bibliography]] | [[Abbreviations for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin|abbreviations]] | [[Maps and Tools for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin|maps and tools]] | [[About this edition of Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin|about]]</center>
<center>[[Sulpicius Severus|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin|vocabulary]] || [[Bibliography for Sulpicius Severus, Life of St. Martin|bibliography]] | [[Abbreviations for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin|abbreviations]] | [[Maps and Tools for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin|maps and tools]] | [[About this edition of Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin|about]]</center>

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[[Sulpicius Severus#Praefatio|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Praefatio|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Praefatio| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Praefatio|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Praefatio|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Prefatio|vocabulary]]
: '''Severus Desiderio:''' understand ''salutem dicit'', 'sends greetings to.'
: '''Severus Desiderio:''' understand ''salutem dicit'', 'sends greetings to.'

: '''ego quidem . . . decreveram:''' 'I, for my part, had decided' (> decerno, decernere, decrevi, decretum)
: '''ego quidem . . . decreveram:''' 'I, for my part, had decided' (> ''decerno, decernere, decrevi, decretum'').

: '''sched&#257; su&#257; premere:''' 'to suppress in it's own paper,' i.e. not publish.
: '''sched&#257; su&#257; premere:''' 'to suppress in it's own paper,' i.e. not to publish.

: ''natur&#257;'': 'by nature', abl. of specification [ A&G 418]
: '''natur&#257;:''' 'by nature', abl. of specification [ A&G 418]

: '''quod fore arbitror:''' '[a thing] which I think will happen.' ''fore'' = ''futurum esse''.
: '''quod fore arbitror:''' '[a thing] which I think will happen.' ''fore'' = ''futurum esse''.

: '''qui materiem disertis merito scriptoribus reservandam impudens occupassem:''' 'because I had impudently usurped material that should rightly be reserved for learned writers.' The relative clause is causal (Woodcock sec. 156, [ A&G 540c]).
: '''qui materiem . . . occupassem:''' 'because I had impudently usurped material that should rightly be reserved for learned writers.' The relative clause is causal (Woodcock sec. 156, [ A&G 540c]).

: '''ocuppassem:''' = ''occupavissem'' (plupf. subj., > ''occupo'' [1])
: '''ocuppassem:''' = ''occupavissem'' (plupf. subj., > ''occupo'' [1]).

: '''petenti:''' '(you) asking for (it)'
: '''petenti:''' '(you) asking for (it)'.

: '''quid enim esset, quod non . . . impenderem?:''' 'what would there be that I would not spend for', i.e., 'I would expend any effort for'.
: '''quid enim esset, quod non . . . impenderem?:''' 'what would there be that I would not spend for', i.e., 'I would expend any effort for'.
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: '''e&#257; . . . fiduci&#257; . . . qu&#257;:''' 'with the confidence that'.
: '''e&#257; . . . fiduci&#257; . . . qu&#257;:''' 'with the confidence that'.

: '''prodendum (sc. esse):''' 'that it must be revealed' (OLD s.v. ''prodo'' 8).
: '''prodendum:''' (sc. ''esse'') 'that it must be revealed'.

: '''eum legi:''' 'that it is being read'.
: '''eum legi:''' 'that it is being read'.

: '''bon&#257; veni&#257; . . . postulabis:''' 'you must kindly ask', a colloquial use of the future tense like an imperative [ A&G 449b]. For ''bon&#257; veni&#257;'' = 'with your indulgence', see OLD s.v. ''venia'' 3.
: '''bon&#257; veni&#257; . . . postulabis:''' 'you must kindly ask', a colloquial use of the future tense like an imperative [ A&G 449b]. ''bon&#257; veni&#257;'' = 'with your indulgence' (OLD s.v. ''venia'' 3).

: '''aequo animo ferant:''' 'bear it calmly'.
: '''aequo animo ferant:''' 'bear it calmly'.
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: '''vitiosus sermo:''' 'faulty style'.
: '''vitiosus sermo:''' 'faulty style'.

: '''perculerit:''' 'strikes', fut. pf. in a future more vivid condition.
: '''perculerit:''' 'strikes', fut. pf. in a future more vivid condition. (A&G)
: '''meminerint:''' 'let them recall', pf. subj., jussive.
: '''meminerint:''' 'let them recall', pf. subj., jussive. (A&G)

: '''salutem . . . praedicatam esse:''' 'that salvation was proclaimed'.
: '''salutem . . . praedicatam esse:''' 'that salvation was proclaimed'.
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: '''saeculo:''' the world, worldliness (eccl.).
: '''saeculo:''' the world, worldliness (eccl.).

: '''utique:'''(Adv.), doubtless.
: '''utique:''' 'doubtless'.

: ''suppresso . . . nomine'': 'anonymously'.
: '''suppresso . . . nomine:''' 'with the name having been suppressed', 'anonymously'.

: '''videtur:''' 'it seems best'.
: '''videtur:''' 'it seems best'.
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==Section 1==
==Section 1==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 1|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 1|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 1| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 1|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 1|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 1| vocabulary]]

'''Plerique mortales studio et gloriae saeculari inaniter dediti exinde perennem, ut putabant, memoriam nominis sui quaesierunt, si vitas clarorum virorum stilo illustrassent.'''  
:'''studio:''' '(literary) study', dative with ''dediti''.

:''Plerique'': = multi (late Lat.)
:'''gloriae saeculari''' 'worldly fame', dative with ''dediti''.

:''studio'': '(literary) study', dative with ''dediti''.
:'''exinde:''' 'from that source', looking forward to the main verb, ''quaesierunt''.

:''gloriae saeculari'': 'worldly fame', dative with ''dediti''.
:'''quaesierunt:''' 'sought' (> ''quaero, -ere, quaesii, quaesitum'').

:''exinde'': 'from that source', looking forward to the main verb, ''quaesierunt''.
:'''illustrassent:''' ''illustro'' (1), give glory or luster to. ''illustrassent'' = ''illustravissent'', plupf. subj. This sentence is a pointed reference to the famous preface to Sallust's ''Bellum Catilinae''[], in which he says, by way of justifying his decision to write history, "Since only a short span of life has been vouchsafed us, we must make ourselves remembered as long as may be by those who come after us" (trans. Handford).

:''quaesierunt'': 'sought' (> quaero, -ere, quaesii, quaesitum).
:'''utique:''' (Adv.) certainly, without a doubt.

:''illustrassent'': illustro (1), give glory or luster to. ''illustrassent'' = ''illustravissent'', plupf. subj. This sentence is a pointed reference to the famous preface to Sallust's ''Bellum Catilinae''[], in which he says, by way of justifying his decision to write history, "Since only a short span of life has been vouchsafed us, we must make ourselves remembered as long as may be by those who come after us" (trans. Handford).
:'''et . . . et:''' both . . . and.

'''quae res utique non perennem quidem, sed aliquantulum tamen conceptae spei fructum afferebat, quia et suam memoriam, licet incassum, propagabant, et propositis magnorum virorum exemplis non parva aemulatio legentibus excitabatur. sed tamen nihil ad beatam illam aeternamque vitam haec eorum cura pertinuit. quid enim aut ipsis occasura cum saeculo scriptorum suorum gloria profuit? aut quid posteritas emolumenti tulit legendo Hectorem pugnantem aut Socraten philosophantem?'''  
:'''licet incassum:''' 'though to no purpose' (adverbial, modifying ''propagabant'').

:''utique'': (Adv.) certainly, without a doubt.
:'''non parva aemulatio:''' 'no small desire to emulate' the deeds of great men--the conventional justification of biography among Roman writers.

:''et . . . et'': both . . . and.
:'''haec cura eorum:''' 'this study of theirs', i.e., the works of pagan biographers.

:''licet incassum'': 'though to no purpose' (adverbial, modifying ''propagabant'').
:'''ipsis:''' dative with ''profuit''.

:''non parva aemulatio'': 'no small desire to emulate' the deeds of great men--this is the conventional justification of biography among Roman writers.
:'''quid . . . emolumenti:''' 'what advantage' (''emolumenti'' is partitive genitive, [ A&G 356]).

:''haec cura eorum'': 'this study of theirs' (OLD s.v. ''cura'' 3b), i.e., the works of pagan biographers.
:'''tulit:''' 'derived (for itself)'

:''ipsis'': dative with ''profuit''.
:'''legendo Hectorem:''' 'by reading (about) Hector'

:''quid . . . emolumenti'': 'what advantage' (''emolumenti'' is partitive genitive, [ A&G 356]).
:'''sed non acerrime ... dementia:''' 'but it is also madness not to fight against them very strenuously'.

:''tulit'': 'derived (for itself)'
:'''quippe qui ... aestimantes:''' 'in as much as they valued human life on the basis of worldly deeds alone'.

:''legendo Hectorem'': 'by reading (about) Hector'
:'''cum hominis officium sit:''' 'although it is the duty of a human being' (''cum'' is concessive).

'''cum eos non solum imitari stultitia sit, sed non acerrime etiam impugnare dementia: quippe qui humanam vitam praesentibus tantum actibus aestimantes spes suas fabulis, animas sepulcris dederint: siquidem ad solam hominum memoriam se perpetuandos crediderunt, cum hominis officium sit, perennem potius vitam quam perennem memoriam quaerere, non scribendo aut pugnando vel philosophando, sed pie sancte religioseque vivendo.'''
:'''in tantum valuit:''' 'has become so strong' (> ''valesco, -ere'').

:''sed non acerrime ... dementia'': 'but it is also madness not to fight against them very strenuously'
:'''unde facturus mihi operae pretium videor:''' 'and so I seem to myself to be about to do something worthwhile', an allusion to the famous opening of the preface to Livy's History of Rome, ''facturusne operae pretium sim si a primordio urbis'' . . . .

:''quippe qui ... aestimantes'': 'in as much as they valued human life on the basis of worldly deeds alone'.
:'''exemplo aliis mox futuram:''' 'which will serve as an example for others later'. ''exemplo'' is 'predicative' dative or dative of purpose (Woodcock sec. 68, [ A&G 382]).

:''cum hominis officium sit'': 'although it is the duty of a human being' (''cum'' is concessive).
:'''utique . . . incitabuntur:''' 'will certainly be roused'. The indicative mood of the verb marks this as a confident assertion.

'''qui quidem error humanus litteris traditus in tantum valuit, ut multos plane aemulos vel inanis philosophiae vel stultae illius virtutis invenerit. unde facturus mihi operae pretium videor, si vitam sanctissimi viri, exemplo aliis mox futuram, perscripsero: quo utique ad veram sapientiam et caelestem militiam divinamque virtutem legentes incitabuntur. in quo ita nostri quoque rationem commodi ducimus, ut non inanem ab hominibus memoriam, sed aeternum a Deo praemium exspectemus, quia etsi ipsi non ita viximus, ut exemplo aliis esse possimus, dedimus tamen operam, ne is lateret qui esset imitandus.'''
:'''in quo ita nostri quoque rationem commodi ducimus, ut:''' 'in so doing I am taking into account my own advantage as well, in such a way that'. 'rationem ducere'' = 'take account of'. The first person plurals here and below (''expetemus'', ''viximus'', ''possimus'', ''dedimus'') refer to the author alone, but the tone is polite rather than pompous.

:''in tantum valuit'': 'has become so strong' (> valesco, -ere).
:'''dedimus . . . operam:''' 'I have devoted myself to the task'.

:''unde facturus mihi operae pretium videor'': 'and so I seem to myself to be about to do something worthwhile', an allusion to the famous opening of the preface to Livy's History of Rome, ''facturusne operae pretium sim si a primordio urbis'' . . . .
:'''ut se . . . gesserit:''' indirect question, 'how he conducted himself'.

:''exemplo aliis mox futuram'': 'which will serve as an example for others later'. ''exemplo'' is 'predicative' dative or dative of purpose (Woodcock sec. 68, [ A&G 382]).
:'''ad omnia illius . . . pervenire:''' 'to include all of his deeds'

:''utique . . . incitabuntur'': 'will certainly be roused'. The indicative mood of the verb marks this as a confident assertion.
:'''vel . . . vel:''' 'both . . . and' (late Lat.).

:''in quo ita nostri quoque rationem commodi ducimus, ut'': 'in so doing I am taking into account my own advantage as well, in such a way that'. For ''rationem ducere'' = 'take account of', see OLD s.v. ''ratio'' 8b. The first person plurals here and below (''expetemus'', ''viximus'', ''possimus'', ''dedimus'') refer to the author alone, but the tone is polite rather than pompous.
:'''in quibus ipse tantum sibi conscius fuit:''' 'to which only he himself was privy'.

:''dedimus . . . operam'': 'I have devoted myself to the task'.
:'''quantum in ipso fuit:''' 'as much as he could'

'''igitur sancti Martini vitam scribere exordiar, ut se vel ante episcopatum vel in episcopatu gesserit, quamvis nequaquam ad omnia illius potuerim pervenire: adeo ea, in quibus ipse tantum sibi conscius fuit, nesciuntur, quia laudem ab hominibus non requirens, quantum in ipso fuit, omnes virtutes suas latere voluisset. quamquam etiam ex his, quae comperta nobis erant, plura omisimus, quia sufficere credidimus, si tantum excellentia notarentur: simul et legentibus consulendum fuit, ne quod his pareret copia congesta fastidium. obsecro autem eos qui lecturi sunt, ut fidem dictis adhibeant, neque me quicquam nisi compertum et probatum scripsisse arbitrentur: alioquin tacere quam falsa dicere maluissem.'''
:'''voluisset:''' subjunctive because it is assumed to be true, rather than personally vouched for by the speaker. "No doubt because he wanted . . ." (A&G)

:''ut se . . . gesserit'': indirect question, 'how he conducted himself'.
:'''nobis:''' 'by me' (dative of agent), plural for singular, as with ''omisimus'' and ''credidimus'' below.

:''ad omnia illius . . . pervenire'': 'to include all of his deeds'
:'''si tantum excellentia notarentur:''' 'if outstanding deeds were merely pointed out'.

:''vel . . . vel'': 'both . . . and' (late Lat.).
:'''consulendum fuit:''' 'it was necessary to take thought for'.

:''in quibus ipse tantum sibi conscius fuit'': 'to which only he himself was privy'.
:'''ne quod his pareret copia congesta fastidium:''' 'lest a heaped-up abundance (of material) produce any annoyance for them', i.e., in the readers.

:''quantum in ipso fuit'': 'as much as he could'
:'''fidem . . . adhibeant:''' 'trust, believe in' (+ dat.).

:''voluisset'': subjunctive because is assumed to be true, rather than personally vouched for by the speaker. "No doubt because he wanted . . ."
:'''probatum:''' 'proven true'.

:''nobis'': 'by me' (dative of agent), plural for singular, as with ''omisimus'' and ''credidimus'' below.
:'''alioquin:''' 'otherwise'.

:''si tantum excellentia notarentur'': 'if outstanding deeds were merely pointed out' (OLD s.v. ''noto'' 11).
:'''maluissem:''' 'I would have preferred'

:''consulendum fuit'': 'it was necessary to take thought for'.
==Section 2==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 2|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 2|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 2| vocabulary]]
:''Desiderius, here is the Life of St. Martin you asked for. Please don't circulate it; or if you do, ask people to overlook its stylistic shortcomings and consider only the substance.''
:'''Sabaria:''' Savaria, mod. [ Szombathely], Hungary. An important town in the province of [ Upper Pannonia]. [,+Hungary&hl=en&ll=46.785016,16.468506&spn=6.59747,16.907959&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=60.028724,135.263672&t=p&z=7 Satellite image]. The emperor Septimius Severus was proclaimed Augutsus there, and Valentinian resided there for some time. [ Smith's Dictionary]. [Derek, we need a Google map of Pannonia showing the major Roman towns and roads if possible.]
:'''Pannoniarum:''' 'the Pannonias', a frontier zone along the Danube, including parts of modern Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. For military and administrative reasons Pannonia was successively subdivided until, in Martin's day, it included "Upper Pannonia" (Pannonia I and Savia, to the west) and and "Lower Pannonia" (Pannonia II and Valeria, to the east). Hence the plural "Pannonias." Pannonia was itself a subdivision of the larger area called Illyricum, embracing the whole Danube frontier area in the western Balkans.
:'''oriundus:''' 'born' (the date was c. 316-17 AD)
:'''Ticini:''' 'at [ Ticinum]' (locative), the modern Pavia in the Po valley, northern Italy.  A flourishing municipal town during the high empire, the main road that continued the Aemilian Way from Placentia to the foot of the Alps passed through it.  [Derek, make a Google map showing Po valley and Alps foot hills with ancient place names].
:'''parentibus:''' 'of parents', abl. of origin (A&G).
:'''saeculi dignitatem:''' 'the social status of the secular world'.
:'''primum . . . post:''' 'at first . . . later'.
:'''tribunus militum:''' 'commander', originally of a legion, but in this period of any active army detachment [Fontaine 2.437].
:'''scholares alas:''' 'imperial guard'. 
:'''Constantio:''' Flavius Iulius Constantius, or [ Constantius II], second son of Constantine I, emperor AD 337-361.
:'''Iuliano:''' Flavius Claudius Iulianus, or [ Julian the Apostate],emperor AD 361-3.
:'''illustris:''' 'remarkable'.
:'''spiravit:''' 'expressed the spirit of'. The subject is ''sacra . . . infantia''.
:'''invitis parentibus:''' 'against the will of his parents', abl. absolute.

:''ne quod his pareret copia congesta fastidium'': 'lest a heaped-up abundance (of material) produce any annoyance for them', i.e., in the readers. congesta > congero, -ere, -gessi, -gestum.
:'''mirum in modum:''' 'in an amazing way', 'amazingly'--a frequently used expression in this work.

:''fidem . . . adhibeant'': 'trust, believe' + dat.
:'''conversus:''' 'having (been) turned toward' (w/ ''in'' + abl.). Classical Latin would use ''in'' or ''ad'' + acc. with this word.

:''probatum'': 'proven true'.
:'''eremus:''' (sc. ''locus'') 'wilderness, desert'.

:''alioquin'': 'otherwise'.
:'''fecissetque votis satis:''' 'and he would have satisfied his desires' (> ''satis facere'' + dat., 'satisfy, give satisfaction to'). Pluperfect subj. in a contrary to fact condition. (A&G)
:'''meditabatur . . . quod . . . implevit:''' 'was rehearsing . . . that which . . . it carried out'.

:''maluissem'': 'I would have preferred'
:'''devotus:''' 'when dedicated completely' (to God).

==Section 2==
:'''edictum esset:''' 'it had been decreed' (> ''edico'').
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 2|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 2|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 2| vocabulary]]
:'''regibus:''' 'the emperors'. Beginning in the late 3rd century there were usually more than one, sharing power.
:'''scriberentur:''' 'be enrolled'.
:'''actibus:''' 'actions' (> actus -us m.)
:'''comite:''' 'as a companion' (> comes -itis m.).
:'''tantum:''' 'only' (Adv.).
:'''adeo ut:''' 'so much so, that' (a common way of introducing a result clause).
:'''cibum una caperet:''' 'ate together with'.
:'''hic:''' Martin.
:'''in armis fuit:''' 'was under arms', i.e., served as a soldier.
:'''multa illius . . . benignitas:'''  'much (was) the kindness of that man around his fellow-soldiers', i.e. 'he displayed much kindness toward his fellow-soldiers'. Classical Latin would prefer ''illi'' for ''illius'' and ''erga'' or ''in'' for ''circa''.
:'''qua usus est:''' 'which he had'.
:'''agebat quendam . . . baptismi candidatum:''' 'he was acting as a kind of candidate for baptism' (''quendam'' > ''quidam'').
:'''assistere...ferre, alere...vestire...reservare:''' these infinitives explain the previous clause: 'by aiding, by feeding' etc. For this 'epexegetic' use of the infinitive, see A&G.
:'''laborantibus:''' 'the suffering', substantive use of the participle (A&G).

'''Igitur Martinus Sabaria Pannoniarum oppido oriundus fuit, sed intra Italiam Ticini altus est, parentibus secundum saeculi dignitatem non infimis, gentilibus tamen.'''
:Pannoniae, -arum f. pl.: [ Pannonia], a province of the Roman empire on the eastern coast of the Adriatic.
:oriundus: 'born' (the date is c. 316-17 AD)
:secundum (prep. + acc.): 'according to'
:saeculi dignitatem: 'the social status of the secular world'
:infimis > infimus -a -um 'lowest' (superlative of inferus)
:gentilis -e, adj., heathen, pagan, non-Christian. The word is also found as a noun, gentilis -is m.
'''pater eius miles primum, post tribunus militum fuit. ipse armatam militiam in adulescentia secutus inter scolares alas sub rege Constantio, deinde sub Iuliano Caesare militavit: non tamen sponte, quia a primis fere annis divinam potius servitutem sacra illustris pueri spiravit infantia.'''
:tribunus militum: 'commander', originally of a legion, but in this period of any active army detachment [Fontaine 2.437].
:post: 'later' (Adv.)
:sc(h)olares alas (nom. scholares alae, f. pl.): a mounted imperial guard. ala -ae f. = cavalry detachment
:Constantio: Flavius Iulius Constantius, or [ Constantius II], second son of Constantine I, emperor AD 337-361.
:Iuliano: Flavius Claudius Iulianus, or [ Julian the Apostate],emperor AD 361-3.
:spiro (1) + acc.: 'to breath or express the spirit of' (OLD 6b). The subject is sacra . . . infantia.
'''nam cum esset annorum decem, invitis parentibus ad ecclesiam confugit seque catechumenum fieri postulavit. mox mirum in modum totus in Dei opere conversus, cum esset annorum duodecim, eremum concupivit, fecissetque votis satis, si aetatis infirmitas non obstitisset. animus tamen aut circa monasteria aut circa ecclesiam semper intentus meditabatur adhuc in aetate puerili, quod postea devotus implevit.'''
:mirum in modum: 'in an amazing way, amazingly', a frequently used expression in this work.
:conversus (w/ in + abl.): 'having (been) turned toward'. Classical Latin would use ''in'' or ''ad'' + acc. with this word.
:eremus (sc. locus): 'wilderness, desert'
:fecisset satis > satis facere + dat., 'satisfy, give satisfaction to'. Pluperfect subj. in a contrary to fact condition. 'He would have made good on his wishes'.
:meditabatur . . . quod . . . implevit: 'was rehearsing . . . that which . . . it carried out'.
:devotus: 'when dedicated completely' (i.e. to God).
'''sed cum edictum esset a regibus, ut veteranorum filii ad militiam scriberentur, prodente patre, qui felicibus eius actibus invidebat, cum esset annorum quindecim, captus et catenatus sacramentis militaribus implicatus est, uno tantum servo comite contentus, cui tamen versa vice dominus serviebat, adeo ut plerumque ei et calciamenta ipse detraheret et ipse detergeret, cibum una caperent, hic tamen saepius ministraret.'''
:edictum esset (> edico): 'it had been decreed'.
:regibus: 'the emperors'. Beginning in the late 3rd century there was usually more than one, sharing power.
:scribo, -ere, enroll
:actibus (> actus -us m.): 'actions'
:comite (> comes -itis m.): 'as a companion'.
:contentus -a -um + abl.: content with
:tantum: Adv., 'only'.
:adeo ut: 'so much so that' (a common way of introducing a result clause).
:hic = Martin
'''triennium fere ante baptismum in armis fuit, integer tamen ab iis vitiis, quibus illud hominum genus implicari solet.'''
:in armis fuit: 'was under arms', i.e., served as a soldier
'''multa illius circa commilitones benignitas, mira caritas, patientia vero adque humilitas ultra humanum modum. nam frugalitatem in eo laudari non est necesse, qua ita usus est, ut iam illo tempore non miles, sed monachus putaretur. pro quibus rebus ita sibi omnes commilitones devinxerat, ut eum miro affectu venerarentur.'''
:multa illius . . . benignitas (sc. erat): 'he displayed much kindness'.
:adque = atque (a common spelling in later Latin)
:usus est > utor, uti, usus est + abl., 'have, possess'.
:monachus -i m., monk.
:devinxerat > devincio, -ire, 'bind'.
'''necdum tamen regeneratus in Christo agebat quendam bonis operibus baptismi candidatum: assistere scilicet laborantibus, opem ferre miseris, alere egentes, vestire nudos, nihil sibi ex militiae stipendiis praeter cotidianum victum reservare: iam tum evangelii non surdus auditor de crastino non cogitabat.'''
:regeneratus -a -um, 'born again'.
:agebat quendam . . . baptismi candidatum: 'he was acting as a kind of candidate for baptism'. quendam > quidam.
:laborantibus: 'the suffering'
==Section 3==
==Section 3==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 3|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 3|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 3| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 3|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 3|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 3| vocabulary]]
:'''solit&#333; asperior:''' 'harsher than usual'. ''solito'' is abl. of comparison. (A&G)
:'''inhorruerat:''' 'raged'
:'''plerosque:''' 'very many people'  (> plerusque, -raque, -rumque)
:'''obvium habet:''' 'he met' (the tense is 'historical present', often used by Latin writers for vivid narration).
:'''Ambianensium civitatis:''' mod. [ Amiens], in the north of France. [,+France&hl=en&ll=49.05947,0.725098&spn=6.31417,16.907959&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=58.206849,49.482422&t=p&z=7 Satellite image.] [ Historical Map].
:'''ut sui misereret:''' 'to pity him', a jussive noun clause. (A&G)
:'''praeterirent:''' 'were passing by' (> ''praetereo''), impf. subj. in a circumstantial cum-clause (A&G).
:'''intellexit . . . sibi illum . . . reservari:''' 'understood that that man (the beggar) was being saved for himself (Martin).'
:'''Deo:''' abl. with ''plenus'', the regular construction with this adjective.
:'''quid tamen ageret?:''' 'But what could he do?' Deliberative subjunctive in the past, expressing helplessness  (Woodcock sec. 174.2b) (A&G).
:'''accinctus erat:''' 'had been girded', i.e. 'was wearing' (> accingo, -ere).
:'''mediam dividit partem:''' The splitting of the cloak was Martin's most famous act, frequently depicted in art, e.g. by El Greco (1597, [ National Gallery, Washington, DC])
:'''ridēre:''' 'laughed', historic infinitive, often used by Latin writers in vivid narrative (A&G).
:'''quia . . . videretur:''' 'because he seemed (to them)'. Subjunctive in a causal clause, where the reason cited is not the writer's own, but another's (Woodcock sec. 240) (A&G).
:'''truncatus habitu:''' 'mutilated with respect to his clothing', i.e. because of his ripped clothing. Ablative of specification (A&G).
:'''gemere:''' 'groaned', historic infinitive.
:'''quod . . . fecissent:''' for the subjunctive, see above on ''quia...videretur''.
:'''utique:''' 'doubtless, naturally'
:'''nocte . . . insecuta:''' 'during the following night'(> ''insequor, insequi, insecutus''). Ablative of time when or within which (A&G).
:'''chlamydis suae . . . parte:''' 'in the part of his own cloak'.
:'''qua:''' the antecedent is ''parte'' below.
:'''adhuc catechumenus:''' 'while still a [ catechumen]'.
:'''memor:'''  (sc. ''erat'') 'was mindful of'.
:'''Dominus:''' = ''Iesus''.
:'''quamdiu . . . fecistis:''' 'whatever you have done to the least of these, you have done to me', a quotation from ''Matthew'' 25:40. ''quamdiu'' = 'whatever, that which' (late Latin).
:'''se...ostendere:''' 'to show himself', 'to appear'.
:'''est dignatus:''' 'he deigned, he saw fit' (> ''dignor, -ari'').
:'''quo viso:''' 'when this had been seen' (abl. absol.)
:'''est elatus:''' 'was raised up' (> effero, efferre, extuli, elatum).
:'''ad babtismum convolavit:''' 'had recourse to baptism', 'was baptized'.
:'''militiae:''' dative with ''renuntiavit''.
:'''evictus:''' 'having been won over by' (> evinco, -ere).
:'''cui contubernium familiare. . . praestabat:''' 'to whom he continued to show friendly comradeship'. The Latin might imply that they lived in the same tent (''contubernium'' literally means the sharing of a tent, from ''con''- + ''taberna''), or that Martin served as an assistant to his superior officer (''contubernium'' is sometimes used of an official's or an officer's suite of assistants and advisers, see TLL 4.792.7). ''Praestare'' ("provide") makes the latter meaning likely; but in the context it is the soldierly friendship of the two men that is emphasized.
:'''transacto tribunatus sui tempore:''' 'when the time of his tribunate had been completed'.
:'''saeculo:''' dative with ''renuntiaturum''.
:'''est . . . consecutus:''' 'he obtained' (> ''consequor'').
:'''solo licet nomine:''' 'albeit in name only'.

'''Quodam itaque tempore, cum iam nihil praeter arma et simplicem militiae vestem haberet, media hieme, quae solito asperior inhorruerat, adeo ut plerosque vis algoris exstingueret, obvium habet in porta Ambianensium civitatis pauperem nudum: qui cum praetereuntes ut sui misererentur oraret omnesque miserum praeterirent, intellexit vir Deo plenus sibi illum, aliis misericordiam non praestantibus, reservari.'''
:solit&#333; asperior: 'harsher than usual'. solito is abl. of comparison.
:inhorruerat: 'raged'
:plerosque (> plerusque, -raque, -rumque): 'very many people'
:obvium habet: 'he met' (the tense is 'historical present', often used by Latin writers for vivid narration).
:civitas Ambianensium = [ Amiens], in France.
:''ut sui miseraret'' is a jussive noun clause. Start with ''oraret''.
:praeterirent (> praetereo, -ire): 'were passing by' (impf. subj. in a circumstantial cum-clause).
:intellexit . . . sibi illum . . . reservari: 'understood that that man (the beggar) was being saved for himself (Martin).'
:Deo: abl. with ''plenus'', the regular construction with this adjective.
'''quid tamen ageret? nihil praeter chlamydem, qua indutus erat, habebat: iam enim reliqua in opus simile consumpserat. arrepto itaque ferro, quo accinctus erat, mediam dividit partemque eius pauperi tribuit, reliqua rursus induitur. interea de circumstantibus ridere nonnulli, quia deformis esse truncatus habitu videretur: multi tamen, quibus erat mens sanior, altius gemere, quod nihil simile fecissent, cum utique plus habentes vestire pauperem sine sui nuditate potuissent.'''
:Deliberative subjunctive in the past, expressing helplessness, 'But what could he do?' (Woodcock sec. 174.2(b)).
:chlamys, chlamydis f., cloak.
:indutus erat > induo, -ere
:accinctus erat > accingo, -ere
:ridere (rideo, -ere): 'laughed', historic infinitive, often used by Latin writers in vivid narrative.
:quia . . . videretur: 'because he seemed (to them)', subjunctive in a causal clause, where the reason cited is not the writer's own, but another's (Woodcock sec. 240).
:truncatus habitu: lit. 'mutilated with respect to his clothing', i.e. because of his ripped clothing.
:gemere: 'groaned', historic infinitive.
:quod . . . fecissent: for the subjective, see note above on videretur.
:utique: 'doubtless, naturally'
'''nocte igitur insecuta, cum se sopori dedisset, vidit Christum chlamydis suae, qua pauperem texerat, parte vestitum. intueri diligentissime Dominum vestemque, quam dederat, iubetur agnoscere. mox ad angelorum circumstantium multitudinem audit Iesum clara voce dicentem: Martinus adhuc catechumenus hic me veste contexit.'''
:nocte . . . insecuta (> insequor, insequi): 'during the following night', ablative of time when or within which.
:chlamydis suae . . . parte: .in the part of his own cloak'.
:qua: the antecedent is ''parte'' below.
:catechumenus -i m., [ catechumen].
:adhuc catechumenus: 'while still a catechumen'
'''vere memor Dominus dictorum suorum, qui ante praedixerat: quamdiu fecistis uni ex minimis istis, mihi fecistis, se in paupere professus est fuisse vestitum: et ad confirmandum tam boni operis testimonium in eodem se habitu, quem pauper acceperat, est dignatus ostendere.'''
:memor (sc. erat): 'was mindful of'.
:Dominus = Iesus.
:quamdiu . . . fecistis: 'whatever you have done to the least of these, you have done to me', a quotation from ''Matthew'' 25.40. quamdiu = 'whatever, that which' is late Latin.
:in eodem se habitu: ''se'' is the direct object of ''ostendere'', 'to show himself in the same garb'.
:est dignatus (> dignor, -ari): 'he deigned, he saw fit.'
'''quo viso vir beatissimus non in gloriam est elatus humanam, sed bonitatem Dei in suo opere cognoscens, cum esset annorum duodeviginti, ad baptismum convolavit. nec tamen statim militiae renuntiavit, tribuni sui precibus evictus, cui contubernium familiare praestabat: etenim transacto tribunatus sui tempore renuntiaturum se saeculo pollicebatur. qua Martinus exspectatione suspensus per biennium fere posteaquam est baptismum consecutus, solo licet nomine, militavit.'''
:quo viso: 'when this had been seen' (abl. absol.)
:est elatus > effero, efferre, extuli, elatum, 'raise up'. The passive = 'to pride oneself, to be puffed up'.
:convolo (1) + ad, 'to have recourse to (some expedient)', OLD 2.
:militiae: dative with ''renuntiavit''.
:evictus (> evinco, -ere): 'having been won over by'.
:cui contubernium . . . praestabat: 'with whom he shared a friendly camaraderie'. The Latin might imply that they lived in the same tent (''contubernium'' literally means the sharing of a tent, from ''con''- + ''taberna''), or that Martin served as an assistant to his superior officer (''contubernium'' is sometimes used of an official's or an officer's suite of assistants and advisers, see TLL 4.792.7). Praestare ("provide") makes the latter meaning likely; but in the context it is the soldierly friendship of the two men that is emphasized.
:transacto tribunatus sui tempore: 'when the time of his tribunate had been completed'
:saeculo: dative with ''renuntiaturum''.
:est . . . consecutus > consequor.
:solo licet nomine: 'albeit in name only'.
==Section 4==
==Section 4==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 4|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 4|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 4| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 4|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 4|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 4| vocabulary]]
:'''irruentibus intra Gallias barbaris:''' the reference is to an invasion by Germans in 352; Julian's first counterattack came in 356 (Ammianus Marcellinus, ''History of the Later Roman Empire'' [ 16.2-3]). He began at Autun in Alcase and then moved to the Rhine, eventually pushing the Germans all the way back to Cologne.
:'''civitas Vangionum:''' [ Worms], on the Rhine in present day Germany, but then on the eastern frontier of Gaul.
:'''coacto:''' 'brought together' (> cogo, -ere, -egi, -actum)
:'''ventum est:''' 'it was come', i.e. 'they came'. Impersonal passive (A&G).
:'''ut est consuetundinis:''' 'as is of custom', i.e. 'as is customary'. A type of possessive genitive, cp. ''moris est'' (A&G).
:'''neque enim integrum sibi fore arbitrabatur:''' 'nor did he think that it would be honest for him'. ''fore'' = ''futurum esse''.
:'''patere:''' 'allow,'  'permit' (> ''patior, pati, passus sum''), 2s imperative.
:'''militem:''' 'serve as a soldier' (> ''milito'' (1)), subjunctive in a jussive noun clause (A&G).
:'''pugnaturus:''' '(the man) about to fight'. Substantival use of the participle (A&G).
:'''adversus hanc vocem:''' 'in response to this remark'
:'''grati&#257;:''' 'for the sake of', ablative with a preceding genitive (''religionis'').
:'''immo:''' 'on the contrary'.
:'''inlato sibi terrore:''' 'with intimidation having been applied to him' (abl. absol.) (''inlato'' > ''infero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum'').
:'''signo...clipeo...galea:''' abl. of means with ''protectus''.
:'''retrudi . . . in custodiam:''' 'to be held under arrest'.
:'''facturus fidem dictis:''' 'about to make good on his words'
:'''ut...obiceretur:''' 'so that he might be exposed', purpose clause after ''retrudi'' (A&G).
:'''dedentes:'''  'surrendering' (> ''dedo, -ere'').
:'''beati viri . . . fuisse:''' 'belonged to the blessed man', or 'was due to the blessed man' (possessive genitive).
:'''praestitum sit, ne:''' 'it was provided that he not', impersonal passive, followed by a purpose clause (A&G 566)
:'''licet:''' 'even'
:'''vel aliorum mortibus:''' 'even by the deaths of others'.
:'''sancti . . . obtut&#363;s:''' '(Martin's) sacred gaze', lit. 'gazes' (''obtutus, -us'' m.).
:'''exemit:''' 'removed' (> ''eximo'').
:'''neque . . . aliam . . . victoriam, quam ut:''' 'no other (type of) victory than that', followed by a substantive clause of result (A&G 571a).
:'''subactis sine sanguine hostibus:''' 'since the enemy was subdued without bloodshed' (abl. abs.)

'''Interea irruentibus intra Gallias barbaris Iulianus Caesar coacto in unum exercitu apud Vangionum civitatem donativum coepit erogare militibus, et, ut est consuetudinis, singuli citabantur, donec ad Martinum ventum est.'''
:irruentibus intra Gallias barbaris: the reference is to an invasion by Germans in 352; Julian's first counterattack came in 356 (Ammianus Marcellinus 16.2-3). He began at Autun in Alcase and then moved to the Rhine, eventually pushing the Germans all the way back to Cologne.
:civitas Vangionum = [ Worms], on the Rhine in present day Germany, but then on the eastern frontier of Gaul.
:coacto > cogo, -ere, -egi, -actum, bring together, collect.
:erogo (1), pay out of the public treasury.
:ventum est (> venio, -ire): 'they came', lit. 'it was come', impersonal passive.
:ut est consuetundinis (> consuetudo, -inis, f.): 'as is customary' lit. 'as is of custom', a type of possessive genitive. This is a later Latin usage (Dig., Augustine).
'''tum vero oportunum tempus existimans, quo peteret missionem - neque enim integrum sibi fore arbitrabatur, si donativum non militaturus acciperet -, "hactenus," inquit ad Caesarem, "militavi tibi:'''
:missio, -onis f., discharge (from the army)
:neque enim integrum sibi fore arbitrabatur: 'nor did he think that it would be honest for him'. fore = futurum esse.
'''patere ut nunc militem Deo: donativum tuum pugnaturus accipiat, Christi ego miles sum: pugnare mihi non licet."'''
:patere > patior, pati, passus sum, 2s imperative.
:militem > milito (1), subjunctive in a jussive noun clause.
:pugnaturus (>pugno [1]): '(the man) about to fight'. Substantival use of the participle.
'''tum vero adversus hanc vocem tyrannus infremuit dicens, eum metu pugnae, quae postero die erat futura, non religionis gratia detractare militiam.'''
:adversus hanc vocem: 'in response to this remark'
:grati&#257;: 'for the sake of', ablative with a preceding genitive (religionis).
'''at Martinus intrepidus, immo inlato sibi terrore constantior, si hoc, inquit, ignaviae adscribitur, non fidei, crastina die ante aciem inermis adstabo et in nomine Domini Iesu, signo crucis, non clipeo protectus aut galea, hostium cuneos penetrabo securus.'''
:immo, Adv., 'on the contrary'.
:inlato > infero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum: apply.
:inlato sibi terrore: 'with intimidation having been applied to him' (abl. absol.)
:inermis -e, adj., unarmed
'''retrudi ergo in custodiam iubetur, facturus fidem dictis, ut inermis barbaris obiceretur.'''
:retrudi . . . in custodiam: 'to be held under arrest'.
:facturus fidem dictis: 'about to make good on his words'
'''postero die hostes legatos de pace miserunt, sua omnia seque dedentes. unde quis dubitet hanc vere beati viri fuisse victoriam, cui praestitum sit, ne inermis ad proelium mitteretur.'''
:dedentes > dedo, -ere, surrender.
:beati viri . . . fuisse: 'belonged to the blessed man' or 'was due to the blessed man' (possessive genitive).
:praesto, -stare, -stiti, -stitum, furnish, provide.
:praestitum sit, ne: 'it was provided that he not' (impersonal passive use of the verb).
'''et quamvis pius Dominus servare militem suum licet inter hostium gladios et tela potuisset, tamen ne vel aliorum mortibus sancti violarentur obtutus, exemit pugnae necessitatem.'''
:licet: 'even'
:sancti . . . obtut&#363;s: '(Martin's) sacred gaze', lit. 'gazes' (obtutus, -us m.).
:vel aliorum martibus: 'even by the deaths of others'.
:exemit > eximo, -ere, -emi, -emtpum, remove.
'''neque enim aliam pro milite suo Christus debuit praestare victoriam, quam ut subactis sine sanguine hostibus nemo moreretur.'''
:neque . . . aliam . . . victoriam, quam ut: 'no other (type of) victory than that'
:subactis sine sanguine hostibus: 'since the enemy was subdued without bloodshed' (abl. abs.)
==Section 5==
==Section 5==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 5|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 5|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 5| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 5|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 5|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 5| vocabulary]]
:'''sanctum Hilarium Pictavae episcopum civitatis:''' [ St. Hilary], Bishop of [ Poitiers] (c. 315-367/8), the leading and most respected Latin theologian of his age.
:'''cuius...fides habebatur:''' 'whose faith was considered'.
:'''imposito diaconatus officio:''' 'by imposing on him the duty of being a deacon'.
:'''artius:''' 'more closely' (> ''artus -a -um'').
:'''vir altioris ingenii:''' 'a man of more noble character', genitive of description, or quality (A&G).
:'''id . . . officii . . . in quo:''' 'that (kind) of duty in which.' ''officii'' is partitive genitive (A&G).
:'''praecepit:''' 'taught'  (> ''praecipio'').
:'''ne despexisse . . . videretur:''' 'lest he seem to have despised it'. ''videretur'' is subjunctive in a purpose clause (A&G 531).
:'''humiliorem:''' 'too humble', 'too menial'.
:'''ut...visitaret:''' 'to visit', noun clause after a verb of warning (''admonitus'') (A&G)
:'''ex voluntate:''' 'in accordance with the wishes of'.
:'''ut ferunt:''' 'as they say'. ''Ferre'' is often used of vaguely reported hearsay. Sulpicius had informants in Martin's circle, as emerges later.
:'''contestatus fratribus:''' 'solemnly affirming to the brothers that . . .' (cp. TLL 4.690.50).
:'''multa se adversa passurum:''' (sc. ''esse''), 'he would endure many setbacks'.
:'''primum:''' 'first' in a series of events (contrast ''primo'', 'at the start', followed by a later development).
:'''devia:''' (sc. ''loca'') 'an unihabited region' (neut. pl. acc.)
:'''secutus:''' 'traversing'
:'''sec&#363;ri:'''  'axe' (> ''sec&#363;ris -is'' f., not to be confused with ''s&#275;curus -a -um'', 'without care').
:'''ferientis:''' 'of the one striking' (> ''ferio -ire''), substantival use of the participle (A&G).
:'''uni:'''  'to one' (of the brigands).
:'''quisnam:''' 'who?' A more emphatic equivalent of ''quis''.
:'''quia sciret:'''  'because he knew', subj. in a relative clause in indirect discourse, giving a reason or explanatory fact (A&G 592.3). The indirect statement begins at ''profitetur'' above and includes the infinitives ''fuisse'' and ''dolere''.
:'''utpote latrocinia exercens:''' 'as is to be expected when one is pursuing a life of brigandage'.
:'''qui...esset:''' 'because he was unworthy', subj. in a relative clause in indirect discourse, giving a reason or explanatory fact (A&G 592.3).
:'''quid longius morer?:''' 'why should I delay longer?', i.e., 'to make a long story short',  deliberative subjunctive (A&G 444).
:'''ut...precaretur:''' 'to pray', subj. in a jussive noun clause (A&G 563).
:'''rettulimus:'''  'I (lit. we) have recounted' (> ''refero'').
:'''audita:''' (sc. ''esse'') 'to have been heard'.

'''Exinde relicta militia sanctum Hilarium Pictavae episcopum civitatis, cuius tunc in Dei rebus spectata et cognita fides habebatur, expetiit et aliquamdiu apud eum commoratus est.'''
:sanctum Hilarium Pictavae episcopum civitatis: [ St. Hilary], Bishop of [ Poitiers] (c. 315-367/8), the leading and most respected Latin theologian of his age.
'''temptavit autem idem Hilarius imposito diaconatus officio sibi eum artius implicare et ministerio vincire divino. sed cum saepissime restitisset, indignum se esse vociferans, intellexit vir altioris ingenii, uno eum modo posse constringi, si id ei officii imponeret, in quo quidam locus iniuriae videretur: itaque exorcistam eum esse praecepit. quam ille ordinationem, ne despexisse tamquam humiliorem videretur, non repudiavit.'''
:artius (> artus -a -um, comp. artior): 'more closely', comparative adverb.
:imposito diaconatus offocio: 'by imposing on him the duty of being a deacon' (diaconatus -&#363;s m.).
:vir altioris ingenii: 'a man of more noble character', genitive of description (or quality).
:id . . . officii . . . in quo: 'that (kind) of duty in which.' ''officii'' is partitive genitive.
:praecepit > praecipio, -ere, teach
:ne despexisse . . . videretur: 'lest he seem to have despised it'. videretur is subjunctive in a fear clause.
'''nec multo post admonitus per soporem, ut patriam parentesque, quos adhuc gentilitas detinebat, religiosa sollicitudine visitaret, ex voluntate sancti Hilari profectus est, multis ab eo obstrictus precibus et lacrimis ut rediret. maestus, ut ferunt, peregrinationem illam ingressus est, contestatus fratribus, multa se adversa passurum: quod postea probavit eventus.'''
:gentilitas -tatis f.: paganism
:ex voluntate: 'in accordance with the wishes of'
:ut ferunt: 'as they say'. ''Ferre'' is often used of vaguely reported hearsay. Sulpicius had informants in Martin's circle, as emerges later.
:contestatus fratribus: 'solemnly affirming to the brothers that . . .' (cp. TLL 4.690.50).
:eventus -us m., the results, subsequent events. Here it is the subject of ''probavit''.
'''ac primum inter Alpes devia secutus incidit in latrones. cumque unus securi elevata in caput eius librasset ictum, ferientis dexteram sustinuit alter: vinctis tamen post tergum manibus uni asservandus et spoliandus traditur. qui cum eum ad remotiora duxisset, percontari ab eo coepit, quisnam esset.'''
:primum: 'first' in a series of events (contrast primo, 'at the start', followed by a later development).
:devia (sc. loca): 'an unihabited region' (neut. pl. acc.)
:secutus: 'traversing' (OLD s.v. sequor 19)
:sec&#363;ri > sec&#363;ris -is f., axe, hatchet. (not to be confused with s&#275;curus -a -um, 'without care').
:ferientis (> ferio -ire): 'of the one striking', substantival use of the participle.
:uni (dat.): 'to one' (of the brigands)
:quisnam: a somewhat more emphatic equivalent of quis, 'who'?
'''respondit Christianum se esse. quaerebat etiam ab eo an timeret. tum vero constantissime profitetur, numquam se tam fuisse securum, quia sciret misericordiam Domini maxime in temptationibus adfuturam: se magis illi dolere, qui Christi misericordia utpote latrocinia exercens esset indignus.'''
:quia sciret (impf. subj.): 'because he knew'; all subordinate clauses in indirect discourse have verbs in the subjunctive. The indirect statement begins at ''profitetur'' above and includes the infinitives ''fuisse'' and ''dolere''.
:utpote latrocinia exercens: 'as is to be expected when one is pursuing a life of brigandage'.
'''ingressusque evangelicam disputationem verbum Dei latroni praedicabat. quid longius morer? latro credidit prosecutusque Martinum viae reddidit, orans ut pro se Dominum precaretur. idemque postea religiosam agens vitam visus est, adeo ut haec, quae supra rettulimus, ex ipso audita dicantur.'''
:praedico (1), preach
:quid longius morer?: 'why ought I delay longer?', i.e., 'to make a long story short.' The subjunctive ''morer'' (> moror, -ari) is deliberative.
:precaretur > precor, -ari, -atus sum, address entreaties to, supplicate, beseech, pray to. Subjunctive in a jussive noun clause.
:rettulimus (> refero): 'I (lit. we) have recounted'.
:audita (sc. esse): 'to have been heard'.
==Section 6==
==Section 6==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 6|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 6|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 6| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 6|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 6|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 6| vocabulary]]
:'''Mediolanum:''' [ Mediolanum], -i n., mod. [ Milan], in northern Italy.
:'''se ei obvium tulit:''' 'brought himself in the way for him', i.e., 'met him'.
:'''quo:''' 'where' (Adv.)
:'''id . . . responsi:''' 'the following response' (introducing indirect statement). The genitive is partitive.(A&G)
:'''quocumque ieris:''' 'wherever you go' (> ''eo, ire''), future perfect where Eng. would use future or present (A&G 478).
:'''inimicus evanuit:''' 'the devil vanished' (> ''evanesco'').
:'''haeresis Arriana:''' the [ Arrian heresy], the principal heresy which denied the divinity of Jesus Christ, so called after its author, Arius (d. 336). The controversy between it and its ultimately successful rival, the Orthodox version of Christianity, was the major political/theological struggle of the fourth century. Martin and Hilary, like most of the Western clergy, were staunchly Orthodox.
:'''Illyricum:''' a vague term embracing the whole of the Danube frontier area in the western and central Balkans. It included Pannonia, Martin's home district.
:'''pullulasset:''' 'had spread', = ''pullulavisset'' (> ''pullulo'' (1)).
:'''solus paene:''' 'almost alone'. ''paene'' often modifies the word it follows.
:'''virgis caesus est:''' 'was beaten with sticks', 'was flogged'.
:'''civitate:''' 'city' (a later Latin sense), presumably Sabaria in Upper Pannonia, where Martin's parents lived.
:'''ad extremum:''' 'finally'
:'''cum . . . comperisset:''' 'when he had learned'  (> ''comperio, -ire'').
:'''coegerat:''' 'had compelled' (> ''cogo'').
:'''turbatam:'''  (sc. ''esse'') 'had been thrown into confusion', infinitive in indirect statement after ''comperisset''.
:'''Auxentius:''' [ Auxentius bishop of Milan], and the most prominent supporter of Arianism in the West (d. 373 or 374).
:'''cedendum itaque tempori arbitratus:''' 'and so, having decided that he should yield to circumstances'. ''cedendum'' (sc. ''esse'') is impersonal passive (A&G 208d).
:'''Gallinaria:''' [,+Italy&sll=44.393193,8.936863&sspn=0.048451,0.110378&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Albenga+Savona,+Liguria,+Italy&ll=44.033308,8.232708&spn=0.048748,0.110378&t=h&z=13 Isola Gallinaria], a small island off the coast of Albegna, in Luguria.
:'''ut ferunt:''' 'so they say', parenthetical.
:'''in cibum:''' 'as food'.
:'''vicina iam morte:''' 'and death was already upon him', ablative absolute.
:'''indultam fuisse:''' 'had been granted' (> ''indulgeo'').
:'''Romae:''' 'at Rome', locative.

'''Igitur Martinus inde progressus cum Mediolanum praeterisset, diabolus in itinere, humana specie assumpta, se ei obvium tulit, quo tenderet quaerens.'''
[ Mediolanum], -i n., mod. Milan, a city in N. Italy.
:se ei obvium tulit: 'brought himself in the way for him', i.e., met him.
:quo (Adv.), where, wither
'''cumque id a Martino responsi accepisset, se quo Dominus vocaret intendere, ait ad eum: quocumque ieris vel quaecumque temptaveris, diabolus tibi adversabitur. tunc ei prophetica voce respondens, Dominus mihi, inquit, adiutor est: non timebo, quid faciat mihi homo. statimque de conspectu eius inimicus evanuit.'''
:id . . . responsi: 'the following response' (introducing indirect statement). The genitive is partitive.
:ieris > eo, ire
:evanuit > evanesco
:inimicus, -i, m., the devil
'''itaque ut animo ac mente conceperat, matrem a gentilitatis absolvit errore, patre in malis perseverante: plures tamen suo salvavit exemplo.'''
:gentilitas, -tatis f., heathenism, paganism.
'''Dehinc cum haeresis Arriana per totum orbem et maxime intra Illyricum pullulasset, cum adversus perfidiam sacerdotum solus paene acerrime repugnaret multisque suppliciis esset affectus - nam et publice virgis caesus est et ad extremum de civitate exire compulsus - Italiam repetens, cum intra Gallias quoque discessu sancti Hilari, quem ad exsilium haereticorum vis coegerat, turbatam ecclesiam comperisset, Mediolani sibi monasterium statuit. ibi quoque eum Auxentius, auctor et princeps Arrianorum, gravissime insectatus est, multisque affectum iniuriis de civitate exturbavit.'''
:haeresis Arriana: the [ Arrian heresy], the principal heresy which denied the divinity of Jesus Christ, so called after its author, Arius (d. 336). The controversy between it and its ultimately successful rival, the Orthodox version of Christianity, was the major political/theological struggle of the fourth century. Martin and Hilary, like most of the Western clergy, were staunchly Orthodox.
:pullulasset = pullulavisset > pullulo (1) grow, spread.
:solus paene: 'almost alone'. paene often modifies the word it follows.
:esset adfectus > adficio, -ficere, -feci, -fectum, to visit with (death, torture, punishment, etc.) + abl.
:caesus est > caedo
:civitate: 'city' (a later Latin sense), presumably Sabaria in Illyricum, where Martin's parents lived.
:ad extremum: 'finally'
:cum . . . comperisset (>comperio, -ire): 'when he had learned'
:coegerat (> cogo): had compelled
:turbatam (sc. esse): 'had been thrown into confusion', infinitive in indirect statement.
:Auxentius: bishop of Milan, and the most prominent supporter of Arianism in the West (d. 373 or 374).
'''cedendum itaque tempori arbitratus ad insulam, cui Gallinaria nomen est, secessit comite quodam presbytero, magnarum virtutum viro. hic aliquamdiu radicibus vixit herbarum: quo tempore helleborum, uenenatum, ut ferunt, gramen, in cibum sumpsit.'''
:cedendum itaque tempori arbitratus: 'and so, having decided that he should yield to circumstances'. cedendum (sc. esse) is impersonal passive.
:Gallinaria: [,+Italy&sll=44.393193,8.936863&sspn=0.048451,0.110378&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Albenga+Savona,+Liguria,+Italy&ll=44.033308,8.232708&spn=0.048748,0.110378&t=h&z=13 Isola Gallinaria], a small island off the coast of Albegna, in Luguria.
:presbyter, -eri, m., priest
:ut ferunt: 'so they say', parenthetical.
'''sed cum vim veneni in se grassantis vicina iam morte sensisset, imminens periculum oratione repulit statimque omnis dolor fugatus est.'''
:vicina iam morte: 'and death was already upon him', ablative absolute.
'''nec multo post, cum sancto Hilario comperisset regis paenitentia potestatem indultam fuisse redeundi, Romae ei temptavit occurrere profectusque ad urbem est.'''
:indultam fuisse > indulgeo, -dulg&#275;re, -dulsi, -dultum, grant, allow.
:Romae: locative
==Section 7==
==Section 7==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 7|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 7|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 7| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 7|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 7|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 7| vocabulary]]
:'''est vestigiis prosecutus:''' 'he followed in his footsteps', meant literally here.
:'''fuisset susceptus:''' 'he had been received'. Classical Latin would have ''esset'' for ''fuisset''. This so-called 'shifted' pluperfect subjunctive is typical of later and vulgar Latin (H-S sec. 179), and occurs frequently in this work.
:'''oppido:''' 'the town', i.e. Poitiers.
:'''ei:''' 'to Martin'
:'''languore correptus:''' 'having contracted an illness'.
:'''forte:''' 'by chance'.
:'''absque baptismate:''' 'without baptism'. It was common in this period to put off baptism to the end of life, so as to avoid sinning after it.
:'''corpus . . . officio:''' 'his body, placed in a central location, was crowded with the sad duty of the mourning brothers', i.e., the brothers were crowding around the body and mourning.
:'''cum . . . accurrit:''' indicative in a 'inverted' cum-clause, indicating that this, rather than the apparently main verb, is the true point of the sentence. (A&G) The historic present tense adds vividness.
:'''egredi...ceteros iubet:''' 'he ordered the rest to leave'. The position of ''egredi'' makes it emphatic.
:'''incubuisset:''' 'had devoted himself to' (> ''incumbo'' + dat.).
:'''defuncti:'''  'of the dead man' (> ''defungor''), substantival use of the participle.
:'''virtutem:''' 'miracle-working power'. ''virtus'' = 'miracle' or 'miracle-working power' is common in Christian Latin.
:'''in defuncti ora defixus:'''  'looking intently upon the face of the dead man'.
:'''laxatis in usum videndi palpitare luminibus:'''  'quivering in his (now) opened eyes for the power of seeing', i.e. 'blinking to regain his sight' (White).
:'''membris omnibus:''' abl. of respect, specifying the location of the action of the verb (''commoveri''). ''laxatis . . . luminibus'' fills the same function for ''palpitare''.
:'''foribus:''' 'doors'.
:'''virtutum:''' 'miracles'.
:'''erat solitus:''' 'had been accustomed' (> ''soleo, -&#275;re'').
:'''corpore exutum:''' 'having shed his body'.
:'''deputandumque:''' 'and that he was to be condemned'. This gerundive expresses the content of the verdict (''sententia'') referred to just below. ''Deputo'' = 'designate, assign, condemn' is post-classical. The -''que'' joins the infinitives ''ductum (esse)'' and ''excepisse''.
:'''tristem excepisse sententiam:''' 'had received the grim verdict'
:'''iudici fuisse suggestum:''' 'that it had been brought to the attention of the judge that'.
:'''hunc esse pro quo:''' 'this was (the man) for whom'
:'''iussum . . . redditum . . . resitutum:''' infinitives, with ''esse'' left out, in indirect statement after ''referre'', above.
:'''enituit:''' 'became well-known', literally 'became bright' (> ''enitesco, -nitescere, -nitui'').
:'''ut . . . haberetur:''' 'with the result that he was considered'.

'''Cum iam Hilarius praeterisset, ita eum est vestigiis prosecutus: cumque ab eo gratissime fuisset susceptus, haud longe sibi ab oppido monasterium collocavit, quo tempore se ei quidam catechumenus iunxit, cupiens sanctissimi viri institui disciplinis: paucisque interpositis diebus languore correptus vi febrium laborabat.'''
:est . . . prosecutus > prosequor.
:vestigiis (vestigium -i n.): 'in his tracks, in his footsteps'.
:fuisset susceptus > suscipio, -ere, receive
:oppido: 'the town', i.e. Poitiers
:ei: 'to Martin'
:quidam catechumenus: 'as a kind of catechumen'.
:languore correptus (corripio, -ripere, -ripui, -reptum): 'having contracted an illness'. The antecedent is Hilary.
'''ac tum Martinus forte discesserat: et cum per triduum defuisset, regressus exanime corpus invenit: ita subita mors fuerat, ut absque baptismate humanis rebus excederet. corpus in medio positum tristi maerentium fratrum frequentabatur officio, cum Martinus flens et eiulans accurrit.'''
:forte (Adv.): 'by chance'.
:absque = sine
:baptisma -matis n., baptism.
:corpus . . . officio: lit. 'his body, placed in a central location, was crowded with the sad duty of the mourning brothers', i.e., the brothers were crowding around the body and mourning.
:cum . . . accurrit: indicative in a 'inverted' cum-clause, indicating that this, rather than the apparently main verb, is the true point of the sentence. The historic present tense adds vividness.
'''tum vero tota sanctum spiritum mente concipiens egredi cellulam, in qua corpus iacebat, ceteros iubet, ac foribus obseratis super exanimata defuncti fratris membra prosternitur. et cum aliquamdiu orationi incubuisset sensissetque per spiritum Domini adesse virtutem, erectus paululum et in defuncti ora defixus, orationis suae ac misericordiae Domini intrepidus exspectabat eventum: vixque duarum fere horarum spatium intercesserat, videt defunctum paulatim membris omnibus commoveri et laxatis in usum videndi palpitare luminibus.'''
:egredi (> egredior): infinitive after ''iubet'', which follows.
:incubuisset > incumbo + dat., apply oneself vigorously to, devote one's energy to (a task).
:virtutem: 'miracle-working power'. virtus = 'miracle' or 'miracle-working power' is common in Christian Latin.
:defuncti (> defungor): 'of the dead man', substantival use of the participle.
:defixus (> defigo, -ere) in: 'with his sight fixed upon'.
:laxatis in usum videndi palpitare luminibus: 'blinking to regain his sight' (White).
:membris omnibus: abl. of respect, specifying the exact location of the action of the verb (commoveri). laxatis . . . luminibus fills the same function for palpitare.
'''tum vero magna ad Dominum voce conversus gratias agens cellulam clamore compleverat: quo audito qui pro foribus adstiterant statim irruunt. mirum spectaculum, quod videbant vivere, quem mortuum reliquissent.'''
:foribus > fores (f. pl.), doors.
'''ita redditus vitae, statim baptismum consecutus plures postea vixit annos, primusque apud nos Martini virtutum vel materia vel testimonium fuit.'''
:baptismum -i n., an alternate, Latinized form of baptisma, -atis n., 'baptism'.
:virtutum: 'miracles'.
'''idem tamen referre erat solitus, se corpore exutum ad tribunal iudicis ductum deputandumque obscuris locis et vulgaribus turbis tristem excepisse sententiam: tum per duos angelos iudici fuisse suggestum, hunc esse pro quo Martinus oraret: ita per eosdem angelos se iussum reduci, et Martino redditum vitaeque pristinae restitutum.'''
:erat solitus > soleo, -&#275;re.
:corpore exutum: 'having shed his body' (exutum > exuo, -ere, strip)
:deputandumque: 'and that he was to be condemned'. This gerundive expresses the content of the verdict (''sententia'') referred to just below. ''Deputo'' = 'designate, assign, condemn' is post-classical. The -''que'' joins the infinitives ''ductum (esse)'' and ''excepisse''.
:tristem excepisse sententiam: 'received the grim verdict' (excipio, -ere, receive, greet [a speech, information, etc.], OLD 9)
:iudici fuisse suggestum: 'that it had been brought to the attention of the judge that'. suggero, -gerere, -gessi, -gestum + dat., supply (words, ideas, etc.) to someone (OLD 3c). iudici > iudex, iudicis m.
:hunc esse pro quo: 'this was (the man) for whom'
:iussum . . . redditum . . . resitutum: these are all infinitives, with ''esse'' left out, in indirect statement after ''referre'', above.
'''ab hoc primum tempore beati viri nomen enituit, ut qui sanctus iam ab omnibus habebatur, potens etiam et vere apostolicus haberetur.'''
:enituit > enitesco, -nitescere, -nitui, become well-known, 'shine'.
:ut . . . haberetur: result clause.
==Section 8==
==Section 8==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 8|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 8|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 8| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 8|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 8|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 8| vocabulary]]
:'''honorati secundum saeculum viri:''' 'an honored man, according to the (standards of the) secular world.'
:'''excipitur:''' 'was greeted by', 'encountered', historical present.
:'''quis esset hic fletus:''' 'what was (the reason for) this lamentation', subj. in indirect question after ''inquireret''.
:'''laqueo sibi vitam extorsisse:''' 'had wrenched life away from him self by means of a noose', i.e. 'had hanged himself' (> ''extorqueo'').
:'''supertratus:''' 'spread out on top of' (> '''supersterno''' + dat.).
:'''marcescentibus oculis:''' 'his eyes being (still) weak', 'his eyes still heavy' (White), ablative absolute.
:'''in ora illius defunctus erigitur:''' 'the dead man was revived  (and looked) into the face of that man', i.e. of Martin.
:'''enisus:''' 'having struggled, struggling' (> ''enitor'').

'''Nec multo post, dum agrum Lupicini cuiusdam honorati secundum saeculum viri praeteriret, clamore et luctu turbae plangentis excipitur,'''
:honorati secundum saeculum viri: 'an honored man, according to the standards of the secular world.'
'''ad quam cum sollicitus adstitisset et quis esset hic fletus inquireret, indicatur unum ex familia servulum laqueo sibi vitam extorsisse. quo cognito cellulam, in qua corpus iacebat, ingreditur, exclusisque omnibus turbis superstratus corpori aliquantisper oravit.'''
:quis esset hic fletus: 'what was the reason for this lamentation' (subj. in indirect qu.)
:extorsisse > extorqueo
:supertratus (> supersterno): 'spread out on top of'
:corpori: dat. with superstratus
'''mox vivescente vultu, marcescentibus oculis in ora illius defunctus erigitur: lentoque conamine enisus adsurgere, apprehensa beati viri dextera in pedes constitit: adque ita cum eo usque ad vestibulum domus, turba omni inspectante, processit.'''
:marcescentibus oculis: 'his eyes still heavy' (White)
:in ora illius: 'in(to) the face of that man', i.e. face to face with Martin.
:enisus (>enitor): 'having struggled, struggling'
:adque = atque
==Section 9==
==Section 9==
'''Sub idem fere tempus ad episcopatum Turonicae ecclesiae petebatur: sed cum erui monasterio suo non facile posset, Rusticius quidam, unus e civibus, uxoris languore simulato ad genua illius provolutus ut egrederetur obtinuit.'''
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 9|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 9|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 9| vocabulary]]
:'''ad episcopatum Touronicae ecclesiae petebatur:''' 'he was sought (as a candidate) for the episcopacy of [ Tours]', ancient [ Caesarodunum], a small Gallo-Roman town in the region occupied by the minor Gallic tribe the Turoni, south of the river Loire in France. [,+France&hl=en&ll=46.581518,1.087646&spn=6.622315,16.907959&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=60.028724,135.263672&t=p&z=7 Satellite image]. It became a large city, the center of a great archdiocese, and a pilgrimage site thanks to the posthumous fame of St. Martin. In the early fourth century there were twenty-two bishops in all of Gaul, by the end of that century there were seventy. The date here is 370.
:'''erui:''' 'to be uprooted' (> ''eruo, -ere'').
:'''ut egrederetur obtinuit:''' 'convinced him to leave' (his cell).
:'''civitatem:''' 'the city,' i.e. Tours.
:'''ad suffragia ferenda:''' 'to cast their votes'.
:'''episcopat&#363;s:''' genitive with ''dignissimum''
:'''fore:''' = ''futurum esse''
:'''ad constituendum antistitem:''' 'for the purpose of installing a bishop'  

:episcopatus -us m., episcopacy, office of a bishop.
:Touronicus -a -um, 'of Tours' (ancient Caesarodunum), the main city of the region occupied by the Turoni, south of the river Loire in France.
:petebatur: the subject is Martin
:erui > eruo, -ere
:ut egrederetur obtinuit: 'convinced him to leave (his cell)'
'''ita dispositis iam in itinere civium turbis, sub quadam custodia ad civitatem usque deducitur. mirum in modum incredibilis multitudo non solum ex illo oppido, sed etiam ex vicinis urbibus ad suffragia ferenda convenerat.'''
:civitatem: 'the city,' i.e. Tours.
:ad suffragia ferenda: 'to cast their votes'.
'''una omnium voluntas, eadem vota eademque sententia, Martinum episcopatus esse dignissimum: felicem fore tali ecclesiam sacerdote. pauci tamen et nonnulli ex episcopis, qui ad constituendum antistitem fuerant evocati, impie repugnabant, dicentes scilicet, contemptibilem esse personam, indignum esse episcopatu hominem vultu despicabilem, veste sordidum, crine deformem.'''
:episcopat&#363;s: genitive with dignissimum
:fore = futurum esse
:antistes, -stitis m., priest, bishop
:ad constituendum antistitem: 'to install the bishop'.
:fuerant evocati: 'had been summoned', = ''erant evocati''.
:fuerant evocati: 'had been summoned', = ''erant evocati''.
:indignum esse episcopatu hominem vultu despicabilem: start with ''hominem'', '(they said that) a man reprehensible in his appearance . . . was unworthy of the episcopacy'. (''indignum'' takes the ablative).
:despicabilis -e, reprehensible (check TLL).
:'''indignum esse episcopatu hominem vultu despicabilem:''' '(they said that) a man reprehensible in his appearance was unworthy of the episcopacy'. (''indignum'' takes the ablative).
'''ita a populo sententiae sanioris haec illorum inrisa dementia est, qui illustrem virum dum vituperare cupiunt praedicabant. nec vero aliud his facere licuit, quam quod populus Domino volente cogitabat. inter episcopos tamen qui adfuerant praecipue Defensor quidam dicitur restitisse: unde animadversum est graviter illum lectione prophetica tum notatum.'''
:sententiae sanioris: 'of sounder opinion', genitive of characteristic, with ''populo''.
:'''sententiae sanioris:''' 'of sounder opinion', genitive of characteristic, with ''populo''.
:haec illorum inrisa dementia est: 'this madness of theirs was ridiculed' (inrisa est > inrideo).
:qui: the antecedent is illorum.
:'''haec illorum inrisa dementia est:''' 'this madness of theirs was ridiculed' (> ''inrideo'').
:illustrem virum praedicabant: 'were proclaiming him (to be) an excellent person'
:his: i.e. the bishops hostile to Martin.
:'''qui:''' the antecedent is ''illorum'', Martin's critics.
:aliud . . . quam quod: 'something other than that which'.
:adfuerant = aderant, 'were present'.
:'''illustrem virum praedicabant:''' 'were proclaiming him (to be) an excellent person'
:unde animadversum est graviter illum lectione prophetica tum notatum: 'and for that reason (''unde'') it was observed (''animadversum est'' > ''animadverto'', impersonal passive) that that man was sternly rebuked (''notatum'' [''esse''] > ''noto'' [1]) at that time in a prophetic public reading'.
'''nam cum fortuito lector, cui legendi eo die officium erat, interclusus a populo defuisset, turbatis ministris, dum exspectatur qui non aderat, unus e circumstantibus sumpto psalterio, quem primum versum invenit, arripuit.'''
:'''his:''' i.e. the bishops hostile to Martin.
:interclusus: 'having been shut out' (> intercludo).
:ministris (> minister): servants of the church, an order lower than that of the deacons. Cp. Optat. 1.13, 2.14 [Blaise].
:'''aliud . . . quam quod:''' 'something other than that which'.
:psalterium, -i n., psaltry, the Book of Psalms.
:quem primum versum invenit, arripuit: 'the first verse he found, he sized upon (''arripuit'' > ''adripio'', -''ere'') it (and read it out)'. The anrecedent of quem is versum.
:'''adfuerant:''' = ''aderant'', 'were present'.
'''psalmus autem hic erat: ex ore infantium et lactantium perfecisti laudem propter inimicos tuos, ut destruas inimicum et defensorem. quo lecto clamor populi tollitur, pars diversa confunditur.'''
:psalmus, -i m., psalm
:'''unde animadversum est graviter illum lectione prophetica tum notatum:''' 'from which cause (i.e. because of his name) it was observed that that man was sternly rebuked at that time in a prophetic public reading'. ''animadversum est'' is impersonal passive, > ''animadverto''.
:ex ore . . . defensorem: a quotation from the Latin version of ''Psalm'' 8.3, "Your majesty is praised as high as the heavens, from the mouths of babes and infants at the breast. You have established a bulwark against your adversaries to restrain the enemy and the avenger" (Oxford Study Bible, from the Hebrew). The key word is the last, ''defensorem'', which was taken as a fortuitous allusion to Martin's opponent Defensor.
:lactantium: 'sucklings'.
:'''interclusus:''' 'having been shut out' (> ''intercludo'').
:propter = 'against' is late and vulgar Latin [check TLL].
:pars diversa: 'the opposing faction'.
:'''ministris:''' 'servants' of the church, an order lower than that of the deacons. Cp. Optatus, ''Against the Donatists'' (AD 367) [ 1.13], [ 2.14] [Blaise].
'''atque ita habitum est, divino nutu psalmum hunc lectum fuisse, ut testimonium operis sui Defensor audiret, qui ex ore infantium atque lactantium, in Martino Domini laude perfecta, et ostensus pariter et destructus esset inimicus.'''
:ita habitum est: 'it was thought that'.
:'''quem primum versum invenit, arripuit:''' 'the first verse he found, he sized upon it (and read it out)' (''arripuit'' > ''adripio'', -''ere''). The antecedent of ''quem'' is ''versum''.
:lectum fuisse: 'had been read' = ''lectum esse''
:et ostensus pariter et destructus esset inimicus: 'had been at the same time both revealed as the enemy and destroyed (as the enemy).'
:'''ex ore . . . defensorem:''' a quotation from the Latin version of ''Psalm'' 8.3, "Your majesty is praised as high as the heavens, from the mouths of babes and infants at the breast. You have established a bulwark against your adversaries to restrain the enemy and the avenger" (''Oxford Study Bible'', from the Hebrew). The key word is the last, ''defensorem'', which was taken as a fortuitous allusion to Martin's opponent Defensor.
:'''lactantium:''' 'sucklings'.
:'''propter:''' 'against' (a late and vulgar Latin meaning).
:'''pars diversa:''' 'the opposing faction'.
:'''atque ita habitum est:''' 'and so it was thought that'.
:'''lectum fuisse:''' 'had been read' = ''lectum esse''
:'''et ostensus pariter et destructus esset inimicus:''' 'had been at the same time both revealed as the enemy and destroyed (as the enemy).'
==Section 10==
==Section 10==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 10|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 10|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 10| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 10|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 10|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 10| vocabulary]]
:'''qualem se quantumque praestiterit:''' 'what sort of person, and how great, he showed himself to be' (indirect question after ''evolvere'', below).
:'''non est nostrae facultatis evolvere:''' 'it is not within my capability to describe' (''facultatis'' is genitive of characteristic, A&G).
:'''perseverabat:''' 'he steadfastly continued (to be)'.
:'''idem . . . qui:''' 'the same person that'.
:'''ita . . . ut:''' 'in such a way that'. ''ita'' modifies the verb, ''implebat''.
:'''dignitatem:''' 'office'
:'''frequentantium:''' 'of the crowds of visitors' (lit., 'of the thronging ones', > ''frequento'' [1]).
:'''non desideraret:''' 'would not lack'
:'''latere:''' 'side' (> ''latus, lateris'' n.).
:'''Liger fluvius:''' the [ Loire].
:'''reducto paululum sinu:''' 'with a curve having been drawn back a little', i.e. 'in a slight bend' of the river.
:'''una tantum eademque arta admodum via:''' 'by only a single road, and quite a narrow one at that'.
:'''superiecti:''' 'above' (> ''super-iacio''), opp. ''subiectus'', 'below'.
:'''receptacula:''' 'shelters'(''receptaculum, -i,'' n.).
:'''ad exemplum:''' 'in accordance with the example'
:'''ut plerisque monachis moris est:''' 'as is customary for very many monks'.
:'''ars nulla habebatur:''' 'no craft/trade was practiced'.
:'''minor aetas . . . maiores:''' 'the younger men  . . . the older men'.
:'''noverat:''' 'was acquainted with' (> ''nosco, -ere, novi, notum'').
:'''camelorum saetis vestiebantur:''' imported rough camel-hair garments were part of an effort to evoke and recreate the Egyptian desert roots of asceticism. See John Cassian, ''Institutes'', [ Book 1] ("The Garb of Monks"). John the Baptist also wore a camel-hair coat (''Matthew'' 3.4). []
:'''pro crimine erat:''' 'was considered a serious offense'.
:'''quod eo magis sit mirum necesse est, quod:''' 'a thing that must be all the more remarkable because'. ''sit'' is subjunctive in a subordinate clause after ''necesse est'', which is common and classical.
:'''longe aliter educati:''' 'though brought up in a far different manner' (concessive participial phrase).
:'''quae enim esset civitas:''' 'for what city would there be?' Potential subjunctive.

'''Iam vero sumpto episcopatu qualem se quantumque praestiterit, non est nostrae facultatis evolvere. idem enim constantissime perseverabat qui prius fuerat.'''
:qualem se quantumque praestiterit: 'what sort of person, and how great, he showed himself to be' (indirect question after ''evolvere'', below).
:non est nostrae facultatis evolvere: 'it is not within my capability to describe' (''facultatis'' is genitive of characteristic).
:Start with the verb (''perseverabat''), 'he steadfastly continued (to be)'.
:idem . . . qui: 'the same person that'.
'''eadem in corde eius humilitas, eadem in vestitu eius vilitas erat: atque ita, plenus auctoritatis et gratiae, implebat episcopi dignitatem, ut non tamen propositum monachi virtutemque desereret.'''
:ita . . . ut: 'in such a way that'. ''Ita'' modifies the verb, ''implebat''.
:dignitatem: 'office'
'''aliquamdiu ergo adhaerenti ad ecclesiam cellula usus est: dein cum inquietudinem se frequentantium ferre non posset, duobus fere extra civitatem milibus monasterium sibi statuit.'''
:frequentantium: 'of the crowds of visitors' (lit., 'of the thronging ones', > ''frequento'' [1]).
'''qui locus tam secretus et remotus erat, ut eremi solitudinem non desideraret. ex uno enim latere praecisa montis excelsi rupe ambiebatur, reliquam planitiem Liger fluvius reducto paululum sinu clauserat: una tantum eademque arta admodum via adiri poterat.'''
:eremum, -i, n. desert
:non desideraret: 'would not lack'
:latere > latus, lateris n., side.
:praecisus -a -um, steep, precipitous
:reducto paululum sinu: 'in a slight bend'  (lit., 'with a curve having been drawn back a little').
:una tantum eademque arta admodum via: 'by only a single road, and quite a narrow one at that'.
'''ipse ex lignis contextam cellulam habebat, multique ex fratribus in eundem modum: plerique saxo superiecti montis cavato receptacula sibi fecerant. discipuli fere octoginta erant, qui ad exemplum beati magistri instituebantur.'''
:contego, -ere, -texi, -tectum, cover with a roof, roof over
:superiecti: 'above' (> super-iacio), opp. ''subiectus'' (Blaise).
:receptaculum, -i, n. shelter
:ad: 'after, in accordance with'
:instituo, -ere, train, educate.
'''nemo ibi quicquam proprium habebat, omnia in medium conferebantur. non emere aut vendere, ut plerisque monachis moris est, quicquam licebat, ars ibi exceptis scriptoribus nulla habebatur, cui tamen operi minor aetas deputabatur: maiores orationi vacabant.'''
:ut plerisque monachis moris est: 'as is customary for very many monks'.
:quisquam, quicquam, any (single) person, anything (at all)
:ars nulla habebatur: 'no craft or trade (OLD s.v. ''ars'' 7) was practiced (OLD s.v. ''habeo'' 20a)'.
:minor aetas . . . maiores: 'the younger men  . . . the older men'.
'''rarus cuiquam extra cellulam suam egressus, nisi cum ad locum orationis conveniebant. cibum una omnes post horam ieiunii accipiebant. vinum nemo noverat, nisi quem infirmitas coegisset.'''
:egressus, -us, m. the action of going out, a trip out, foray
:una (Adv.): 'together'.
:noverat (> nosco, -ere, novi, notum): 'was acquainted with'.
:coegisset > cogo, -ere, compel
'''plerique camelorum saetis vestiebantur: mollior ibi habitus pro crimine erat. quod eo magis sit mirum necesse est, quod multi inter eos nobiles habebantur, qui longe aliter educati ad hanc se humilitatem et patientiam coegerant: pluresque ex eis postea episcopos vidimus.'''
:pro crimine erat: 'was considered a serious offense'.
:quod eo magis sit mirum necesse est, quod: 'a thing which must be all the more remarkable because'.
:e&#333; (Adv. with a comparative): 'the more'
:sit: ''necesse est'' + a subjunctive clause is common and classical.
:longe aliter educati: 'though brought up in a far different manner' (concessive participial phrase).
'''quae enim esset civitas aut ecclesia, quae non sibi de Martini monasterio cuperet sacerdotem?'''
:quae enim esset civitas: 'for what city would there be?' Potential subjunctive.
==Section 11==
==Section 11==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 11|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 11|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 11| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 11|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 11|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 11| vocabulary]]
:'''sed ut . . . adgrediar:''' 'But to come to' (introducing a new topic). The subjunctive is a kind of purpose clause used parenthetically, like the common ''ut ita dicam'', 'so to speak'.
:'''virtutes:''' 'miracles'
:'''''' 'there was a place'.
:'''consepelio, (no perf.), consepultus:''' 'bury with' (later Latin only)
:'''superioribus episcopis:''' 'previous bishops'.
:'''non temere:''' 'not lightly, not easily'.
:'''nihil certi constans sibi:''' 'nothing certain and consistent', lit. 'nothing of certain (partitive genitive), consistent with itself'.
:'''ut quis esset . . . ostenderet:''' 'that he reveal who was buried there or of what worth he was'. Celebrations at the tombs of the honored dead were a major part of popular religious worship in the fourth and fifth century. People ate, drank, danced, and stayed up late in ceremonies that had strong ties to earlier pagan observances, but were now taken as part of the cult of the Christian martyrs. Bishops disapproved strenuously, alternately accommodating and seeking to suppress informal martyr-cults, particularly in north Africa (See MacMullen, ''The Second Church'', 51-67.) Martin's actions here in putting a stop to what he saw as an illegitimate martyr-cult are typical of bishops of the period.
:'''cuius meriti:''' 'of what worth' (gen. of characteristic). ''meritum'' = 'good action, benefit, service'; the sense 'worth, value' is poetic and post-classical (Cp. Ambrose, ''[ De paenitentia]'' 1.9: ''non quicumque de vulgo, nec plebeiae vilitatis aliquis, sed vitae egregiae singularisque meriti''). The use just below, ''meritum loqueretur'', combines both senses.
:'''celebratum:''' 'honored with ceremonies, crowds, etc.'
:'''retineret:''' 'was keeping' (in place or in memory).
:'''qui aderant audiebant:''' 'those who were present heard'.

'''Sed ut reliquas virtutes eius, quas in episcopatu egit, adgrediar; erat haud longe ab oppido proximus monasterio locus, quem falsa hominum opinio, velut consepultis ibi martyribus, sacraverat:'''
:sed ut . . . adgrediar: 'But to come to' (introducing a new topic), lit. 'so that I might deal with'.
:virtutes: 'miracles'
:consepelio, (no perf.), consepultus, 'bury with' (later Latin only)
'''nam et altare ibi a superioribus episcopis constitutum habebatur. sed Martinus non temere adhibens incertis fidem, ab his, qui maiores natu erant, presbyteris vel clericis flagitabat nomen sibi martyris, tempus passionis ostendi: grandi se scrupulo permoveri, quod nihil certi constans sibi maiorum memoria tradidisset.'''
:superioribus: 'previous'
:non temere: 'not lightly, not easily'.
:nihil certi constans sibi: 'nothing certain and consistent', lit. 'nothing of certain (gen. of the whole) consistent with itself' (OLD s.v. consto 10a).
'''cum aliquamdiu ergo a loco illo se abstinuisset, nec derogans religioni, quia incertus erat, nec auctoritatem suam vulgo accommodans, ne superstitio convalesceret, quodam die paucis secum adhibitis fratribus ad locum pergit.'''
:aliquamdiu: 'for some time'.
:derogo (1) + dat., detract from.
:religio, -onis f., sanctity (OLD s.v. 7).
'''dehinc super sepulcrum ipsum adstans oravit ad Dominum, ut quis esset vel cuius meriti esset sepultus ostenderet. tum conversus ad laevam videt prope adsistere umbram sordidam, trucem: imperat, nomen meritumque loqueretur. nomen edicit, de crimine confitetur: latronem se fuisse, ob scelera percussum, vulgi errore celebratum: sibi nihil cum martyribus esse commune, cum illos gloria, se poena retineret.'''
:ut quis esset . . . ostenderet: 'that he reveal who was buried there or of what worth he was'. ''cuius meriti'' is gen. of characteristic. Cp. Ambrose, ''De paenitentia'' 1.9: non quicumque de vulgo, nec plebeiae vilitatis aliquis, sed vitae egregiae singularisque meriti.
:meritum, -i n. = 'good action, benefit, service'; the sense 'worth, value' is poetic and post-classical (LS). The use just below, ''meritum loqueretur'', combines both senses.
:sepultus esset > sepelio, -ire, -ivi, sepultum, bury.
:celebratum: 'honored with ceremonies, crowds, etc.' (OLD s.v. ''celebro'' 4).
:retineret: 'was keeping' (in place or in memory).
'''mirum in modum vocem loquentis qui aderant audiebant, personam tamen non videbant. tum Martinus quid vidisset exposuit iussitque ex eo loco altare, quod ibi fuerat, submoveri, atque ita populum superstitionis illius absolvit errore.'''
==Section 12==
==Section 12==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 12|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 12|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 12| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 12|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 12|text]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 12| vocabulary]]
:'''Accidit . . . ut . . . obvium haberet:''' 'It happened that he met'.
:'''quingentorum passuum:''' 'of 500 paces', i.e. half a Roman mile.
:'''manum:''' 'band, group, company'.
:'''agente vento:''' 'through the action of the wind'.
:'''daemonum:''' 'of evil spirits' (gen. pl. > ''daemon, -monis'', m. The more usual form is ''daemonium -i'',n.)
:'''simulacra . . . per suos agros circum ferre:''' 'to carry images (of the gods) around through their fields'. The rite seems to be similar to the Roman [ Ambarvalia], intended to purify the fields and ensure their productivity. 
:'''miser&#257;  . . . dementi&#257;:''' 'in their pitiable delusion' (White). Abl. of manner.
:'''imperat turbae non moveri loco:''' 'he ordered the crowd not to move'
:'''riguisse:'''  'become stiff, freeze' (> ''rigeo'' or ''rigesco'').
:'''victi:''' (nom. pl.) 'having been overcome'.
:'''semet invicem aspicientes:''' 'looking at each other'.
:'''exsequiarum esse illam frequentiam:''' 'that that was a crowd for a funeral'. The word order shows ''exsequiarum'' is emphatic.

'''Accidit autem insequenti tempore, dum iter ageret, ut gentilis cuiusdam corpus, quod ad sepulcrum cum superstitioso funere deferebatur, obvium haberet: conspicatusque eminus venientium turbam, quidnam id esset ignarus, paululum stetit: nam fere quingentorum passuum intervallum erat, ut difficile fuerit dinoscere quid videret.'''
:corpus . . . obvium haberet: 'he (Martin) met the corpse'
:quingentorum passuum: 'of 500 paces' (> passus -&#363;s, m.), i.e. half a Roman mile.
'''tamen quia rusticam manum cerneret et agente vento lintea corpori superiecta volitarent, profanos sacrificiorum ritus agi credidit: quia esset haec Gallorum rusticis consuetudo, simulacra daemonum candido tecta velamine miserā per agros suos circumferre dementiā.'''
:manum: 'band, group, company' (OLD s.v. ''manus'' 22c).
:agente vento: 'throught the action of the wind'
:daemonum (gen. pl.) > daemon, -monis, m., evil spirit, demon (=daemonium -i,n., the more usual form).
:miser&#257;  . . . dementi&#257; : abl. of manner.
'''levato ergo in adversos signo crucis imperat turbae non moveri loco onusque deponere. hic vero mirum in modum videres miseros primum velut saxa riguisse.'''
:turbae: dative with ''imperat''.
:imperat turbae non moveri loco: 'he ordered the crowd not to move'
:riguisse (> rigeo or rigesco): 'become stiff, freeze'.
'''dein, cum promovere se summo conamine niterentur, ultra accedere non valentes ridiculam in vertiginem rotabantur, donec victi corporis onus ponunt: attoniti et semet invicem aspicientes, quidnam sibi accidisset, taciti cogitabant.'''
:conamen, -minis, n. effort
:victi (nom. pl.): 'having been overcome'.
:semet invicem aspicientes: 'looking at each other'.
'''sed cum beatus vir comperisset exsequiarum esse illam frequentiam, non sacrorum, elevata rursum manu dat eis abeundi et tollendi corporis potestatem. ita eos et cum voluit, stare compulit, et cum libuit, abire permisit.'''
:exsequiae, -arum, f.  funeral
:exsequiarum esse illam frequentiam: 'that that was a crowd for a ''funeral''' (the placement of ''exsequiarum'' is emphatic)
:compulit > compello
==Section 13==
==Section 13==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 13|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 13|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 13| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 13|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 13|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 13| vocabulary]]
:'''esset adgressus:''' 'had begun' (> ''adgredior'').
:'''dum templum evertitur:''' 'while their temple was being demolished'. ''Dum'' = 'while' can take the present indicative, whatever the tense of the main verb. Cp. Cicero, ''Verrines'' [ 2.161]: ''dum ego in Sicilia sum, nulla statua deiecta est''. But the impf. subjunctive was also used, see below, 14.5.
:'''quievissent:''' 'had grown quiet' (> ''quiesco'').
:'''commonere:''' 'he earnestly impressed on them'. Historical infinitive, introducing indirect statement.
:'''nihil esse religionis in stipite:''' 'that there was nothing sacred in a stump'. ''religionis'' is partitive genitive.
:'''sequerentur:''' 'that they should follow', jussive subjunctive in indirect statement.
:'''ceteris:''' 'than the rest', abl. of comparison.
:'''aliquam de Deo tuo . . . fiduciam:''' 'any confidence in your God'.
:'''nosmet ipsi:''' 'we ourselves' (-''met'' is intensive).
:'''tu ruentem excipe:''' ''you'' catch it as it falls! ''tu'' is emphatic.
:'''confisus:''' 'trusting' (> ''confido, -ere, -sus sum'').
:'''ad istius modi condicionem:''' 'to a deal of that type'.
:'''h&#299;c:''' 'at this point'(Adv.).
:'''facilemque arboris suae habuere iacturam:''' 'and they considered the loss of their tree easy (to bear)'.
:'''eo loci . . . quo:''' 'in that place where'. ''loci'' is partitive genitive.
:'''vinctus:''' 'tied up' (> ''vincio, -ire'').
:'''aderat eminus turba mirantium:''' 'a crowd of people was present looking on in amazement from a distance'.
:'''iamque paulatim ... minitari:''' 'And now the pine was gradually starting to sway to and fro and, on the point of falling, it threatened its own destruction' (White). Sulpicius is drawing out the suspense.
:'''cum iam fragorem sui pinus concidens edidisset:''' 'now when the pine had given out a crashing noise from itself as it fell' (''edidisset'' > ''ēdo'').
:'''cadenti . . . ruenti . . . opponit:''' 'he put in the way of it as it fell . . . as it rushed down' (> ''oppono'' + dat.).
:'''signum salutis:''' 'the sign of salvation', i.e. the cross.
:'''velut turbinis modo retro actam (sc. esse) putares:''' 'you would think it had been driven back by a kind of whirlwind,' a vivid appeal to the reader in the generalizing 2nd person singular.
:'''prostraverit:'''  'flattened' (> ''prosterno''), pf. subj. in a result clause.
:'''stupere . . . flere . . . praedicari:''' 'were amazed at . . . wept . . . was praised', historic infinitives.
:'''satisque constitit:'''  'and it was generally agreed that' (> ''consto, -are'').
:'''nemo fere . . . fuit, qui non . . . crediderit:''' 'there was almost no one who did not believe in' (+ acc.). ''crediderit'' is pf. subj. in a relative clause of characteristic.
:'''impositione manus desiderata:''' 'with the laying on of hands having been asked for'. The pagans asked for the laying on of hands, abandoned their errors, and believed.
:'''quod:''' the antecedent is ''nomen''.
:'''adeo convaluit:''' 'has become so strong' (> ''convalesco'').
:'''sit repletus:''' 'has been filled' (> ''repleo''), pf. subj. in a relative clause of characteristic.

'''Item, cum in vico quodam templum antiquissimum diruisset et arborem pinum, quae fano erat proxima, esset adgressus excidere, tum vero antistes loci illius ceteraque gentilium turba coepit obsistere.'''
:esset adgressus: 'had begun to' (> adgredior, adgredi, adgressus sum, begin, attempt [to]).
:fanum, -i, n.  shrine
'''et cum idem illi, dum templum evertitur, imperante Domino quievissent, succidi arborem non patiebantur. ille eos sedulo commonere, nihil esse religionis in stipite: Deum potius, cui serviret ipse, sequerentur: arborem illam succidi oportere, quia esset daemoni dedicata.'''
:quievissent: 'had grown quiet' (> quiesco).
:commonere: historical infinitive, introducing indirect statement, 'he earnestly impressed on them that . . .'.
:nihil esse religionis in stipite: 'that there was nothing sacred in a stump'
:potius (Adv.), rather
:sequerentur: jussive subjunctive in indirect statement, 'that they should follow'.
:daemoni > daemon, -monis, m., evil spirit, demon (daemonium -i, n., is the more usual form).
'''tum unus ex illis qui erat audacior ceteris: si habes, inquit, aliquam de Deo tuo, quem dicis te colere, fiduciam, nosmet ipsi succidemus hanc arborem, tu ruentem excipe: et si tecum est tuus, ut dicis, Dominus, evades.'''
:ceteris: abl. of comparison.
:aliquam de Deo tuo . . . fiduciam: 'any confidence in your God.'
:nosmet ipsi: 'we ourselves' (-''met'' is intensive)
:tu ruentem excipe: ''tu'' is emphatic, '''you'' catch it as it falls'.
:evado, -ere, survive, escape.
'''tum ille intrepide confisus in Domino facturum se pollicetur. hic vero ad istius modi condicionem omnis illa gentilium turba consensit, facilemque arboris suae habuere iacturam, si inimicum sacrorum suorum casu illius obruissent.'''
:confisus: 'trusting' (> confido, ere, confisus sum, semi-deponent).
:ad istius modi condicionem: 'to a deal of that type'
:h&#299;c (Adv.): 'at this point' (OLD s.v. 6).
:facilemque arboris suae habuere iacturam: 'and they considered the loss of their tree easy (to bear)'.
'''itaque cum unam in partem pinus illa esset acclinis, ut non esset dubium, quam in partem succisa corrueret, eo loci vinctus statuitur pro arbitrio rusticorum, quo arborem esse casuram nemo dubitabat.'''
:eo loci . . . quo: 'in that place where' (''loci'' is partitive genitive).
:vinctus (> vincio, -ire): 'tied up'.
'''succidere igitur ipsi suam pinum cum ingenti gaudio laetitiaque coeperunt. aderat eminus turba mirantium. iamque paulatim nutare pinus et ruinam suam casura minitari.'''
:eminus (Adv.), 'from afar,' modifies ''mirantium'': 'looking on in amazement from a distance'.
:'And now the pine was gradually starting to sway to and fro and, on the point of falling, it threatened its own destruction' (White). Sulpicius is drawing out the suspense.
'''pallebant eminus monachi et periculo iam propiore conterriti spem omnem fidemque perdiderant, solam Martini mortem exspectantes.'''
'''at ille confisus in Domino intrepidus opperiens, cum iam fragorem sui pinus concidens edidisset, iam cadenti, iam super se ruenti, elevata obviam manu, signum salutis opponit. tum vero - velut turbinis modo retro actam putares - diversam in partem ruit, adeo ut rusticos, qui toto in loco steterant, paene prostraverit.'''
:confisus: 'trusting' (> confido, -ere, -sus sum)
:cum iam fragorem sui pinus concidens edidisset: 'now when the pine had given out a crashing noise from itself as it fell'.
:edidisset > edo
:cadenti . . . ruenti: dative with ''opponit''.
:signum salutis: 'the sign of salvation', i.e. the cross.
:velut turbinis modo retro actam (sc. esse) putares: 'you would think it had been driven back by a kind of whirlwind.' (a vivid appeal to the reader in the generalizing 2nd person singular).
:prostraverit (>prosterno): 'flattened' (pf. subj. in a result clause).
'''tum vero in caelum clamore sublato gentiles stupere miraculo, monachi flere prae gaudio, Christi nomen in commune ab omnibus praedicari: satisque constitit eo die salutem illi venisse regioni. nam nemo fere ex immani illa multitudine gentilium fuit, qui non impositione manus desiderata Dominum Iesum, relicto impietatis errore, crediderit. et vere ante Martinum pauci admodum, immo paene nulli in illis regionibus Christi nomen receperant: quod adeo virtutibus illius exemploque convaluit, ut iam ibi nullos locus sit, qui non aut ecclesiis frequentissimis aut monasteriis sit repletus. nam ubi fana destruxerat, statim ibi aut ecclesias aut monasteria construebat.'''
:stupere . . . flere . . . praedicari: historic infinitives, 'were amazed at . . . wept . . . was praised'.
:satisque constitit (> consto -are): 'and it was generally agreed that'.
:nemo fere . . . fuit, qui non . . . crediderit: 'there was almost no one who did not believe in' (+ acc.).
:impositione manus desiderata: 'with the laying on of hands having been asked for'. The pagans asked for the laying on of hands, abandoned their errors, and believed.
:crediderit: subj. in a relative clause of characteristic
:quod: the antecedent is ''nomen''.
:adeo convaluit: 'has become so strong' (> convalesco).
:sit repletus: 'has been filled' (> repleo).
==Section 14==
==Section 14==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 14|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 14|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 14| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 14|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 14|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 14| vocabulary]]
:'''sub idem fere tempus:''' 'at about the same time'.
:'''eodem in opere:''' 'in the same task', i.e., destroying pagan shrines and converting the peasants.
:'''proximam, immo adhaerentem:''' 'nearby, in fact adjacent'
:'''agente vento:''' 'through the action of the wind'.
:'''cerneres:''' 'you would see', i.e., if you were there, more vivid appeal to the reader.
:'''quidam conflictus videretur:''' 'there seemed (to be) a kind of collision', impf. subj. in a result clause.
:'''ibi tantum  . . . ubi:''' 'only at that place where'.
:'''absque:''' 'without'.
:'''opulentissimum superstitione religionis:''' 'richly ornamented by pagan superstition' (White).
:'''ad proxima loca:''' 'to a nearby region'.
:'''cilicio tectus et cinere:''' 'covered in sackcloth and ashes', a traditional sign of mortification and mourning (''Isaiah'' 58.5, ''Matthew'' 11.21). A ''cilicium'' is a rug or blanket of goat's hair', a rough material suggestive of austerity.
:'''instar militiae caelestis:''' 'like a heavenly soldiery'.
:'''rediret . . . impleret:''' 'he should go back and complete', jussive subjunctive in indirect statement, representing the angels' instructions.
:'''devotus:''' adverbial, 'zealously, piously'.
:'''inspectiantibus . . . et quiescentibus dum . . . dīrueret:''' 'watching and being quiet until he demolished'. The ''dum'' clause is part of the ablative absolute, and its subj. suggests that ''dum'' means 'until such time as', as though the pagans were waiting for him to be done. But Sulpicius uses the indicative in a similar context above, section 13: ''cum īdem illī, dum templum ēvertitur, imperante Dominō quiēvissent''. 
:'''redegit in pulverem:''' 'reduced to dust' (> ''redigo, -ere'').
:'''colendum:''' (sc. ''esse'') 'should be worshipped' (> ''colo -ere''), passive periphrastic in indirect statement after ''confitentes''.
:'''neglegenda:''' (sc. ''esse''), 'should be abandoned'.
:'''adesse:''' 'aid' (> ''adsum'' + dat.).

'''Nec minorem sub idem fere tempus eodem in opere virtutem edidit. nam cum in vico quodam fano antiquissimo et celeberrimo ignem immisisset, in proximam, immo adhaerentem domum agente vento flammarum globi ferebantur.'''
:eodem in opere: 'in the same task', i.e., destroying pagan shrines and converting the peasants.
:agente vento: 'through the action of the wind'.
'''quod ubi Martinus advertit, rapido cursu tectum domus scandit, obvium se advenientibus flammis inferens. tum vero mirum in modum cerneres contra vim venti ignem retorqueri, ut compugnantium inter se elementorum quidam conflictus videretur. ita virtute Martini ibi tantum ignis est operatus, ubi iussus est.'''
:cerneres: 'you would see' (i.e., if you were there, more vivid appeal to the reader).
:quidam conflictus videretur: 'there seemed to be a kind of collision'.
:ibi tantum  . . . ubi: 'only at that place where'.
'''In vico autem, cui Leprosum nomen est, cum itidem templum opulentissimum superstitione religionis voluisset evertere, restitit ei multitudo gentilium, adeo ut non absque iniuria sit repulsus.'''
:absque: 'without'.
:opulentus, -s, -um, rich, sumptuous.
:opulentissimum superstitione religionis: 'richly ornamented by pagan superstition' (White)
'''itaque secessit ad proxima loca, ibique per triduum cilicio tectus et cinere, ieiunans semper atque orans, precabatur ad Dominum, ut, quia templum illud evertere humana manus non potuisset, virtus illud divina dirueret.'''
:ad proxima loca: 'to a nearby region' (loca -orum n. pl.).
:cilicium -i n., a rug or blanket of goat's hair, a rough material suggestive of austerity.
'''tum subito ei duo angeli hastati atque scutati instar militiae caelestis se obtulerunt, dicentes missos se a Domino, ut rusticam multitudinem fugarent praesidiumque Martino ferrent, ne quis, dum templum dirueretur, obsisteret: rediret ergo et opus coeptum devotus impleret.'''
:instar, n. nom./acc., equivalent to, equal to, + genitive
:instar militiae caelestis: 'like a heavenly soldiery'.
:fugo (1), put to flight, +acc.
:rediret . . . impleret: 'he should go back and complete',jussive subjunctive in indirect statement, representing the angels' instructions.
:devotus: adverbial, 'zealously, piously'.
'''ita regressus ad vicum, inspectantibus gentilium turbis et quiescentibus, dum profanam aedem usque ad fundamenta dirueret, aras omnes atque simulacra redegit in pulverem.'''
:redegit (> redigo, -ere): 'reduced (to), turned (into)'.
:dum . . . dirueret: 'as he demolished'
'''quo viso rustici, cum se intellegerent divino nutu obstupefactos atque perterritos, ne episcopo repugnarent, omnes fere Iesum Dominum crediderunt, clamantes palam et confitentes, Deum Martini colendum, idola autem neglegenda, quae nec sibi nec aliis adesse possent.'''
:nutus, -us, m., nod of command, approval
:colendum (sc. esse): 'should be worshipped' (> colo -ere). Passive periphrastic in indirect statement after ''confitentes''.
:neglegenda: sc. esse
:adesse: 'aid' (> adsum + dat.)
==Section 15==
==Section 15==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 15|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 15|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 15| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 15|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 15|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 15| vocabulary]]
:'''Aeduorum:''' 'of the [ Aedui]', a large and important Gallic people occupying the territory between the Saone and the Loire rivers. [ Historical map].
:'''stricto . . . gladio:''' 'with his sword drawn' (> ''stringo'').
:'''peteret:''' 'was attacking'.
:'''reiecto pallio:''' 'with his cloak having been cast aside' (> ''reicio'').
:'''percussuro:''' 'to the one about to strike' (> ''percutio'').
:'''gentilis:''' 'the heathen (man)'.
:'''huic . . . illud:''' 'this (just mentioned) . . . the following'.
:'''non comparuit:'''  'disappeared' (> ''compareo'').
:'''plerumque autem contrā dīcentibus sibi rusticīs:''' 'generally, however, when the peasants were speaking speaking to him in opposition'.

'''Quid etiam in pago Aeduorum gestum sit, referam. ubi dum templum itidem everteret, furens gentilium rusticorum in eum irruit multitudo. cumque unus audacior ceteris stricto eum gladio peteret, reiecto pallio nudam cervicem percussuro praebuit.'''
:Aedui -orum, m. pl., the Aedui, a large and important Gallic tribe occupying the territory between the Saone and the Loire rivers.
:stricto . . . gladio: 'with his sword drawn' (> stringo, -ere, strinxi, strictum).
:peteret: 'was going for, was attacking'.
:reiecto pallio: 'with his cloak having been cast aside' (> ''reicio'').
:percussuro: 'to the one about to strike' (> percutio, -ere, percussi, percussum).
'''nec cunctatus ferire gentilis, sed cum dexteram altius extulisset, resupinus ruit, consternatusque divino metu veniam precabatur.'''
:gentilis: 'the heathen (man)'.
:consterno (1), throw into confusion, confound, shock, unsettle mentally
:venia -ae f., pardon, mercy.
'''nec dissimile huic fuit illud. cum eum idola destruentem cultro quidam ferire voluisset, in ipso ictu ferrum ei de manibus excussum non comparuit.'''
:huic . . . illud: 'this (just mentioned) . . . the following'.
:non comparuit (> compareo): 'disappeared'.
'''plerumque autem contra dicentibus sibi rusticis, ne eorum fana destrueret, ita praedicatione sancta gentiles animos mitigabat, ut luce eis veritatis ostensa ipsi sua templa subverterent.'''
:plerumque: 'generally, on many occasions'.
:contra (Adv.): 'in opposition'.
:sibi: 'to him' (dative with ''dicentibus'').
:contra dicentibus sibi rusticis: 'when the pagans were speaking to him in opposition'.
:praedicatio -onis f., 'preaching' (an ecclesiastical sense).
:gentilis -e, adj.: heathen, pagan.
:mitigo (1), soften
==Section 16==
==Section 16==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 16|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 16|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 16| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 16|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 16|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 16| vocabulary]]
:'''curationum . . . gratia:''' 'the divine gift of healing'.
:'''qui non . . . receperit:''' 'who did not regain'. The subjunctive is consecutive, expressing a result. See Woodcock sec. 156.
:'''vel:''' 'for instance' (indicating that the speaker is selecting from many possible anecdotes).
:'''Treveris:''' (abl. of place where) 'among the [ Treveri]', a large and important Gallic people inhabiting the country between the Moselle and the Ardennes, with its chief settlement at modern Trier. [ Historical map].
:'''dira parlysis aegritudine:''' 'with a dreadful sickness of paralysis', i.e., with a dreadful sickness that left her paralyzed.
:'''nullo ad humanos usus corporis officio fungeretur:''' 'she executed no bodily function for human uses', i.e. she had no use of her body. ''fungor'' takes the ablative.
:'''omni ex parte praemortua vix tenui spiritu palpitabat:''' 'nearly dead in every part of her body, her pulse was almost non-existent and her breathing faint' (White). ''palpito'' (1) = 'quiver'.
:'''ad solam funeris expectationem:''' 'for the lone expectation of her death', i.e., 'expecting only her death'.
:'''cum . . . nuntiatur:''' 'when it was announced', historical present and indicative in an inverted ''cum''-clause (A&G 581)for extra vividness.
:'''rogaturus:''' 'intending to ask' (for help).
:'''fuerat ingressus:'''  'had entered' (> ''ingredior''), = ''essset ingressus''.
:'''et quod ips&#257; est morte crudelius:''' 'and (something) which is more cruel than death itself'.
:'''confido quod:''' 'I am certain that...' ''Quod'' introducing indirect statement with a subjuncive verb is late Latin.
:'''refugit:''' 'he refused' (> ''refugio'').
:'''hoc suae non esse virtutis:''' 'that this was not within his power', ''virtutis'' is genitive of characteristic.
:'''perstare . . . orare:''''persisted and begged', historical infinitives.
:'''non se esse dignum, per quem Dominus signum virtūtis ostenderet:''' 'that he was not worthy to be used by the Lord to reveal a sign of His power' (White). The subj. in the relative clause expresses tendency, as often with words like ''dignus'' ('worthy') or ''idoneus'' ('suitable'), or ''aptus'' ('fit'). See A&G 631.1.
:'''expectabat, quidnam:''' 'was waiting (to see) what'.
:'''quae erant:''' the antecedent must be supplied from what follows, 'things which were . . .'
:'''familiaria . . . arma:''' 'his usual weapons', i.e., his usual method, prayer. This looks forward to the main verb, ''oravit''.
:'''solo:''' 'on the ground' (> ''solum -i'', n.):
:'''prostratus:''' 'prostrate, face down' (> ''prosterno'').
:'''contactu eius:''' 'at his touch' (> ''contactus, -&#363;s'', m.)
:'''populo teste:''' 'with the people being a witness', i.e., 'as the people watched' (abl. absol.). Cp. Augustine, ''City of God'' 22.8 (of the miraculous cure of a blind man) ''immenso populo teste res gesta est''. The presence of spectators guarantees the reliability of the account.

'''Curationum vero tam potens in eo gratia erat, ut nullus fere ad eum aegrotus accesserit, qui non continuo receperit sanitatem: quod vel ex consequenti liquebit exemplo.'''
:gratia -ae f., 'gift (of God)'.
:curationum . . . gratia: 'the divine gift of healing'.
:continuo (Adv.), immediately.
:vel: 'for instance' (indicating that the speaker is selecting from many possible anecdotes; OLD 4b).
'''Treveris puella quaedam dira paralysis aegritudine tenebatur, ita ut iam per multum tempus nullo ad humanos usus corporis officio fungeretur: omni ex parte praemortua vix tenui spiritu palpitabat.'''
:Treveris (abl. of place where): 'among the Treveri', a large and important Gallic tribe inhabiting the country between the Moselle and the Ardennes, with its chief settlement at modern Trier.
:dira parlysis aegritudine: 'with a dreadful sickness of paralysis', i.e., with a dreadful sickness that left her paralyzed.
:nullo ad humanos usus corporis officio fungeretur: 'she executed no bodily function for human uses', i.e. she had no use of her body. ''fungor'' takes the ablative.
:palpito (1), quiver.
:omni ex parte praemortua vix tenui spiritu palpitabat: 'nearly dead in every part of her body, her pulse was almost non-existent and her breathing faint' (White).
'''tristes ad solam funeris exspectationem adstabant propinqui, cum subito ad civitatem illam Martinum venisse nuntiatur. quod ubi puellae pater comperit, cucurrit exanimis pro filia rogaturus.'''
:ad solam funeris expectationem: 'expecting only her death'.
:cum . . . nuntiatur: 'when it was announced', historical present and indicative in an inverted cum-clause for extra vividness.
:exanimis, -e, breathless
'''et forte Martinus iam ecclesiam fuerat ingressus. ibi inspectante populo multisque aliis praesentibus episcopis, eiulans senex genua eius amplectitur dicens: filia mea moritur misero genere languoris, et quod ipsa est morte crudelius, solo spiritu vivit, iam carne praemortua. rogo ut eam adeas atque benedicas: confido enim quod per te reddenda sit sanitati.'''
:fuerat ingressus (> ingredior): 'had entered'.
:et quod ips&#257; est morte crudelius: 'and (something) which is more cruel than death itself'.
:praemortuus, -a, um, dead
:confido quod: 'I am certain that...' ''Quod'' introducing indirect statement with a subjuncive verb is late Latin.
'''qua ille voce confusus obstipuit et refugit dicens, hoc suae non esse virtutis: senem errare iudicio, non esse se dignum, per quem Dominus signum virtutis ostenderet.'''
:refugit: 'he refused' (> refugio, -fugere, -fugi).
:hoc suae non esse virtutis: 'that this was not within his power'.
'''perstare vehementius flens pater et orare ut exanimem visitaret: postremo a circumstantibus episcopis ire compulsus descendit ad domum puellae. ingens turba pro foribus exspectabat, quidnam Dei servus esset facturus.'''
:perstare . . . orare: historical infinitives, 'persisted and begged'.
:exanimis, -e, lifeless
:expectabat: 'was waiting (to see)'.
'''ac primum quae erant illius familiaria in istius modi rebus arma, solo prostratus oravit. deinde aegram intuens dari sibi oleum postulat: quod cum benedixisset, in os puellae vim sancti liquoris infundit, statimque vox reddita est.'''
:quae erant: the antecedent must be supplied from what follows, 'things which were . . .'
:familiaria . . . arma: 'his usual weapons', i.e., his usual method, prayer. This looks forward to the main verb, ''oravit''.
:solo (> solum -i n.): 'on the ground'
:prostratus (> prosterno): 'prostrate, face down'.
'''tunc paulatim singula contactu eius coeperunt membra vivescere, donec firmatis gressibus populo teste surrexit.'''
:contactu eius: 'at his touch' (contactus, -&#363;s, m.)
:populo teste: 'as the people watched', lit. 'with the people being a witness' (abl. absol.). Cp. Augustine, ''City of God'' 22.8 (of the miraculous cure of a blind man) immenso populo teste res gesta est. The presence of spectators guarantees the reliability of the account.
==Section 17==
==Section 17==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 17|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 17|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 17| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 17|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 17|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 17| vocabulary]]
:'''Taetradii cuiusdam proconsularis viri:''' 'of a certain Taetradius, a man of proconsular rank'--evidently a very important personage, though nothing more is known of him. A proconsul was a distinguished former consul and governor of a province. Perhaps Taetradius had governed a province like Africa, then returned to his estates in Gaul. Gaul itself was not governed by a proconsul.
:'''dolendo exitu:''' 'a lamentable death'.
:'''ut ei manum imponeret:''' 'to lay his hand upon him', jussive noun clause after ''rogatus''. ''ei'' is dative with ''imponere''.
:'''nequam:''' 'wicked' (indeclinable adjective).
:'''nullo . . . modo:''' 'in no way'.
:'''daemoniacus:''' 'demoniac', a person possessed by an evil spirit.
:'''negare:''' 'denied' (historical infinitive).
:'''fuisset exactus:''' 'has been driven out' (> ''exigo, -ere'') = ''esset exactus''.
:'''fore:''' (= ''futurum esse''): 'would become'.
:'''baptizatus est:''' 'was baptized' (''baptizo'' (1)).
:'''Martinum . . . auctorem . . . coluit:''' 'paid great respect to Martin as the author of' (> ''colo -ere'').
:'''patris familiās cuiusdam:''' 'of a certain property owner' (> ''paterfamilias'').
:'''cui cum ut discederet imperaret:''' 'when it (the demon) ordered him (Martin) to leave'. ''cui'' is dative with ''imperat''.
:'''aedium:''' 'of the house' (> ''aedes -ium'', f. pl.).
:'''saevire dentibus miser coepit:''' 'the wretched man began to gnash his teeth'
:'''et obvios quosque laniare:''' 'and to mangle each person who came in his way'. Roman doctors knew such violently insane people as ''phrenetici'', who were known to bite their caregivers. See Caelius Aurelianus, ''On Acute Diseases'', Book 1. Normally they were tied up: Augustine, ''Sermons'' 87, ''PL'' 38.538; Gregory the Great, ''Homilies on the Gospels'' 2.33.4.
:'''commota . . . turbata . . . versus:''' supply ''est'' with all three participles.
:'''se furenti obiecit:''' 'put himself in the way of the raving man' (> ''obicio, -ere'').
:'''hianti ore''': 'with gaping mouth' (> ''hio'' (1)).
:'''ei . . . in os:''' 'into his (the demoniac's) mouth'. ''ei'' is dative of reference (A&G [ 377]).
:'''ac si:''' 'as if'.
:'''candens:''' 'white hot'.
:'''obsesso:''' 'possessed' (> ''obsideo'').
:'''nec . . . ei . . . liceret:''' 'nor was it permitted to him'.
:'''fluxu ventris:''' 'through the evacuation of (the man's) bowels'.
:'''egestus est:''' 'was expelled' (> ''egero'').

'''Eodem tempore Taetradii cuiusdam proconsularis viri servus daemonio correptus dolendo exitu cruciabatur: rogatus ergo Martinus, ut ei manum imponeret, deduci eum ad se iubet: sed nequam spiritus nullo proferri modo de cellula, in qua erat, potuit: ita in advenientes rabidis dentibus saeviebat.'''
:Taetradii cuiusdam proconsularis viri: 'of a certain Taetradius, a man of proconsular rank'--evidently a very important personage, though nothing more is known of him. A proconsul was a distinguished former consul and governor of a province. Perhaps Taetradius had governed a province like Africa, then returned to his estates in Gaul. Gaul itself was not governed by a proconsul.
:daemonium -i, n., an evil spirit, a demon (eccl.).
:dolendo exitu: 'a lamentable death' (exitus, -&#363;s, m.).
:ei: 'upon him' (dative with ''imponere'').
:nequam (adj. indeclinable): wicked, bad.
:nullo . . . modo: 'in no way'.
'''tum Taetradius ad genua beati viri advolvitur, orans ut ad domum, in qua daemoniacus habebatur, ipse descenderet.'''
:daemoniacus -i m., a person possessed by an evil spirit, a demoniac.
'''tum vero Martinus negare se profani et gentilis domum adire posse: nam Taetradius eo tempore adhuc gentilitatis errore implicitus tenebatur. spondet ergo se, si de puero daemon fuisset exactus, Christianum fore.'''
:negare: 'denied' (historical infinitive).
:fuisset exactus: 'has been driven out' (> exigo, -ere). Classical Latin would be ''esset exactus''. This so-called 'shifted' pluperfect subjunctive is typical of later and vulgar Latin (H-S sec. 179).
:fore (= futurum esse): 'would become'.
'''ita Martinus imposita manu puero immundum ab eo spiritum eiecit. quo viso Taetradius Dominum Iesum credidit: statimque catechumenus factus nec multo post baptizatus est, semperque Martinum salutis suae auctorem miro coluit affectu.'''
:baptizo (1): baptize.
:Martinum . . . auctorem . . . coluit (> colo -ere): 'paid great respect to Martin as the author of'.
'''Per idem tempus in eodem oppido ingressus patris familias cuiusdam domum, in limine ipso restitit dicens, horribile in atrio domus daemonium se videre. cui cum ut discederet imperaret et patrem familias, qui in interiore parte aedium morabatur, arripuisset, saevire dentibus miser coepit, et obvios quosque laniare. commota domus, familia turbata, populus in fugam versus: Martinus se furenti obiecit, ac primum stare ei imperat.'''
:daemonium -i, n.: an evil spirit, a demon.
:paterfamilias, gen. patrisfamilias (sometimes written as two words): head of household, property owner.
:cui cum ut discederet imperaret: 'when it (the demon) ordered him (Martin) to leave'. ''cui'' is dative with ''imperat''.
:aedium (> aedes -ium f. pl.): 'house'.
:saevire dentibus: 'to gnash his teeth'
:miser: 'the wretched man' (= the pater familias).
:obvios quosque: 'each person he met' (quosque > quisque).
:commota . . . turbata . . . versus: supply ''est'' with all three participles.
:se furenti obiecit: 'put himself in the way of the raving man' (obiecit > obicio, -ere).
'''sed cum dentibus fremeret hiantique ore morsum minaretur, digitos ei Martinus in os intulit: si habes, inquit, aliquid potestatis, hos devora.'''
:hianti (> hio [1]) ore: 'with gaping mouth'.
:ei: 'his', i.e. the demoniac's. For this dative of possession (colloquial) see Woodcock sec. 63.
'''tum vero, ac si candens ferrum faucibus accepisset, longe reductis dentibus digitos beati viri vitabat attingere: et cum fugere de obsesso corpore poenis et cruciatibus cogeretur nec tamen exire ei per os liceret, foeda relinquens vestigia fluxu ventris egestus est.'''
:ac si: 'as if'.
:candens: 'white hot'.
:obsesso: 'possessed' (> obsideo, -&#275;re, -&#275;di, -essum, occupy, besiege, assail).
:ei: dative with ''liceret''.
:fluxu ventris: 'through the evacuation of the man's bowels'.
:egestus est: 'was expelled' (> egero, -gerere, -gessi, -gestum).
==Section 18==
==Section 18==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 18|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 18|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 18| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 18|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 18|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 18| vocabulary]]
:'''motu:''' 'revolt, rising'.
:'''civitatem:''' presumably Trier ([ Augusta Treverorum]), where the previous two episodes were set (Fontaine ii.854).
:'''dispersissent:''' 'had scattered' (> ''dispergo'').
:'''hoc saltim metu:''' 'by this fear, at any rate', i.e. rather than by direct attacks by demons, thus far ineffective.
:'''nihil minus quam:''' 'merely'.
:'''irruptione:''' 'incursion, raid' (> ''irruptio -onis'', f.).
:'''Apud Parisios:''' 'among the Parisii' (''Parisii, -orum'', m. pl.), a people of Celtic Gaul, bordering on the Senones. [ Historical map]. Their chief city was [ Lutetia Parisiorum], the modern [,+France&hl=en&ll=45.9053,4.108887&spn=9.127225,19.753418&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=41.411029,79.013672&t=p&z=6 Paris].
:''' leprosum:''' 'a leper' (''leprosus, -i'', m.).
:'''emundatus:''' (sc. ''est'') 'was cleansed' (''emundo'' (1)).
:'''nitenti:''' 'shining, glistening' (> niteo, -&#275;re).
:'''nec praetereundum est, quod:''' 'and I must not pass over the fact that'. ''praetereundum est'' (> ''praetereo, -ire'') is impersonal passive, lit., 'it must not be passed by that'.
:'''fimbriae:''' 'fringes'.
:'''crebras . . . eg&#275;re virtutes:''' 'performed frequent miracles' (''eg&#275;re'' = ''eg&#275;runt'' > ''ago'').
:'''digitis illigatae aut collo inditae:''' 'tied on the fingers or placed upon (> ''indo, indere'') the neck'. The antecedent is ''fimbriae''.

'''Interea cum de motu atque impetu barbarorum subita civitatem fama turbasset, daemoniacum ad se exhiberi iubet: imperat ut, an verus esset hic nuntius, fateretur.'''
:motu: 'revolt, rising' (OLD s.v. motus 9b).
:civitatem: presumably Trier, where the previous two episodes were set (Fontaine ii.854).
'''tum confessus est decem daemonas secum fuisse, qui rumorem hunc per populum dispersissent, ut hoc saltim metu ex illo Martinus oppido fugaretur: barbaros nihil minus quam de irruptione cogitare. ita cum haec immundus spiritus in media ecclesia fateretur, metu et turbatione praesenti civitas liberata est.'''
:dispersissent: 'had scattered' (> dispergo, -spergere, -spersi, -spersum).
:hoc saltim metu: 'by this fear, at any rate', i.e. rather than by direct attacks by demons, thus far ineffective.
:nihil minus quam: 'merely'.
:irruptione: 'incursion, raid' (> irruptio -onis, f.).
'''Apud Parisios vero, dum portam civitatis illius magnis secum turbis euntibus introiret, leprosum miserabili facie horrentibus cunctis osculatus est atque benedixit, statimque omni malo emundatus.'''
:Parisii, -orum, m. pl., a people of Celtic Gaul, bordering on the Senones. Their chief city was Lutetia Parisiorum, the modern Paris.
:leprosus -i, m.: leper (late Lat.)
:osculor, -ari, -atus sum, kiss.
:malum, -i, n., disease.
:emundo (1), cleanse.
'''postero die ad ecclesiam veniens nitenti cute gratias pro sanitate, quam receperat, agebat. nec praetereundum est, quod fimbriae vestimento eius cilicioque detractae crebras super infirmantibus egere virtutes.'''
:nitenti: 'shining, glistening' (> niteo, -&#275;re).
:nec praetereundum est, quod: 'and I must not pass over the fact that'. praetereundum est (> praetereo, -ire) is impersonal passive, lit., 'it must not be passed by that'.
:finbriae: 'fringes'.
:crebras . . . eg&#275;re virtutes: 'performed frequent miracles' (eg&#275;re = eg&#275;runt > ago).
'''nam digitis illigatae aut collo inditae saepe ab aegrotantibus morbos fugaverunt.'''
:indo, indere, indidi, inditum, place upon.
:digitis illigatae aut collo inditae: 'tied on the fingers or placed upon the neck'. The antecedent is ''fimbriae''.
==Section 19==
==Section 19==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 19|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 19|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 19| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 19|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 19|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 19| vocabulary]]
:'''vir praefectorius:''' 'a former prefect', commander of a legion or detachment of a legion (see A.H. M. Jones, ''Later Roman Empire'' i.640).
:'''gravissimis quartanae febribus:''' 'by very serious attacks of quartan fever' (''quartana, -ae'', f.), technically one that recurs every third day; perhaps a form of malaria.
:'''casu:''' 'by chance'
:'''delata fuerat:''' 'had been delivered' (> ''defero'', = ''delata erat'')
:'''in tantum valuit, ut:''' 'had such an effect that'
:'''dicarit:''' 'dedicated' (> ''dico'' (1), = ''dicaverit'').
:'''praesens virtutum eius testimonium:''' 'a potent testimony to his miracle working powers', parenthetical.
:'''per absentem licet:''' 'through him even when he was not there' (> ''absum'').
:'''neque ab alio . . . quam:''' 'by no one other than'.
:'''Paulinus . . . exempli:''' 'Paulinus, a man who later would set such a fine example', i.e., by giving up his considerable wealth and devoting himself to the church. This is [ Paulinus of Nola], the poet; see below, 26.4.
:'''oculum graviter dolere:''' 'to suffer from a serious eye complaint' (White). ''oculum'' is acc. of respect.
:'''iam pupillam eius crassior nubes superducta texisset:''' 'quite a thick grey film had spread across his pupil and now covered it' (White). ''superduco'' = 'draw over' is late Lat.
:'''oculum ei Martīnus penicillō contigit:''' 'Martin touched his eye with a little brush'. ''ei'' is dative of reference (A&G [ 377]).
:'''penecillo:''' evidently a kind of soft sponge. See Rabanus Maurus, ''De Universo'' (ca. AD 842) 8.5 (''PL'' 111.239C): ''mollissimum genus earum [sc. spongiarum] penecilli vocantur eo quod aptae sint ad oculorum tumores, et ad extergendas lippitudines utiles''.
:'''casu quodam:''' 'by some chance'
:'''esset . . . devolutus:''' 'had fallen down' (> ''devolvo'').
:'''per confragosos scalae gradus decidens:''' 'tumbling through the treacherous steps of a flight of stairs', or else 'falling through the broken rungs of a ladder'. The Latin could mean either.
:'''salubri unguedine:''' 'with a healing ointment' (> ''unguedo, unguedinis'', f.).
:'''contusi:''' 'battered' (> ''contundo'').
:'''superlinire:''' 'annoint'.
:'''nihil umquam . . . incommodi:''' 'no injury at all' (''incommodi'' is partitive genitive).
:'''longum est:''' 'it is a long task'.
:'''sufficiant haec . . . satisque sit:''' 'let these things suffice . . . and let it be enough' (jussive subj.).
:'''vel:''' 'even if only'.
:'''nos et in excellentibus non subtrahere veritatem et in multis vitare fastidium:''' 'that in describing outstanding deeds I do not detract from their believability, and in describing many deeds I avoid annoying the reader'. Supply a gerundive like ''dicendis'' after ''excellentibus'' and ''multis''.

'''Arborius autem, vir praefectorius, sancti admodum et fidelis ingenii, cum filia eius gravissimis quartanae febribus ureretur, epistulam Martini, quae casu ad eum delata fuerat, pectori puellae in ipso accessu ardoris inseruit, statimque fugata febris est.'''
:vir praefectorius: 'a former prefect', commander of a legion or detachment of a legion (see A.H. M. Jones, ''Later Roman Empire'' i.640).
:gravissimis quartanae febribus: 'by very serious attacks of quartan fever' (quartana -ae, f.), technically one that recurs every third day; perhaps a form of malaria.
:casu: 'by chance'
:delata fuerat: 'had been delivered' (> ''defero'', the so-called 'shifted' pluperfect, see above on 17.3)
'''quae res apud Arborium in tantum valuit, ut statim puellam Deo voverit et perpetuae virginitati dicarit: profectusque ad Martinum puellam ei, praesens virtutum eius testimonium, quae per absentem licet curata esset, obtulit, neque ab alio eam quam a Martino habitu virginitatis imposito passus est consecrari.'''
:in tantum valuit, ut: 'had such an effect that'
:dicarit: 'dedicated' (> dico, dicare, syncopated pf. subj., = dicaverit).
:praesens virtutum eius testimonium: parenthetical, 'a potent testimony to his miracle working powers'.
:per absentem licet: 'through him even when he was not there' (> absum, abesse).
:neque ab alio . . . quam: 'by no one other than'.
'''Paulinus magni vir postmodum futurus exempli, cum oculum graviter dolere coepisset et iam pupillam eius crassior nubes superducta texisset, oculum ei Martinus penicillo contigit pristinamque ei sanitatem sublato omni dolore restituit.'''
:Paulinus magni vir postmodum futurus exempli: 'Paulinus, a man who later would set such a fine example', i.e., by giving up his considerable wealth and devoting himself to the church. This is Paulinus of Nola, the poet; see below, 26.4.
:oculum . . . dolere: 'to have pain in his eye' (''oculum'' is acc. of respect).
:crassus, -a, um, thick, dense
:superduco, -ere, draw over (late Lat.)
:penecillum, -i n., painter's brush, pencil [check TLL]
'''ipse autem cum casu quodam esset de cenaculo devolutus et per confragosos scalae gradus decidens multis vulneribus esset affectus, cum exanimis iaceret in cellula et immodicis doloribus cruciaretur, nocte ei angelus visus est eluere vulnera et salubri unguedine contusi corporis superlinire livores: atque ita postero die restitutus est sanitati, ut nihil umquam pertulisse incommodi putaretur.'''
:casu quodam: 'by some chance'
:esset . . . devolutus: 'had fallen down' (> devolvo).
:per confragosos scalae gradus decidens: 'tumbling through the treacherous steps of a flight of stairs', or else 'falling through the broken rungs of a ladder'. The Latin could mean either.
:unguedo unguedinis, f., ointment, unguent.
:contusi: 'battered' (> contundo).
:superlinire: 'annoint'.
:nihil umquam . . . incommodi: 'no injury at all' (''incommodi'' is partitive genitive).
'''sed longum est ire per singula: sufficiant haec vel pauca de plurimis, satisque sit, nos et in excellentibus non subtrahere veritatem et in multis vitare fastidium.'''
:longum est: 'it is a long task'.
:sufficiant haec . . . satisque sit: 'let these things suffice . . . and let it be enough' (jussive subj.).
:vel: 'for instance' (see above on 16.1).
:nos et in excellentibus non subtrahere veritatem et in multis vitare fastidium: 'that in describing outstanding deeds I do not detract from their believability, and in describing many deeds I avoid annoying the reader'. Supply a gerundive like ''dicendis'' after ''excellentibus'' and ''multis''.
==Section 20==  
==Section 20==  
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 20|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 20|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 20| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 20|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 20|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 20| vocabulary]]
:'''ut minora tantis inseram:''' 'so that I might include lesser events with such great achievements'. The subjunctive is a kind of purpose clause used parenthetically, like the common ''ut ita dicam'', 'so to speak'.
:'''quamvis . . . praecipuum sit:''' 'although, as is the age of our times, in which all things are now depraved and corrupt, it is  almost an exceptional achievement'. ''sit'' is subjunctive after the conjunction ''quamvis'', which is normal (A&G [ 527]).
:'''adūlātiōnī . . . cōnstantiam:''' 'for priestly constancy not to yield to royal flattery', i.e. for priests not to yield to the temptation to flatter the emperor so as to gain personal advantage. This infinitive phrase is the subject of the preceding verb, ''sit'', specifying what counts as an exceptional achievement nowadays.
:'''imperatorem Maximum:''' [ Magnus Maximus], Roman emperor AD 383-8.
:'''elatum:''' 'puffed up, arrogant' (> ''effero'').
:'''notaretur:''' 'was observed'.
:'''seque degenere inconstantiā regiae clientelae sacerdotalis dignitas subdidisset:''' 'and with contemptible weakness, priestly dignity had subjected itself to royal clientage'. ''degenere'' is ablative > ''degener'', ''subdidisset'' > ''subdo''. The elaborate syntax and emotive terms are a sign of Sulpicius' emotional involvement in this issue. As he describes in more detail in the ''Chronica'', Sulpicius saw clerics of this period sometimes flatter and manipulate emperors into persecuting rival Christian sects and factions. In his view the church should be separate from and above the state, but many bishops became entangled in imperial politics. Martin set a good example by staying true to his principles and not flattering the emperors for his own personal advantage.
:'''et si pro aliquibus regi supplicandum fuit:''' 'even if it was necessary to petition the emperor on somebody's behalf'. As a bishop Martin might have to intercede with the emperor on behalf of a member of his flock.
:'''mensae eius . . . qui:''' 'the table of that man who', i.e., Maximus.
:'''imperatores unum regno, alterum vita expulisset:''' 'had expelled one emperor from office, another from life'. In his rise to power Maximus had killed the western emperor Gratian and later invaded Italy, displacing Valentinian II.[]
:'''cum Maximus . . . affirmaret:''' 'when Maximus declared that' (>''affirmo'' (1)). This is followed by a series of infinitives in indirect statement.
:'''se . . . defendisse:''' 'that he had defended'.
:'''divino nutu:''' 'with divine approval' (> ''nutus, -us'', m., nod).
:'''non alienam ab:''' 'not unfriendly to'.
:'''penes quem . . . victoria fuisset:''' 'since the victory had been due to Him'. ''fuisset'' is subjunctive because the relative clause is causal (A&G [ 535e]).
:'''tandem victus:''' 'won over at last' (the antecedent is Martin).
:'''impetrasset:''' 'had obtained' (> ''impetro'' (1) = ''impetravisset''), subjunctive because it gives the reason on the authority of another, not the writer himself (A&G [ 540]).
:'''convivae autem aderant:''' 'Moreover, there were present as his fellow diners . . . ' There follows a list of notables, some of the most powerful men of that time.
:'''Euodius:''' Flavius Euodius, consul 386.
:'''vir quo nihil umquam iustius fuit:''' 'a man than whom no one (lit. nothing) was ever more just'.
:'''ut moris est:''' 'as is customary' (> ''mos moris'', f.).
:'''pateram:''' a broad, shallow bowl or dish, used in making libations.
:'''ambiens:''' 'seeking'.
:'''ut ab illius dextera poculum sumeret:''' 'that he (Maximus) would receive the drinking vessel from that man's (Martin's) right hand'--which would be a sign of respect to Maximus. According to Roman drinking custom a person proposing a toast tastes the wine in his cup and then hands it over to be drunk by the person honored (''propinatio'').
:'''digniorem, qui post se prior biberet:''' 'more worthy to drink immediately after him'. Subj. is regular in a relative clause after ''dignus'' (A&G [ 535f]).
:'''nec integrum sibi fore:''' 'and (thinking) that it would not be morally upright for him'.
:'''ut hoc ipsum eis, in quo contempti fuerant, placeret:''' 'that this very thing, in which they had been treated with contempt, was pleasing to them'.
:'''celeberrimum . . . fuit:''' 'it was much talked about that'.
:'''fecisse Martinum . . . quod:''' 'that Martin had done . . . that which'.
:'''futurum:''' 'the future, what was to come'
:'''sciret se . . . periturum:''' 'he ought to be aware that he would be victorious in the first onslaught, at any rate, but that he would die soon after'. ''sciret'' is subjunctive in a noun clause, as is regular after verbs of warning and admonishing (A&G [ 563]), the notion of admonishing being implicit in ''praedixit futurum''. ''esse periturum'' > ''pereo, -ire''.
:'''quod quidem ita vidimus:''' 'And this is in fact what we have seen'.
:'''Aquileiae:''' 'of [ Aquileia], an important city at the northern extremity of the Adriatic. [,15.501709&spn=3.396233,8.453979&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=58.206849,49.482422&t=p&z=8 Satellite image].

'''Atque ut minora tantis inseram - quamvis, ut est nostrorum aetas temporum, quibus iam depravata omnia atque corrupta sunt, paene praecipuum sit, adulationi regiae sacerdotalem non cessisse constantiam -, cum ad imperatorem Maximum, ferocis ingenii virum et bellorum civilium victoria elatum, plures ei diversis orbis partibus episcopi convenissent et foeda circa principem omnium adulatio notaretur seque degenere inconstantia regiae clientelae sacerdotalis dignitas subdidisset, in solo Martino apostolica auctoritas permanebat.'''
:ut minora tantis inseram: parenthetical, 'to include smaller matters with such great feats'.
:quamvis . . . paene praecipuum sit: 'although it is almost a chief virtue'
:regius -a -um: royal, relating to the emperor.
:adulationi regiae: 'flattery toward the emperor', dative with ''cessisse'', 'to have yielded to' (> cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum).
:imperatorem Maximum: Magnus Maximus, Roman emperor AD 383-8.
:elatum: 'puffed up, arrogant' (> effero).
:notaretur: 'was observed' (OLD s.v. noto 13).
:seque degenere inconstantia regiae clientelae sacerdotalis dignitas subdidisset: 'and priestly dignity had shamefully degraded itself through the inconstancy of royal clientage'. As he describes in more detail in the ''Chronica'', Sulpicius saw clerics of this period sometimes flatter and manipulate emperors into persecuting rival Christian sects and factions. In his view the church should be separate from and above the state, but many bishops became entangled in imperial politics. Martin set a good example by staying true to his principles and not flattering the emperors for his own personal advantage.
:apostolicus -a -um, relating to an apostle, apostolic.
'''nam et si pro aliquibus regi supplicandum fuit, imperavit potius quam rogavit, et a convivio eius frequenter rogatus abstinuit, dicens se mensae eius participem esse non posse, qui imperatores unum regno, alterum vita expulisset.'''
:et si pro aliquibus regi supplicandum fuit: 'even if it was necessary to petition the emperor on somebody's behalf'. As a bishop Martin might have to intercede with the emperor on behalf of a member of his flock.
:mensae eius . . . qui: 'the table of that man who', i.e., Maximus.
:imperatores unum regno, alterum vita expulisset: 'had expelled one emperor from office, another from life'. In his rise to power Maximus had killed the western emperor Gratian and later invaded Italy, displacing Valentinian II.[]
'''postremo, cum Maximus se non sponte sumpsisse imperium affirmaret, sed impositam sibi a militibus divino nutu regni necessitatem armis defendisse, et non alienam ab eo Dei voluntatem videri, penes quem tam incredibili eventu victoria fuisset, nullumque ex adversariis nisi in acie occubuisse, tandem victus vel ratione vel precibus ad convivium venit, mirum in modum gaudente rege, quod id impetrasset.'''
:cum Maximus . . . affirmaret: 'when Maximus declared that' (affirmo [1]). This is followed by a series of infinitives in indirect statement.
:se . . . defendisse: 'that he had defended'.
:divino nutu: 'with divine approval' (nutus, -us, m., nod).
:non alienam ab: 'not unfriendly to' (alienus -a -um, alien from, not allied with, inimical to)
:penes quem . . . victoria fuisset: 'to whom his victory had been due'.
:tandem victus: 'won over at last' (the antecedent is Martin).
:impetrasset: 'had obtained' (> impetro [1], syncopated pluperf. subj., = ''impetravisset'').
'''convivae autem aderant, velut ad diem festum evocati, summi atque illustres viri, praefectus idemque consul Euodius, vir quo nihil umquam iustius fuit, comites duo summa potestate praediti, frater regis et patruus: medius inter hos Martini presbyter accubuerat, ipse autem in sellula iuxta regem posita consederat.'''
:convivae autem aderant: 'Moreover, there were present as his fellow diners . . . ' There follows a list of notables, some of the most powerful men of that time.
:Euodius: Flavius Euodius, consul 386.
:vir quo nihil umquam iustius fuit: 'a man than whom no one (lit. nothing) was ever more just'.
:presbyter -eri, m., priest.
:accumbo, -cumbere,-ccubui, recline
:sellula, -ae f., chair
'''ad medium fere convivium, ut moris est, pateram regi minister obtulit. ille sancto admodum episcopo potius dari iubet, exspectans atque ambiens, ut ab illius dextera poculum sumeret.'''
:ut moris est: 'as is customary' (> mos moris, f.).
:patera -ae, f., a broad, shallow bowl or dish, used in making libations.
:ambiens: 'seeking' (OLD s.v. ambio 3b).
:ut ab illius dextera poculum sumeret: 'that he (Maximus) would receive the drinking vessel from that man's (Martin's) right hand'--which would be a sign of honor for Maximus.
'''sed Martinus ubi ebibit, pateram presbytero suo tradidit, nullum scilicet existimans digniorem, qui post se prior biberet, nec integrum sibi fore, si aut regem ipsum aut eos, qui a rege erant proximi, presbytero praetulisset.'''
:post se prior: 'first after him'
:nec integrum sibi fore: 'and (thinking) that it would not be morally upright for him' (OLD s.v. integer 13).
:fore = futurum esse, indirect statement after ''existimans''.
'''quod factum imperator omnesque qui tunc aderant ita admirati sunt, ut hoc ipsum eis, in quo contempti fuerant, placeret. celeberrimumque per omne palatium fuit, fecisse Martinum in regis prandio, quod in infimorum iudicum conviviis nemo episcoporum fecisset.'''
:contempti fuerant: 'they had been scorned' (> contemno).
:celeberrimum . . . fuit: 'it was much talked about that' (OLD s.v. celeber 4).
:fecisse Martinum . . . quod: 'that Martin had done . . . that which'.
'''eidemque Maximo longe ante praedixit futurum ut, si ad Italiam pergeret, quo ire cupiebat, bellum Valentiniano imperatori inferens, sciret se primo quidem impetu futurum esse victorem, sed parvo post tempore esse periturum. quod quidem ita vidimus.'''
:periturum > pereo, -ire, die.
:futurum: 'the future, what was to come'
:ut . . . sciret: 'so that he might be aware that'.
:quod quidem ita vidimus: 'And this is in fact what we have seen'.
'''nam primo adventu eius Valentinianus in fugam versus est: deinde post annum fere resumptis viribus captum intra Aquileiae muros Maximum interfecit.'''
==Section 21==
==Section 21==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 21|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 21|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 21| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 21|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 21|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 21| vocabulary]]
:'''conserto . . . sermone:''' 'with conversation having been joined', i.e. 'engaging in conversation'.
:'''conspicabilem et subiectum oculis:''' 'clear and visible to his eyes'.
:'''contineret . . . transtulisset:''' 'was keeping . . . had transformed', subjunctive by attraction into the surrounding result clause (''ut . . . videretur'').
:'''spiritalis:''' spiritual (> ''spiritalis, -e'', late Lat.)
:'''qualibet . . . sub imagine:''' 'in any manifestation whatsoever'.
:'''cornu:''' neter accusative singular.
:'''admisso recens scelere gaudens:''' ' rejoicing in the recently committed crime'. ''admisso scelere'' is abl. with ''gaudens''. ''recens'' is adverbial.
:'''modo:''' 'just now' (Adv.).
:'''indicasset:''' 'had revealed' (> ''indico'' (1), = ''indicavisset'').
:'''sollicitos ire praecipit:''' 'he instructed them to go carefully'.
:'''affectus fuisset:''' 'had been afflicted with' (> ''afficio, -ere'' + abl., = ''affectus esset'').
:'''neminem:''' accusative in indirect statement, after ''nuntiant'', below.
:'''deesse:''' 'was missing' (> ''desum, deesse'').
:'''rusticum mercede conductum ut:''' 'peasant hired to' (> ''merces, mercedis'', f., reward; ''conduco, -ere'', hire).
:'''iunctis scilicet bubus:''' 'evidently his oxen were yoked together' (abl. absolute).
:'''dum dissoluta artius lora constringit:''' 'while he was tying more tightly the straps that had come undone'. ''Dum'' = 'while' can take the present indicative, whatever the tense of the main verb.
:'''sibi excusso capite inter inguina cornu adegisse:''' 'having shaken his head, had driven a horn into his (the peasant's) groin'. ''sibi'' is dative of reference (A&G [ 377]). ''adegisse'' > ''adigo, -ere''.
:'''post:''' adverbial, 'later'.
:'''vitam reddidit:''' 'died' (>''reddo, -ere'').
:'''videris:''' 'it is for you to decide' (fut. pf. indic., see OLD s.v. ''video'' 18b).
:'''data fuerit:''' 'has been given'  pf. subj. in indirect question,  = ''data sit''.
:'''rettulimus:''' 'I have described' (> ''refero''), polite 1st person plural for singular.
:'''si quotiens:''' 'if ever, whenever' (= ''quotiens'', a mannerism of Sulpicius, cp. ''Dial''. 3.6).
:'''sibi nuntiata (sc. esse) fratribus indicabat:''' 'he used to inform the brothers that they had been announced to him'.

'''Constat autem etiam angelos ab eo plerumque visos, ita ut conserto apud eum invicem sermone loquerentur: diabolum vero ita conspicabilem et subiectum oculis habebat, ut sive se in propria substantia contineret, sive in diversas figuras spiritalis nequitiae transtulisset, qualibet ab eo sub imagine videretur.'''
:conserto . . . loquerentur: 'engaging in conversation before him they spoke in turn.'
:conspicabilis, -e, visible (eccl.)
:subiectum: 'exposed to' + dat. (> subicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectm).
:spiritalis -e, spiritual (late Lat.)
:qualibet . . . sub imagine: 'in any manifestation whatsoever'.
'''quod cum diabolus sciret se effugere non posse, conviciis eum frequenter urguebat, quia fallere non posset insidiis. quodam autem tempore cornu bovis cruentum in manu tenens cum ingenti fremitu cellulam eius irrupit, cruentamque ostendens dexteram et admisso recens scelere gaudens 'ubi est' inquit, 'Martine, virtus tua? unum de tuis modo interfeci'.'''
:cornu: neter accusative singular.
:admisso recens scelere gaudens: ' rejoicing in the crime he had just committed'. ''admisso scelere'' is abl. with ''gaudens''.
:modo (Adv.): 'just now'
'''tunc ille convocatis fratribus refert quid diabolus indicasset: sollicitos ire praecipit per cellulas singulorum, quisnam hoc casu affectus fuisset. neminem quidem deesse de monachis, sed unum rusticum mercede conductum, ut vehiculo ligna deferret, isse ad silvam nuntiant.'''
:indica(vi)sset > indico (1).
:sollicitos ire praecipit: 'he instructed them to go carefully'.
:affectus fuisset: 'had been afflicted with' (> afficio, -ere + abl.).
:neminem: accusative in indeirect statement, after ''nuntiant'', below.
:deesse: 'was missing' (> desum, deesse).
:rusticum mercede conductum ut: 'peasant hired to' (> merces, mercedis f., reward; conduco, -ere, hire).
:isse > eo, ire
'''iubet igitur aliquos ire ei obviam: ita haud longe a monasterio iam paene exanimis invenitur. extremum tamen spiritum trahens indicat fratribus causam mortis et vulneris: iunctis scilicet bubus dum dissoluta artius lora constringit, bovem sibi excusso capite inter inguina cornu adegisse. nec multo post vitam reddidit. videris, quo iudicio Domini diabolo data fuerit haec potestas.'''
:iuncits scilicet bubus: 'when his oxen were yoked together' (> bos, bovis, m.).
:dum dissoluta artius lora constringit: 'while he was tying more tightly the straps that had come undone'. ''Dum'' meaning 'while' (indicating a situation in the course of which a punctual event occurs) sometimes introduces a clause with a present indicative verb, regardless of the tense of the main clause (OLD s.v. ''dum'' 3a).
:excusso > excutio, -ere
:adegisse: 'had driven' (> adigo, -ere).
:post: adverbial, 'later'.
:vitam reddere = 'die'
:videris: 'it is for you to decide' (fut. pf. indic., see OLD s.v. ''video'' 18b).
:data fuerit: 'has been given' ('shifted' pf. subj. [ = ''data sit''] in indirect question).
'''in Martino illud mirabile erat, quod non solum hoc, quod supra rettulimus, sed multa istius modi, si quotiens accidissent, longe antea praevidebat aut sibi nuntiata fratribus indicabat.'''
:rettulimus > refero
:si quotiens: 'if ever, whenever' (= ''quotiens'', apparently a mannerism of Sulpicius, cp. ''Dial''. 3.6).
:sibi nuntiata (sc. esse) fratribus indicabat: 'he used to inform the brothers that they had been announced to him'.
==Section 22==
==Section 22==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 22|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 22|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 22| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 22|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 22|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 22| vocabulary]]
:'''dum . . . conabatur:''' when(ever) he was trying'. ''cum'' would have been more regular.
:'''artibus:''' 'cunning methods'.
:'''visibilem se ei formis diversissimis ingerebat:''' 'used to make himself visible to him in a great variety of forms'.
:'''se . . . offerebat:''' 'he used to present himself'.
:'''vultibus:''' 'with respect to his appearance' (> ''vultus, -&#363;s'', m.).
:'''protervis vocibus:''' 'with impudent words'.
:'''increpabat:''' 'used to rebuke'.
:'''obiectis:''' 'by their taunts' (> ''obicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum'', bring up as a reproach, throw in a person's teeth).
:'''cur . . . recepisset:''' 'because he had received'. ''cur'' = 'because' is rare, but classical. See below, 23.4.
:'''aliquos:''' direct object of ''recepisset'', below.
:'''conversos:''' 'after they had repented' (> ''convertor, -verti, -versus sum'', return, repent, convert [eccl.]).
:'''exponentem:''' 'describing'. The antecedent is the demon, parallel to ''increpantem'' above.
:'''Martinum . . . respondisse:''' '(they say that) Martin responded'.
:'''delicta . . . conversatione purgari:''' 'that sins were cleansed by repentance' (> ''conversatio, -onis'', f. (eccl.)).
:'''absolvendos esse peccatis, qui peccare desierint:''' '(those) who had ceased to sin ought to be absolved of their sins' (''desierint'' is pf. subj. in a relative clause of characteristic (A&G [ 535a]), > ''desino, -sinere, -sii'').
:'''non pertinere ad veniam criminosos:''' 'that guilty men had nothing to do with mercy'. ''criminosus, -i'', m.: a guilty man (late Lat.). ''pertineo, -ēre'': apply to, be suitable to.
:'''lapsis:''' 'to those who had fallen', i.e., into sin after baptism (> ''labor, labi, lapsus sum'').
:'''in hanc vocem:''' 'in these words', 'as follows'.
:'''te . . . paeniteret:''' 'you would repent' (> ''paeniteo'', impersonal construction, standard with this verb, with accusative of person regretting and genitive of the thing causing regret, also standard with this verb).
:'''in proximo:''' 'at hand'.
:'''in qua etsi auctoritatem praestare non potuit, ostendit affectum:''' 'in which, even if he could not provide a guarantee, he did show his feelings' (> ''affectus -&#363;s'', m.).
:'''non ab re videtur:''' 'it does not seem out of place' (impersonal construction).
:'''licet extrisecus:''' 'though it is not directly relevant' (lit. 'though it is exterior').
:'''in eo:''' 'in this', i.e. in the incident about to be related.
:'''res miraculo digna:''' 'a miraculous event' (lit. 'a thing worthy of a miracle').
:'''memoriae mandabitur:''' 'will be committed to memory', i.e., 'will be recorded for posterity'.
:'''in exemplum cavendi:''' 'as a cautionary example' (lit., 'for an example of taking care').
:'''contigerit:''' 'happens' (> ''contingo, -tingere, -tigi'').

'''Frequenter autem diabolus, dum mille nocendi artibus sanctum virum conabatur illudere, visibilem se ei formis diversissimis ingerebat. nam interdum in Iovis personam, plerumque Mercuri, saepe etiam se Veneris ac Minervae transfiguratum vultibus offerebat: adversus quem semper interritus signo se crucis et orationis auxilio protegebat.'''
:artibus: 'cunning methods' (> ars artis, f.)
:visibilem se ei formis diversissimis ingerebat: 'used to make himself visible to him in a great variety of forms'.
:se . . . offerebat: 'he used to present himself'.
:vultibus: 'with respect to his appearance' (> vultus, -&#363;s m.).
:protervus -a -um, violent, vehement; shameless, impudent
:increpo (1), exclaim loudly against a person (+ acc.), rebuke, reprove.
:obiectis: 'charges, accusations' (> obicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum, bring up as a reproach, throw in a person's teeth).
'''testabantur etiam aliqui ex fratribus, audisse se daemonem protervis Martinum vocibus increpantem, cur intra monasterium aliquos ex fratribus, qui olim baptismum diversis erroribus perdidissent, conversos postea recepisset, exponentem crimina singulorum:'''
:cur . . . recepisset: 'because he had received'. ''cur'' = 'because' is rare, but classical. See below, 23.4.
:aliquos: direct object of ''recepisset'', below.
:conversos: 'after they had repented' (> convertor, -verti, -versus sum, return, repent, convert [eccl.]).
:exponentem: the antecedent is the demon, parallel to ''increpantem'' above.
'''Martinum diabolo repugnantem respondisse constanter, antiqua delicta melioris vitae conversatione purgari, et per misericordiam Domini absolvendos esse peccatis, qui peccare desierint.'''
:Martinum . . . respondisse: the indirect statement continues, 'they say that Martin responded'.
:delicta . . . purgari: this is further indirect statement, representing Martin's words, 'that sins were cleansed'.
:conversatio -onis, f., transformation, conversion (eccl.)
:desierint > desino, -sinere, -sii, cease.
:absolvendos esse peccatis, qui peccare desierint: '(those) who had ceased to sin ought to be absolved'.
'''contra dicente diabolo, non pertinere ad veniam criminosos, et semel lapsis nullam a Domino praestari posse clementiam, tunc in hanc vocem fertur exclamasse Martinus: si tu ipse, miserabilis, ab hominum insectatione desisteres et te factorum tuorum vel hoc tempore, cum dies iudicii in proximo est, paeniteret, ego tibi vere confisus in Domino Iesu Christo misericordiam pollicerer. o quam sancta de Domini pietate praesumptio, in qua etsi auctoritatem praestare non potuit, ostendit affectum.'''
:criminosus -i, m., a guilty man (late Lat.).
:non pertinere ad veniam criminosos: 'that guilty men had nothing to do with mercy'. pertineo, -ere = apply to, be suitable to a person or thing.
:lapsis: 'to those who had fallen' (i.e., into sin after baptism; > labor, labi, lapsus sum, to slip).
:in hanc vocem: 'in these words'.
:te . . . paeniteret: 'you would repent' (> ''paeniteo'', impersonal construction, standard with this verb, with accusative of person regretting and genitive of the thing causing regret, also standard with this verb).
:in proximo: 'at hand'.
:praesumptio -onis, f., a taking beforehand, a using or enjoying in advance, anticipation.
:auctoritas -tatis, f., guarantee.
:in qua etsi auctoritatem praestare non potuit, ostendit affectum: 'in which, even if he could not provide a guarantee, he did show his feelings' (affectus -&#363;s, m.).
'''et quia de diabolo eiusdemque artibus sermo exortus est, non ab re videtur, licet extrinsecus, referre quod gestum est, quia et quaedam in eo Martini virtutum portio est et res digna miraculo recte memoriae mandabitur, in exemplum cavendi, si quid deinceps uspiam tale contigerit.'''
:non ab re videtur: 'it does not seem out of place' (impersonal construction).
:licet extrisecus: 'though it is not directly relevant' (lit. 'though it is exterior').
:in eo: 'in this', i.e. in the incident about to be related.
:res miraculo digna: 'a miraculous event' (lit. a thing worthy of a miracle).
:memoriae mandabitur: 'will be committed to memory' (> mando [1]), i.e. will be recorded for posterity.
:in exemplum cavendi: 'as a cautionary example' (lit., 'for an example of taking care').
:contigerit > contingo, -tingere, -tigi, happen.
==Section 23==
==Section 23==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 23|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 23|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 23| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 23|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 23|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 23| vocabulary]]
:'''felici . . . excessu:''' 'as a result of his fortunate death'.
:'''se . . . contulisset:''' 'had gone'.
:'''ad summum fidei virtutumque omnium culmen enituit:''' 'reached the highest peak of faith and all the virtues' (''enitesco, -ere, -nitui'': to become conspicuous for merit, shine).
:'''ad eum . . . accessit:''' 'came to him'.
:'''mentitus:''' 'having falsely assumed' (> ''mentior, -iri, -itus sum'': feign, fabricate).
:'''dicebat:''' the subject is Anatolius.
:'''fidem  . . . adhiberet:''' 'was believing (him)'
:'''coartabat:''' 'was compelling' (> ''coarto'' (1), a late Latin sense).
:'''eo usque . . . ut . . . praedicaret:''' 'so far as to declare' (result clause).
:'''ille:''' Anatolius
:'''ei:''' Clarus
:'''praesentes plagas:''' 'an immediate thrashing'
:'''comminari:''' 'thretened' (historic infin.).
:'''cur sancto non crederet:''' 'because he was not trusting a holy man'. ''Cur'' = 'because' is rare but classical; cp. OLD s.v. 4.
:'''in hanc vocem erupisse:''' 'to have blurted the following words' (> ''erumpo -ere -upi -uptum'': break silence, to utter violently or unexpectedly).
:'''qua indutus:''' 'clothed in which' (> ''induo, -ere, -ui, -utus'' + abl.).
:'''in medio vestrum deversabor:''' 'I shall remain in your midst' (White).
:'''qui . . . donatus sim:''' 'since I have been endowed with', pf. subj. in a causal relative clause (A&G [ 535e]), > ''dono'' (1).
:'''professionem:''' 'declaration'.
:'''fremitu terram insultantium:''' 'with a rumble of people trampling on the ground'.
:'''commoveri loco visum est:''' 'seemed to be being jolted from its place', 'seemed to shake'.
:'''summa mollitie, candore eximio, micanti purpura:''' abl. of description.
:'''nec tamen, cuius esset generis aut velleris, poterat agnoscī:''' 'and yet it could not be recognized of what type or wool it was' (''vellus, -eris,'' n.: wool, fleece).
:'''non aliud quam:''' 'nothing other than'.
:'''quidnam id esset:''' indirect question after ''ostenderet''.
:'''apprehensum dextera ad Martīnum trahere volebat:''' 'he (Clarus) wanted to take him (Anatolius), having been grabbed by the hand, to Martin'.
:'''interdictum sibi esse . . . ne:''' 'that it was forbidden for him to' (> ''interdico, -ere'').
:'''fantasiam:''' 'deception', lit. 'phantom, specter, apparition' (late Lat.), i.e. the garment.
:'''cum erat . . . ingerenda:''' 'when it was about to be put before' (> ''ingero, -ere'').

'''Clarus quidam, adulescens nobilissimus, mox presbyter, nunc felici beatus excessu, cum relictis omnibus se ad Martinum contulisset, brevi tempore ad summum fidei virtutumque omnium culmen enituit.'''
:felici . . . excessu: 'as a result of his fortunate death'.
:se . . . contulisset: 'had gone'.
:enitesco, enitescere, enitui, to become conspicuous for merit, 'shine'.
:ad summum fidei virtutumque omnium culmen enituit: 'reached the highest peak of faith and all the virtues'.
'''itaque cum haud longe sibi ab episcopi monasterio tabernaculum constituisset multique apud eum fratres commorarentur, iuvenis quidam ad eum Anatolius nomine, sub professione monachi omnem humilitatem atque innocentiam mentitus, accessit habitavitque aliquamdiu in commune cum ceteris.'''
:mentior, -iri, -itus, feign, fabricate
'''dein procedente tempore angelos apud se loqui solere dicebat. cum fidem nullus adhiberet, signis quibusdam plerosque ad credendum coartabat. postremo eo usque processit, ut inter se ac Deum nuntios discurrere praedicaret, iamque se unum ex profetis haberi volebat.'''
:dicebat: the subject is Anatolius.
:fidem adhibere = to lend credence (to), believe.
:coarto (1), compel (a late Latin sense).
:eo usque . . . ut . . . praedicaret: 'so far as to declare' (result clause).
:propheta -ae, m., prophet. ''profeta'' is an alternate spelling.
'''Clarus tamen nequaquam ad credendum cogi poterat. ille ei iram Domini et praesentes plagas, cur sancto non crederet, comminari.'''
:ille = Anatolius
:ei = Clarus
:praesentes plagas: 'an immediate thrashing'
:comminari: 'thretened' (historic infin.).
:cur sancto non crederet: 'because he was not trusting a holy man'. ''Cur'' = 'because' is rare but classical; cp. OLD s.v. 4.
'''postremum in hanc vocem erupisse fertur: ecce hac nocte vestem mihi candidam Dominus de caelo dabit, qua indutus in medio vestrum diversabor: idque vobis signum erit, in me Dei esse virtutem, qui Dei veste donatus sim.'''
:erumpo -ere -upi -uptum, to break silence, to utter violently or unexpectedly (OLD s.v. 5b).
:qua indutus: 'clothed in which' (> induo, -ere, -ui, -utus + abl.).
:deversor, -ari, -atus sum, dwell (check TLL)
:dono (1) + abl., endow with.
'''tum vero grandis omnium ad hanc professionem exspectatio. itaque ad mediam fere noctem fremitu terram insultantium commoveri omne monasterium loco visum est: cellulam autem, qua idem adulescens continebatur, crebris cerneres micare luminibus, fremitusque in ea discurrentium et murmur quoddam multarum vocum audiebatur.'''
:professio -onis, f., declaration.
:fremitus -us, m., rumble, hubbub, low roar.
:fremitu terram insultantium: 'with a rumble of people trampling on the ground'
:commoveri omne monasterium loco visum est: ' the whole monestery seemed to be being jolted from its place'
'''dein facto silentio egressus unum de fratribus Sabatium nomine ad se vocat tunicamque ei, qua erat indutus, ostendit. obstupefactus ille convocat ceteros, ipse etiam Clarus accurrit, adhibitoque lumine vestem omnes diligenter inspiciunt. erat autem summa mollitie, candore eximio, micanti purpura, nec tamen, cuius esset generis aut velleris, poterat agnosci: curiosis tamen oculis aut digitis attrectata non aliud quam vestis videbatur. interea Clarus fratres admonet orationi insistere, ut manifestius eis Dominus quidnam id esset ostenderet.'''
:non aliud quam: 'nothing other than'.
:summa mollitie, candore eximio, micanti purpura: abl. of description.
:vellus -eris, n.: wool, fleece.
:cuius esset generis aut velleris: 'of what type or (what kind of) wool it was', indirect question after ''agnosci''.
:quidnam id esset: indirect question after ''ostenderet''.
'''itaque reliquum noctis hymnis psalmisque consumitur. ubi illuxit dies, apprehensum dextera ad Martinum trahere volebat, bene conscius illudi illum diaboli arte non posse.'''
:apprehensum dextera: 'having been taken by the hand'; the antecedent is Anatolius.
:arte: 'trick'.
:volebat: the subject is Clarus.
'''tum vero reniti ac reclamare miser coepit, interdictumque sibi esse dicebat, ne se Martino ostenderet. cumque invitum ire compellerent, inter trahentium manus vestis evanuit. unde quis dubitet hanc etiam Martini fuisse virtutem, ut fantasiam suam diabolus, cum erat Martini oculis ingerenda, dissimulare diutius aut tegere non posset.'''
:renitor, -niti, -nisus sum, resist.
:interdictum sibi esse . . . ne: 'that it was forbidden for him to' (> interdico, -ere, forbid).
:fantasiam (= phantasiam): 'deception', lit. 'phantom, specter, apparition' (late Lat.), i.e. the garment.
:cum erat . . . ingerenda: 'when it was about to be put before' (ingero, -ere).
==Section 24==
==Section 24==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 24|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 24|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 24| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 24|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 24|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 24| vocabulary]]
:'''animadversum est:''' 'it was noticed' (> ''animadverto, -ere'', impersonal passive).
:'''multis signis auctoritatem paravisset:''' 'had obtained (spiritual) influence by many miraculous deeds'. (''signum, -i'', n. = miraculous deed (eccl.))
:'''Heliam:''' [ Elijah] (spelled variously: ''Ēlīās'' or ''Hēlīās, -ae'', m.,  and ''Elia, -ae'', m.)
:'''adeo inlusit:''' 'he was so successful in his deception' (''inludo, -ere, -lusi, -lusum'': deceive).
:'''plerique ... ex fratribus:''' 'several of the brothers'.
:'''extitisse:''' 'appeared' (> ''exsto, -stare, -stiti, -stitum'')
:'''iactitāverit:''' 'boasted', pf. subj. in a relative clause of characteristic (A&G [ 535a]).
:'''istius modi pseudoprofetis existentibus:''' 'since false prophets of this type are appearing'.
:'''mysterium iniquitatis operatur:''' 'carries on the secret ways of his wickedness', a phrase borrowed from Paul (''2 Thess.'' 2.7 ''nam [qui adversatur, i.e. the antichrist] mysterium iam operatur iniquitatis''). ''Matthew'' 4.23 predicts the rise of pseudoprophets who will mislead even the chosen at the end of time. ''operor, -ari, atus sum'': carry on.
:'''Non praetereundum autem videtur:''' 'Moreover it seems that it ought not to be passed over', i.e., 'I should not fail to mention'.
:'''quanta . . . arte:''' 'with what great trickery' (indirect question).
:'''praemissa prae se et circumiectus ipse luce purpurea:''' 'with a glowing light having been sent ahead of himself, and surrounded by it himself' (''purpueus -a -um:'' radiant, glowing, see OLD 3a).
:'''claritate assumpti fulgoris:''' 'thanks to the brilliance of his acquired splendor'.
:'''quo facilius . . . illuderet:''' 'by which he might more easily deceive', subj. in a relative clause of purpose containing a comparative (A&G [ 531]).
:'''illitis:''' 'coated with' (> ''illino, -ere, -evi, -itum'').
:'''nihil minus quam:''' 'anything but' (lit. 'nothing less than').
:'''fuisset hebetatus:''' 'had been stunned', > ''hebeto'' (1) = ''hebetatus esset''.
:'''tum prior diabolus:''' 'then the devil (spoke) first'
:'''quem cernis:''' '(the one) whom you see'.
:'''nec quidquam responsi referret:''' 'and did not make any response at all'. ''responsi'' is partitive genitive with a neuter pronoun (A&G [ 346]).
:'''quid dubitas:''' 'why do you hesitate?'
:'''tum ille . . . inquit:''' 'then he (Martin) said'.
:'''purpuratum:''' 'dressed in purple'.
:'''formaque, qua passus est:''' 'and in the form in which he suffered' (on the cross).
:'''stigmata:''' 'marks, wounds' (> ''stigma, stigmatis'', n.).
:'''evanuit:''' 'vanished' (> ''evanesco, -ere, -ui'').
:'''foetore:''' 'stench' (> ''foetor, -oris'', m.'').
:'''hoc itaque gestum:'''  (sc. ''esse'') 'that this incident happened in this way' (indirect statement after ''cognovi'').

'''Animadversum est tamen, eodem fere tempore fuisse in Hispania iuvenem, qui cum sibi multis signis auctoritatem paravisset, eo usque elatus est, ut se Heliam profiteretur.'''
:animadversum est: 'it was noticed' (> animadverto, -ere; impersonal passive).
:paro (1), obtain, procure, acquire, get
:signum -i n., miraculous deed (eccl.)
:Heliam: Elijah
'''quod cum plerique temere credidissent, addidit ut se Christum esse diceret: in quo etiam adeo illusit, ut eum quidam episcopus Rufus nomine ut Deum adoraret: propter quod eum postea ab episcopatu deiectum vidimus.'''
:adeo inlusit: 'he was so successful in his deception' (inludo, -ere, -lusi, -lusum).
'''plerique etiam ex fratribus nobis rettulerunt, eodem tempore in Oriente quendam exstitisse, qui se Iohannen esse iactitaverit, ex quo conicere possumus, istius modi pseudoprofetis existentibus, Antichristi adventum imminere, qui iam in istis mysterium iniquitatis operatur.'''
:plerique ... ex fratribus: 'several of the brothers'.
:istius modi pseudoprofetis existentibus: 'since false prophets of this type are appearing' (exsto, -stare, -stiti, -stitum, appear, come into being).
:operor, -ari, atus sum, carry on.
:mysterium iniquitatis operatur: 'carries on the secret ways of his wickedness', a phrase borrowed from Paul (''2 Thess.'' 2.7 nam [qui adversatur, i.e. the antichrist] mysterium iam operatur iniquitatis). ''Matthew'' 4.23 predicts the rise of pseudoprophets who will mislead even the chosen at the end of time.
'''Non praetereundum autem videtur, quanta Martinum sub isdem diebus diabolus arte temptaverit. quodam enim die praemissa prae se et circumiectus ipse luce purpurea, quo facilius claritate assumpti fulgoris illuderet, veste etiam regia indutus, diademate ex gemmis auroque redimitus, calceis auro illitis, sereno ore, laeta facie, ut nihil minus quam diabolus putaretur, oranti in cellula adstitit.'''
:Non praetereundum autem videtur: 'Moreover, it see, that it ought not to be passed over', i.e., I should not fail to mention.
:quanta . . . arte: 'with what great trickery' (indirect question).
:purpueus -a -um, radiant, glowing (OLD 3a).
:praemissa prae se et circumiectus ipse luce purpurea: 'with a glowing light having been sent ahead of himself, and surrounded by it himself'.
:claritate assumpti fulgoris: 'thanks to the brilliance of his acquired splendor'.
:quo . . . illuderet: 'by which he might deceive'.
:illitis: 'coated with' (illino, -ere, -evi, -itum).
:nihil minus quam: 'anything but' (lit. nothing less than).
'''cumque Martinus primo aspectu eius fuisset hebetatus, diu multum silentium ambo tenuerunt. tum prior diabolus: 'agnosce' inquit, 'Martine, quem cernis: Christus ego sum: descensurus ad terram prius me manifestare tibi volui.'''
:fuisset hebetatus: 'had been stunned' (= hebetatus esset, > hebeto [1]).
'''ad haec cum Martinus taceret nec quidquam responsi referret, iterare ausus est diabolus professionis audaciam: 'Martine, quid dubitas credere, cum videas? Christus ego sum'.'''
:quid dubitas: 'why do you hesitate'
'''tum ille, revelante sibi spiritu, ut intellegeret diabolum esse, non Dominum; 'non se' inquit 'Iesus Dominus purpuratum nec diademate renidentem venturum esse praedixit: ego Christum nisi in eo habitu formaque, qua passus est, nisi crucis stigmata praeferentem venisse non credam'.'''
:purpuratus -a -um, dressed in purple.
:crux crucis, f., cross.
:stigma, stigmatis, n., mark, wound, scar.
'''ad hanc ille vocem statim ut fumus evanuit et cellulam tanto foetore complevit, ut indubia indicia relinqueret diabolum se fuisse. hoc itaque gestum, ut supra rettuli, ex ipsius Martini ore cognovi, ne quis forte existimet fabulosum.'''
:evanuit: 'vanished' (> evanesco).
:foetor -oris, m., foul smell, stench.
:hoc itaque gestum (sc. esse): 'that this incident happened in this way' (indirect statement after ''cognovi'').
==Section 25==
==Section 25==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 25|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 25|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 25| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 25|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 25|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 25| vocabulary]]
:'''olim audita fide eius vita atque virtute:''' 'having heard long ago of his faith, his life, and his virtue'.
:'''aestuaremus:''' 'I was burning'. The first person plural here, as in ''suscepimus'', ''nobis'', ''sciscitati sumus'' and ''cognovimus'' below, is polite and refers to Sulpicius alone.
:'''in quantum:''' 'in so far as'.
:'''sciscitati sumus . . . cognovimus:''' 'I inquired . . . I gained knowledge'. ''sciscitor, -ari, -tatus sum'': inquire thoroughly.
:'''credi non potest:''' 'it cannot be believed', 'it is incredible'.
:'''congratulatus plurimum et gavisus:''' 'expressing great happiness and rejoicing'. ''congratulor, -ari, atus sum'': rejoice (eccl.); ''gaudeo, -ēre, gavisus sum''.
:'''quod tanti esset habitus:''' 'because he was consirdered to be of such great worth'. ''tanti'' is genitive of value (A&G [ 417]).
:'''quem . . . expeteremus:''' 'that I sought him out', subjunctive in a relative clause of result (A&G [ 537]).
:'''cum me sancto convivio suo dignatus esset adhibere:''' 'when he considered me worthy to invite to his holy feast', i.e. a dinner. ''dignor'' (1): consider worthy. ''adhibeo, -ēre'': invite (as a guest), summon (to a feast, etc.).
:'''nec . . . constantia fuit:'''  (sc. ''mihi'') 'nor did I have the strength of will'.
:'''si non adquievissem:''' 'if I had not consented (> ''adquiesco, -ere, -evi'').
:'''non alius . . . quam:''' '(about) nothing but'.
:'''praesentissimum . . . exemplum ingerebat:''' 'he repeatedly brought up the most outstanding example' (''ingero, -ere:'' to din into a person's ears, say repeatedly).
:'''Paulini:''' [ Paulinus of Nola], a wealthy man who sold his possessions and devoted himself to the life of the church; also a friend of Sulpicius, and one of the most prominent poets of this period.
:'''solus paene . . . complesset:''' 'almost alone had fulfilled', i.e. 'was practically the only one who had fulfilled'.
:'''beatum . . . documento:''' 'blessed in (having) an example' (''documentum, -i'', n.: an example serving as a precedent, warning, instruction, etc.).
:'''secundum:''' in accordance with (preposition + acc.).
:'''dives et possidens multa:''' 'a rich man and one possessing much' (i.e., Paulinus)..
:'''quod erat factu impossibile:''' '(that) which was impossible to do'. ''factu'' is supine, abl. of specification (A&G[ 510]).
:'''confabulatione:''' 'conversation' > ''confabulatio, -onis'', f. (late Lat.).
:'''in absolvendis scripturarum quaestionibus:''' 'in resolving disputed points of scripture'.
:'''promptus et facilis:''' 'ready and accommodating'.
:'''ad hanc partem:''' 'on this point'.
:'''quippe quos viderim me ipso etiam referente non credere:''' 'in as much as I have seen some people fail to believe even when I was telling them myself'. ''viderim'' is pf. subj. in a causal relative clause (A&G [ 535e]). ''quippe'' + ''qui, quae, quod'' = 'as one in fact who', i.e. 'since' or 'inasmuch as I, you, he' etc. (L&S s.v. [ quippe] 5).
:'''puri sermonis:''' 'correct speech', according to the standards set by teachers of the day, based on classical authors.
:'''tantum scientiae, tantum ingenii, tantum tam boni et tam puri sermonis:''' 'so much knowledge, so much natural ability, so much excellent and correct speech.' This follows the text of Fontaine, rather than of Halm. ''ingenium, -i'', n.: mental powers, natural ability, talent.
:'''illiterato:''' 'uneducated'. A soldier at 15, Martin did not receive the advanced training in literature and rhetoric that would have been typical for a bishop. He was definitely literate, as emerges below, 26.3 ''lectioni''. ''homini illiterato'' is dative of person, regular after ''defuisse'' (> ''desum'').

'''Nam cum olim, audita fide eius vita atque virtute, desiderio illius aestuaremus, gratam nobis ad eum videndum suscepimus peregrinationem: simul quia iam ardebat animus vitam illius scribere, partim ab ipso, in quantum ille interrogari potuit, sciscitati sumus, partim ab his, qui interfuerant vel sciebant, cognovimus.'''
:olim audita fide eius vita atque virtute: 'having heard long ago of his faith, his life, and his virtue'.
:aestuaremus: 'I was burning'. The first person plural here, as in ''suscepimus'', ''nobis'', ''sciscitati sumus'' and ''cognovimus'' below, refer to Sulpicius alone. The 'royal we' is not so pompous in Latin as it is in English.
:in quantum: 'in so far as'.
:sciscitor, -ari, -tatus sum, inquire thoroughly.
:intersum, -esse, -fui, be present, take part in.
'''quo quidem tempore credi non potest, qua me humilitate, qua benignitate susceperit, congratulatus plurimum et gavisus in Domino, quod tanti esset habitus a nobis, quem peregrinatione suscepta expeteremus.'''
:credi non potest: 'it cannot be believed', i.e., it is incredible.
:congratulatus plurimum et gavisus: 'expressing great happiness and rejoicing' (congratulor, -ari, atus sum; gaudeo, -&#274;re, gavisus sum)
:tanti: 'of such worth' (genitive of value).
:quem . . . expeteremus: 'that I sought him out' (subjunctive in a relative clause of result, after ''tanti'' above; quem = ut, 'that').
'''miserum me - paene non audeo confiteri - cum me sancto convivio suo dignatus esset adhibere, aquam manibus nostris ipse obtulit, ad vesperum autem pedes ipse nobis abluit. nec reniti aut contra ire constantia fuit: ita auctoritate illius oppressus sum, ut nefas putarem, si non adquievissem.'''
:dignor, -ari, -atus sum, consider worthy.
:adhibeo, -&#275;re, -ui, -itum, invite (as a guest), summon (to a feast, etc.), have present (OLD 4).
:cum me sancto convivio suo dignatus esset adhibere: 'when he considered me worthy of being a guest at his holy feast', i.e. a dinner.
:nec . . . constantia fuit (sc. mihi): 'nor did I have the strength of will'.
:adquievissem > adquiesco, -ere, -evi (acq-), consent to, obey, acquiesce (Blaise 3).
'''sermo autem illius non alius apud nos fuit, quam mundi illecebras et saeculi onera relinquenda, ut Dominum Iesum liberi expeditique sequeremur: praestantissimumque nobis praesentium temporum illustris viri Paulini, cuius supra fecimus mentionem, exemplum ingerebat, qui summis opibus abiectis Christum secutus solus paene his temporibus evangelica praecepta complesset:'''
:non alius . . . quam: '(about) nothing but'.
:ingero, -ere, to din into a person's ears, say repeatedly (OLD 4).
:praesentissimum . . . exemplum ingerebat: 'he repeatedly brought up the most outstanding example'.
:Paulini: [ Paulinus of Nola], a wealthy man who sold his possessions and devoted himself to the life of the church; also a friend of Sulpicius, and one of the most prominent poets of this period.
:abicio, -ere, -i&#275;ci, -iectum, discard, abandon.
:solus paene . . . complesset: 'was practically the only one who had fulfilled' (lit. almost alone had fulfilled).
:evangelicus -a -um, of the gospel.
'''illum nobis sequendum, illum clamabat imitandum: beatumque esse praesens saeculum tantae fidei virtutisque documento, cum secundum sententiam Domini dives et possidens multa vendendo omnia et dando pauperibus, quod erat factu impossibile, possibile fecisset exemplo.'''
:documentum -i, n., an example (serving as a precedent, warning, instruction, etc.). documento is abl. after beatum, 'blessed in an example'.
:secundum (preposition), in accordance with.
:dives et possidens multa: 'a rich man and one possessing much' (i.e., Paulinus).
:factu (supine): 'in the doing', 'to do'.
:quod erat factu impossibile: '(that) which was impossible to do'
'''iam vero in verbis et confabulatione eius quanta gravitas, quanta dignitas erat! quam acer, quam efficax erat, quam in absolvendis scripturarum quaestionibus promptus et facilis!'''
:confabulatio -onis, f., conversation (late Lat.).
:in absolvendis . . . quaestionibus: 'in resolving disputed points'.
:scripturae -arum, f. pl., the scriptures, the Bible.
:facilis -e, accommodating.
'''et quia multos ad hanc partem incredulos scio, quippe quos viderim me ipso etiam referente non credere, Iesum testor spemque communem me ex nullius umquam ore tantum scientiae, tantum scientiae, tantum ingenii tantum tam boni et tam puri sermonis audisse.'''
:ad hanc partem: 'on this point' (OLD s.v. pars 14).
:quippe: 'indeed, why' (introducing a statement offered in confirmation of an assertion).
:quos = aliquos
:viderim: subj. in a causal relative clause (Woodcock sec. 156).
:quippe quos viderim me ipso etiam referente non credere: 'since, indeed, I have seen some people fail to believe even when I was telling them myself'.
:puri sermonis: 'correct speech', according to the standards set by teachers of the day, based on classical authors.
:tantum scientiae, tantum ingenii, tantum tam boni et tam puri sermonis: 'so much knowledge, so much natural ability, so much excellent and correct speech.' This follows the text of Fontaine, rather than of Halm.
:ingenium -i, n., mental powers, natural ability, talent.
'''quamquam in Martini virtutibus quantula est ista laudatio! nisi quod mirum est homini illitterato ne hanc quidem gratiam defuisse.'''
:illiteratus -a -um, uneducated. A soldier at 15, Martin did not receive the advanced training in literature and rhetoric that would have been typical for a man of his position. He was definitely literate, as emerges below, 26.3 ''lectioni''.
:homini illiterato: dative of person, regular with ''desum''.
==Section 26==
==Section 26==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 26|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 26|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 26| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 26|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 26|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 26| vocabulary]]
:'''non quod omnia . . . defecerint:''' 'not because all the things have been exhausted.' ''defecerint'' is pf. subjunctive in a causal relative clause (> ''deficio, -ere, -feci, -fectum'': run out, cease, disappear).
:'''quae fuerint dicenda:''' 'which needed to be said'. ''fuerint'' is pf. subj. in a relative clause of characteristic.
:'''utcumque:''' 'somehow or other'.
:'''nulla . . . nulla:''' both with ''oratio'', repeated for emphasis. ''oratio'' here means 'discourse, treatise'. Just below, ''orationibus'' refers to Martin's praying.
:'''illam scilicet . . . exponere:''' The subject of this long sentence is ''Homerus'', the main verb ''posset'': 'not if, as they say, Homer himself should emerge from the underworld, would he be able to express (''exponere'') . . . .' The series of accusatives at the beginning are direct objects of ''exponere''.
:'''illam scilicet perseverantiam:''' 'I mean the sort of perseverance'. This and the following accusatives are the direct objects of ''exponere'' below.
:'''perinde ac:''' 'in the same way as'.
:'''quo indulserit:''' 'with which he devoted himself to/indulged in', > ''indulgeo, -ēre, -dulsi, -tum'', pf. subjunctive in a relative clause of characteristic. The antecedent of ''quo'' is the idea of Martin's energy and self-control, taken from the first part of the sentence as a whole. ''indulgeo'' regularly takes the dative, and is here followed by four: ''otio . . . negotio . . . cibo . . . somno''. With the first pair of objects the verb means 'devoted himself to', with the second pair, 'indulged in'.
:'''nisi quantum:''' 'except in so far as'.
:'''vere fatebor:''' 'I will tell you truly', parenthetical.
:'''adeo omnia maiora in Martino sunt quam ut verbis concipi queant:''' 'to such an extent are all things in Martin greater than can be expressed in words'.
:'''ut fabrīs ferrāriīs moris est:''' 'as is customary for blacksmiths' (''faber ferrarius, fabri ferrarii'', m.; ''mos, moris'', m.)
:'''pro quodam laboris levamine:''' 'as a kind of lightening of their labor'.
:'''incudem:''' 'anvil' (> ''incus, incudis'', f.).
:'''loco . . . amoverit:''' 'removed from his position'. As bishop Martin had the authority to dismiss priests.
:'''quantum in ipso fuit:''' 'was much as was in him', i.e., as much as he could.

'''Sed iam finem liber postulat, sermo claudendus est, non quod omnia, quae de Martino fuerint dicenda, defecerint, sed quia nos, ut inertes poetae, extremo in opere neglegentes, victi materiae mole succumbimus.'''
:non quod omnia . . . defecerint: 'not because all the things have run out.' ''defecerint'' is pf. subjunctive in a causal relative clause (> deficio, -ere, -feci, -fectum).
:fuerint dicenda: 'needed to be said'.
'''nam etsi facta illius explicari verbis utcumque potuerunt, interiorem vitam illius et conversationem cotidianam et animum caelo semper intentum nulla umquam - vere profiteor - nulla explicabit oratio.'''
:utcumque, somehow or other.
:nulla . . . nulla: both with ''oratio'', repeated for emphasis.
:oratio -onis, f., language, discourse.
'''illam scilicet perseverantiam et temperamentum in abstinentia et in ieiuniis, potentiam in vigiliis et orationibus, noctesque ab eo perinde ac dies actas nullumque vacuum ab opere Dei tempus, quo vel otio indulserit vel negotio, sed ne cibo quidem aut somno, nisi quantum naturae necessitas cogebat, vere fatebor, non si ipse, ut aiunt, ab inferis Homerus emergeret, posset exponere: adeo omnia, maiora in Martino sunt quam ut verbis concipi queant. numquam hora ulla momentumque praeteriit, quo non aut orationi incumberet aut insisteret lectioni, quamquam etiam inter legendum aut si quid aliud forte agebat, numquam animum ab oratione laxabat.'''
:The subject of this long sentence is ''Homerus'', the main verb ''posset'': 'not if, as they say, Homer himself should emerge from the underworld, would he be able to express (''exponere'') . . . .' The series of accusatives at the beginning are direct objects of ''exponere''. But the syntax breaks down somewhat at ''quo vel otio'' (relative clause after ''tempus'').
:vigilia -ae f., wakefulness, staying up at night
:orationibus > oratio -onis f., prayer.
:perinde ac: 'just as'
:indulgeo, -&#275;re, -si, -tum, indulge in, devote oneself to, + dat. (OLD 4).
:quo vel otio indulserit vel negotio, sed ne cibo quidem aut somno, nisi quantum naturae necessitas cogebat: '(time) in which he devoted himself either to leisure or to business--but (he devoted himself) not even to food or sleep, except to the extent that the necessity of nature compelled him.'
:vere fatebor: parenthetical, 'I will tell you truly'.
:adeo omnia maiora in Martino sunt quam ut verbis concipi queant: 'to such an extent are all things in Martin greater than can be expressed in words'.
'''nimirum ut fabris ferrariis moris est, qui inter operandum pro quodam laboris levamine incudem suam feriunt, ita Martinus etiam, dum aliud agere videretur, semper orabat.'''
:faber ferrarius: 'blacksmith'.
:moris: 'customary' (> mos moris, m.).
:incus incudis, f., anvil.
'''o vere vir beatus, in quo dolus non fuit: neminem iudicans, neminem damnans, nulli malum pro malo reddens. tantam quippe adversum omnes iniurias patientiam assumpserat, ut, cum esset summus sacerdos, impune etiam ab infimis clericis laederetur, nec propter id eos aut loco umquam amoverit aut a sua, quantum in ipso fuit, caritate reppulerit.'''
:dolus -i, m.: guile.
:assumo, -ere, -psi, -ptum, acquire, take on (qualities, attributes, etc.).
:iniuria -ae, f., insult, affront (OLD 4b).
:clericus -i, m., clergyman, priest.
:laedo, -ere, -si, -sum, harm, injure, offend.
:loco . . . amoverit: 'removed from his position'. As bishop Martin had the authority to dismiss priests with whom he had differences.
:quantum in ipso fuit: 'was much as was in him', i.e., as much as he could.
:caritas -tatis, f., friendship, affection
:repello, -ere, reppuli, repulsum, exclude.
==Section 27==
==Section 27==
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 27|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 27|text + notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 27| vocabulary]]
[[Sulpicius Severus#Section 27|Latin text]] | [[Notes for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin#Section 27|notes]] | [[Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 27| vocabulary]]
:'''commotum:''' 'agitated', 'worked-up'.
:'''quodammodo:''' 'in a certain way', 'a kind of'.
:'''extra naturam hominis videbatur:''' 'he seemed above human nature'.
:'''numquam in illius ore nisi Christus:''' 'never (was anything) on his lips except Christ'.
:'''pro eorum . . . peccatis:''' 'for the sins of those'.
:'''remotum et quietum:''' substantival, 'a secluded and quiet man', i.e. Martin.
:'''qui in illo oderant quod:''' 'who hated in him that which'.
:'''ingemescendum:''' 'lamentable'.
:'''non alii . . . non alii . . . quam:''' 'none other than' (repeated for emphasis).
:'''fere:''' 'for the most part', 'mostly'.
:'''licet pauci admodum:''' 'though quite few'.
:'''ferebantur:''' 'were said (to be)'.
:'''licet nosmet ipsos plerique circumlatrent:''' 'although quite a few are barking all around at me myself', a reference to Sulpicius' critics, who claimed that he exaggerated Martin's abilities. ''circumlatrent'' (> ''circumlatro'' (1)) is subj. in concessive clause (A&G [ 527]).
:'''sufficiet ut:''' 'it will be sufficient that'.
:'''ex his:''' 'of these men', i.e., from among the critics.
:'''dictum:''' (sc. ''esse'') 'that it has been said' (indirect statement after ''fatebitur'').
:'''non refugimus . . . ut:''' 'I do not mind that'.
:'''nos quoque:''' 'me too', another polite 1st person plural, referring to Sulpicius himself.
:'''opusculum istud:''' 'the present work'. ''Opusculum'' is diminutive of ''opus'', used here for modesty. ''iste'' = ''meus'' is late Latin. See Lönnergen, ''De Syntaxi Sulpicii Severi'', p. 10.[]
:'''de cetero:''' 'for the rest, otherwise'.
:'''ego mihi conscius sum me:''' 'I am conscious in myself that I', introducing indirect statement.

'''Nemo umquam illum vidit iratum, nemo commotum, nemo maerentem, nemo ridentem; unus idemque fuit semper: caelestem quodammodo laetitiam vultu praeferens extra naturam hominis videbatur.'''
:'''non quicumque legerit, sed quicumque crediderit:''' 'not he who has read, but he who has believed'. This is the subject of ''habebit'' above. ''legerit'' and ''crediderit'' are subjunctive in a relative clause of characteristic. 'Believed' is the emphatic final word in the work.
:commotum: agitated, worked-up.
:quodammodo: 'in a certain way', 'a kind of'.
:extra naturam hominis videbatur: 'he seemed above human nature'.
'''numquam in illius ore nisi Christus, numquam in illius corde nisi pietas, nisi pax, nisi misericordia inerat. plerumque etiam pro eorum, qui illius obtrectatores videbantur, solebat flere peccatis, qui remotum et quietum venenatis linguis et vipereo ore carpebant.'''
:numquam . . . nisi: 'never (anything) but'.
:pro eorum . . . peccatis: 'for the sins of those'.
:obtrectator -oris, m., critic, detractor.
:remotum et quietum: substantival, 'a secluded and quiet man', i.e. Martin.
'''et vere nonnullos experti sumus invidos virtutis vitaeque eius, qui in illo oderant, quod in se non videbant et quod imitari non valebant. atque, o nefas dolendum et ingemescendum, non alii fere insectatores eius, licet pauci admodum, non alii tamen quam episcopi ferebantur.'''
:quod: 'that which'.
:ingemescendum: 'lamentable'.
:non alii . . . non alii . . . quam: 'none other than' (repeated for emphasis).
:fere (Adv.): 'for the most part, mostly'.
:ferebantur: 'were said (to be)'.
'''nec vero quemquam nominari necesse est, licet nosmet ipsos plerique circumlatrent: sufficiet ut, si qui ex his haec legerit et agnoverit, erubescat. nam si irascitur, de se dictum fatebitur, cum fortasse nos de aliis senserimus.'''
:circumlatro (1), bark all around (at).
:licet nosmet ipsos plerique circumlatrent: 'although quite a few are barking at me myself', a reference to Sulpicius' critics, who claimed that he exaggerated Martin's abilities.
:sufficiet ut: 'it will be sufficient that'.
:ex his: 'of these men', i.e., from among the critics.
:dictum (sc. esse): 'that it has been said' (indirect statement after ''fatebitur'').
'''non refugimus autem, ut, si qui eius modi sunt, nos quoque cum tali viro oderint.'''
:non refugimus . . . ut: 'I do not mind that'.
:nos quoque: 'me too', another 'royal we', referring to Sulpicius himself.
'''illud facile confido, omnibus sanctis opusculum istud gratum fore. de cetero si qui haec infideliter legerit, ipse peccabit.'''
:opusculum istud: 'the present work'. ''Opusculum'' is diminutive of ''opus'', used here for modesty.
:de cetero: 'for the rest, otherwise'.
'''ego mihi conscius sum me, rerum fide et amore Christi impulsum ut scriberem, manifesta exposuisse, vera dixisse: paratumque, ut spero, habebit a Deo praemium, non quicumque legerit, sed quicumque crediderit.'''
:ego mihi conscius sum me: 'I am conscious in myself that I', introducing indirect statement.
:habebit: the subject is contained in what follows, ''quicumque'' . . . ''quicumque''.

Latest revision as of 10:05, 15 March 2012

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Latin text | notes | vocabulary

Severus Desiderio: understand salutem dicit, 'sends greetings to.'
ego quidem . . . decreveram: 'I, for my part, had decided' (> decerno, decernere, decrevi, decretum).
schedā suā premere: 'to suppress in it's own paper,' i.e. not to publish.
naturā: 'by nature', abl. of specification A&G 418
quod fore arbitror: '[a thing] which I think will happen.' fore = futurum esse.
qui materiem . . . occupassem: 'because I had impudently usurped material that should rightly be reserved for learned writers.' The relative clause is causal (Woodcock sec. 156, A&G 540c).
ocuppassem: = occupavissem (plupf. subj., > occupo [1]).
petenti: '(you) asking for (it)'.
quid enim esset, quod non . . . impenderem?: 'what would there be that I would not spend for', i.e., 'I would expend any effort for'.
eā . . . fiduciā . . . quā: 'with the confidence that'.
prodendum: (sc. esse) 'that it must be revealed'.
eum legi: 'that it is being read'.
bonā veniā . . . postulabis: 'you must kindly ask', a colloquial use of the future tense like an imperative A&G 449b. bonā veniā = 'with your indulgence' (OLD s.v. venia 3).
aequo animo ferant: 'bear it calmly'.
vitiosus sermo: 'faulty style'.
perculerit: 'strikes', fut. pf. in a future more vivid condition. (A&G)
meminerint: 'let them recall', pf. subj., jussive. (A&G)
salutem . . . praedicatam esse: 'that salvation was proclaimed'.
saeculo: the world, worldliness (eccl.).
utique: 'doubtless'.
suppresso . . . nomine: 'with the name having been suppressed', 'anonymously'.
videtur: 'it seems best'.
quod ut fieri valeat: 'in order to do this'.

Section 1

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

studio: '(literary) study', dative with dediti.
gloriae saeculari 'worldly fame', dative with dediti.
exinde: 'from that source', looking forward to the main verb, quaesierunt.
quaesierunt: 'sought' (> quaero, -ere, quaesii, quaesitum).
illustrassent: illustro (1), give glory or luster to. illustrassent = illustravissent, plupf. subj. This sentence is a pointed reference to the famous preface to Sallust's Bellum Catilinae[1], in which he says, by way of justifying his decision to write history, "Since only a short span of life has been vouchsafed us, we must make ourselves remembered as long as may be by those who come after us" (trans. Handford).
utique: (Adv.) certainly, without a doubt.
et . . . et: both . . . and.
licet incassum: 'though to no purpose' (adverbial, modifying propagabant).
non parva aemulatio: 'no small desire to emulate' the deeds of great men--the conventional justification of biography among Roman writers.
haec cura eorum: 'this study of theirs', i.e., the works of pagan biographers.
ipsis: dative with profuit.
quid . . . emolumenti: 'what advantage' (emolumenti is partitive genitive, A&G 356).
tulit: 'derived (for itself)'
legendo Hectorem: 'by reading (about) Hector'
sed non acerrime ... dementia: 'but it is also madness not to fight against them very strenuously'.
quippe qui ... aestimantes: 'in as much as they valued human life on the basis of worldly deeds alone'.
cum hominis officium sit: 'although it is the duty of a human being' (cum is concessive).
in tantum valuit: 'has become so strong' (> valesco, -ere).
unde facturus mihi operae pretium videor: 'and so I seem to myself to be about to do something worthwhile', an allusion to the famous opening of the preface to Livy's History of Rome, facturusne operae pretium sim si a primordio urbis . . . .
exemplo aliis mox futuram: 'which will serve as an example for others later'. exemplo is 'predicative' dative or dative of purpose (Woodcock sec. 68, A&G 382).
utique . . . incitabuntur: 'will certainly be roused'. The indicative mood of the verb marks this as a confident assertion.
in quo ita nostri quoque rationem commodi ducimus, ut: 'in so doing I am taking into account my own advantage as well, in such a way that'. 'rationem ducere = 'take account of'. The first person plurals here and below (expetemus, viximus, possimus, dedimus) refer to the author alone, but the tone is polite rather than pompous.
dedimus . . . operam: 'I have devoted myself to the task'.
ut se . . . gesserit: indirect question, 'how he conducted himself'.
ad omnia illius . . . pervenire: 'to include all of his deeds'
vel . . . vel: 'both . . . and' (late Lat.).
in quibus ipse tantum sibi conscius fuit: 'to which only he himself was privy'.
quantum in ipso fuit: 'as much as he could'
voluisset: subjunctive because it is assumed to be true, rather than personally vouched for by the speaker. "No doubt because he wanted . . ." (A&G)
nobis: 'by me' (dative of agent), plural for singular, as with omisimus and credidimus below.
si tantum excellentia notarentur: 'if outstanding deeds were merely pointed out'.
consulendum fuit: 'it was necessary to take thought for'.
ne quod his pareret copia congesta fastidium: 'lest a heaped-up abundance (of material) produce any annoyance for them', i.e., in the readers.
fidem . . . adhibeant: 'trust, believe in' (+ dat.).
probatum: 'proven true'.
alioquin: 'otherwise'.
maluissem: 'I would have preferred'

Section 2

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

Desiderius, here is the Life of St. Martin you asked for. Please don't circulate it; or if you do, ask people to overlook its stylistic shortcomings and consider only the substance.
Sabaria: Savaria, mod. Szombathely, Hungary. An important town in the province of Upper Pannonia. Satellite image. The emperor Septimius Severus was proclaimed Augutsus there, and Valentinian resided there for some time. Smith's Dictionary. [Derek, we need a Google map of Pannonia showing the major Roman towns and roads if possible.]
Pannoniarum: 'the Pannonias', a frontier zone along the Danube, including parts of modern Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. For military and administrative reasons Pannonia was successively subdivided until, in Martin's day, it included "Upper Pannonia" (Pannonia I and Savia, to the west) and and "Lower Pannonia" (Pannonia II and Valeria, to the east). Hence the plural "Pannonias." Pannonia was itself a subdivision of the larger area called Illyricum, embracing the whole Danube frontier area in the western Balkans.
oriundus: 'born' (the date was c. 316-17 AD)
Ticini: 'at Ticinum' (locative), the modern Pavia in the Po valley, northern Italy. A flourishing municipal town during the high empire, the main road that continued the Aemilian Way from Placentia to the foot of the Alps passed through it. [Derek, make a Google map showing Po valley and Alps foot hills with ancient place names].
parentibus: 'of parents', abl. of origin (A&G).
saeculi dignitatem: 'the social status of the secular world'.
primum . . . post: 'at first . . . later'.
tribunus militum: 'commander', originally of a legion, but in this period of any active army detachment [Fontaine 2.437].
scholares alas: 'imperial guard'.
Constantio: Flavius Iulius Constantius, or Constantius II, second son of Constantine I, emperor AD 337-361.
Iuliano: Flavius Claudius Iulianus, or Julian the Apostate,emperor AD 361-3.
illustris: 'remarkable'.
spiravit: 'expressed the spirit of'. The subject is sacra . . . infantia.
invitis parentibus: 'against the will of his parents', abl. absolute.
mirum in modum: 'in an amazing way', 'amazingly'--a frequently used expression in this work.
conversus: 'having (been) turned toward' (w/ in + abl.). Classical Latin would use in or ad + acc. with this word.
eremus: (sc. locus) 'wilderness, desert'.
fecissetque votis satis: 'and he would have satisfied his desires' (> satis facere + dat., 'satisfy, give satisfaction to'). Pluperfect subj. in a contrary to fact condition. (A&G)
meditabatur . . . quod . . . implevit: 'was rehearsing . . . that which . . . it carried out'.
devotus: 'when dedicated completely' (to God).
edictum esset: 'it had been decreed' (> edico).
regibus: 'the emperors'. Beginning in the late 3rd century there were usually more than one, sharing power.
scriberentur: 'be enrolled'.
actibus: 'actions' (> actus -us m.)
comite: 'as a companion' (> comes -itis m.).
tantum: 'only' (Adv.).
adeo ut: 'so much so, that' (a common way of introducing a result clause).
cibum una caperet: 'ate together with'.
hic: Martin.
in armis fuit: 'was under arms', i.e., served as a soldier.
multa illius . . . benignitas: 'much (was) the kindness of that man around his fellow-soldiers', i.e. 'he displayed much kindness toward his fellow-soldiers'. Classical Latin would prefer illi for illius and erga or in for circa.
qua usus est: 'which he had'.
agebat quendam . . . baptismi candidatum: 'he was acting as a kind of candidate for baptism' (quendam > quidam).
assistere...ferre, alere...vestire...reservare: these infinitives explain the previous clause: 'by aiding, by feeding' etc. For this 'epexegetic' use of the infinitive, see A&G.
laborantibus: 'the suffering', substantive use of the participle (A&G).

Section 3

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

solitō asperior: 'harsher than usual'. solito is abl. of comparison. (A&G)
inhorruerat: 'raged'
plerosque: 'very many people' (> plerusque, -raque, -rumque)
obvium habet: 'he met' (the tense is 'historical present', often used by Latin writers for vivid narration).
Ambianensium civitatis: mod. Amiens, in the north of France. Satellite image. Historical Map.
ut sui misereret: 'to pity him', a jussive noun clause. (A&G)
praeterirent: 'were passing by' (> praetereo), impf. subj. in a circumstantial cum-clause (A&G).
intellexit . . . sibi illum . . . reservari: 'understood that that man (the beggar) was being saved for himself (Martin).'
Deo: abl. with plenus, the regular construction with this adjective.
quid tamen ageret?: 'But what could he do?' Deliberative subjunctive in the past, expressing helplessness (Woodcock sec. 174.2b) (A&G).
accinctus erat: 'had been girded', i.e. 'was wearing' (> accingo, -ere).
mediam dividit partem: The splitting of the cloak was Martin's most famous act, frequently depicted in art, e.g. by El Greco (1597, National Gallery, Washington, DC)
ridēre: 'laughed', historic infinitive, often used by Latin writers in vivid narrative (A&G).
quia . . . videretur: 'because he seemed (to them)'. Subjunctive in a causal clause, where the reason cited is not the writer's own, but another's (Woodcock sec. 240) (A&G).
truncatus habitu: 'mutilated with respect to his clothing', i.e. because of his ripped clothing. Ablative of specification (A&G).
gemere: 'groaned', historic infinitive.
quod . . . fecissent: for the subjunctive, see above on quia...videretur.
utique: 'doubtless, naturally'
nocte . . . insecuta: 'during the following night'(> insequor, insequi, insecutus). Ablative of time when or within which (A&G).
chlamydis suae . . . parte: 'in the part of his own cloak'.
qua: the antecedent is parte below.
adhuc catechumenus: 'while still a catechumen'.
memor: (sc. erat) 'was mindful of'.
Dominus: = Iesus.
quamdiu . . . fecistis: 'whatever you have done to the least of these, you have done to me', a quotation from Matthew 25:40. quamdiu = 'whatever, that which' (late Latin).
se...ostendere: 'to show himself', 'to appear'.
est dignatus: 'he deigned, he saw fit' (> dignor, -ari).
quo viso: 'when this had been seen' (abl. absol.)
est elatus: 'was raised up' (> effero, efferre, extuli, elatum).
ad babtismum convolavit: 'had recourse to baptism', 'was baptized'.
militiae: dative with renuntiavit.
evictus: 'having been won over by' (> evinco, -ere).
cui contubernium familiare. . . praestabat: 'to whom he continued to show friendly comradeship'. The Latin might imply that they lived in the same tent (contubernium literally means the sharing of a tent, from con- + taberna), or that Martin served as an assistant to his superior officer (contubernium is sometimes used of an official's or an officer's suite of assistants and advisers, see TLL 4.792.7). Praestare ("provide") makes the latter meaning likely; but in the context it is the soldierly friendship of the two men that is emphasized.
transacto tribunatus sui tempore: 'when the time of his tribunate had been completed'.
saeculo: dative with renuntiaturum.
est . . . consecutus: 'he obtained' (> consequor).
solo licet nomine: 'albeit in name only'.

Section 4

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

irruentibus intra Gallias barbaris: the reference is to an invasion by Germans in 352; Julian's first counterattack came in 356 (Ammianus Marcellinus, History of the Later Roman Empire 16.2-3). He began at Autun in Alcase and then moved to the Rhine, eventually pushing the Germans all the way back to Cologne.
civitas Vangionum: Worms, on the Rhine in present day Germany, but then on the eastern frontier of Gaul.
coacto: 'brought together' (> cogo, -ere, -egi, -actum)
ventum est: 'it was come', i.e. 'they came'. Impersonal passive (A&G).
ut est consuetundinis: 'as is of custom', i.e. 'as is customary'. A type of possessive genitive, cp. moris est (A&G).
neque enim integrum sibi fore arbitrabatur: 'nor did he think that it would be honest for him'. fore = futurum esse.
patere: 'allow,' 'permit' (> patior, pati, passus sum), 2s imperative.
militem: 'serve as a soldier' (> milito (1)), subjunctive in a jussive noun clause (A&G).
pugnaturus: '(the man) about to fight'. Substantival use of the participle (A&G).
adversus hanc vocem: 'in response to this remark'
gratiā: 'for the sake of', ablative with a preceding genitive (religionis).
immo: 'on the contrary'.
inlato sibi terrore: 'with intimidation having been applied to him' (abl. absol.) (inlato > infero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum).
signo...clipeo...galea: abl. of means with protectus.
retrudi . . . in custodiam: 'to be held under arrest'.
facturus fidem dictis: 'about to make good on his words'
ut...obiceretur: 'so that he might be exposed', purpose clause after retrudi (A&G).
dedentes: 'surrendering' (> dedo, -ere).
beati viri . . . fuisse: 'belonged to the blessed man', or 'was due to the blessed man' (possessive genitive).
praestitum sit, ne: 'it was provided that he not', impersonal passive, followed by a purpose clause (A&G 566)
licet: 'even'
vel aliorum mortibus: 'even by the deaths of others'.
sancti . . . obtutūs: '(Martin's) sacred gaze', lit. 'gazes' (obtutus, -us m.).
exemit: 'removed' (> eximo).
neque . . . aliam . . . victoriam, quam ut: 'no other (type of) victory than that', followed by a substantive clause of result (A&G 571a).
subactis sine sanguine hostibus: 'since the enemy was subdued without bloodshed' (abl. abs.)

Section 5

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

sanctum Hilarium Pictavae episcopum civitatis: St. Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers (c. 315-367/8), the leading and most respected Latin theologian of his age.
cuius...fides habebatur: 'whose faith was considered'.
imposito diaconatus officio: 'by imposing on him the duty of being a deacon'.
artius: 'more closely' (> artus -a -um).
vir altioris ingenii: 'a man of more noble character', genitive of description, or quality (A&G).
id . . . officii . . . in quo: 'that (kind) of duty in which.' officii is partitive genitive (A&G).
praecepit: 'taught' (> praecipio).
ne despexisse . . . videretur: 'lest he seem to have despised it'. videretur is subjunctive in a purpose clause (A&G 531).
humiliorem: 'too humble', 'too menial'.
ut...visitaret: 'to visit', noun clause after a verb of warning (admonitus) (A&G)
ex voluntate: 'in accordance with the wishes of'.
ut ferunt: 'as they say'. Ferre is often used of vaguely reported hearsay. Sulpicius had informants in Martin's circle, as emerges later.
contestatus fratribus: 'solemnly affirming to the brothers that . . .' (cp. TLL 4.690.50).
multa se adversa passurum: (sc. esse), 'he would endure many setbacks'.
primum: 'first' in a series of events (contrast primo, 'at the start', followed by a later development).
devia: (sc. loca) 'an unihabited region' (neut. pl. acc.)
secutus: 'traversing'
secūri: 'axe' (> secūris -is f., not to be confused with sēcurus -a -um, 'without care').
ferientis: 'of the one striking' (> ferio -ire), substantival use of the participle (A&G).
uni: 'to one' (of the brigands).
quisnam: 'who?' A more emphatic equivalent of quis.
quia sciret: 'because he knew', subj. in a relative clause in indirect discourse, giving a reason or explanatory fact (A&G 592.3). The indirect statement begins at profitetur above and includes the infinitives fuisse and dolere.
utpote latrocinia exercens: 'as is to be expected when one is pursuing a life of brigandage'.
qui...esset: 'because he was unworthy', subj. in a relative clause in indirect discourse, giving a reason or explanatory fact (A&G 592.3).
quid longius morer?: 'why should I delay longer?', i.e., 'to make a long story short', deliberative subjunctive (A&G 444).
ut...precaretur: 'to pray', subj. in a jussive noun clause (A&G 563).
rettulimus: 'I (lit. we) have recounted' (> refero).
audita: (sc. esse) 'to have been heard'.

Section 6

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

Mediolanum: Mediolanum, -i n., mod. Milan, in northern Italy.
se ei obvium tulit: 'brought himself in the way for him', i.e., 'met him'.
quo: 'where' (Adv.)
id . . . responsi: 'the following response' (introducing indirect statement). The genitive is partitive.(A&G)
quocumque ieris: 'wherever you go' (> eo, ire), future perfect where Eng. would use future or present (A&G 478).
inimicus evanuit: 'the devil vanished' (> evanesco).
haeresis Arriana: the Arrian heresy, the principal heresy which denied the divinity of Jesus Christ, so called after its author, Arius (d. 336). The controversy between it and its ultimately successful rival, the Orthodox version of Christianity, was the major political/theological struggle of the fourth century. Martin and Hilary, like most of the Western clergy, were staunchly Orthodox.
Illyricum: a vague term embracing the whole of the Danube frontier area in the western and central Balkans. It included Pannonia, Martin's home district.
pullulasset: 'had spread', = pullulavisset (> pullulo (1)).
solus paene: 'almost alone'. paene often modifies the word it follows.
virgis caesus est: 'was beaten with sticks', 'was flogged'.
civitate: 'city' (a later Latin sense), presumably Sabaria in Upper Pannonia, where Martin's parents lived.
ad extremum: 'finally'
cum . . . comperisset: 'when he had learned' (> comperio, -ire).
coegerat: 'had compelled' (> cogo).
turbatam: (sc. esse) 'had been thrown into confusion', infinitive in indirect statement after comperisset.
Auxentius: Auxentius bishop of Milan, and the most prominent supporter of Arianism in the West (d. 373 or 374).
cedendum itaque tempori arbitratus: 'and so, having decided that he should yield to circumstances'. cedendum (sc. esse) is impersonal passive (A&G 208d).
Gallinaria: Isola Gallinaria, a small island off the coast of Albegna, in Luguria.
ut ferunt: 'so they say', parenthetical.
in cibum: 'as food'.
vicina iam morte: 'and death was already upon him', ablative absolute.
indultam fuisse: 'had been granted' (> indulgeo).
Romae: 'at Rome', locative.

Section 7

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

est vestigiis prosecutus: 'he followed in his footsteps', meant literally here.
fuisset susceptus: 'he had been received'. Classical Latin would have esset for fuisset. This so-called 'shifted' pluperfect subjunctive is typical of later and vulgar Latin (H-S sec. 179), and occurs frequently in this work.
oppido: 'the town', i.e. Poitiers.
ei: 'to Martin'
languore correptus: 'having contracted an illness'.
forte: 'by chance'.
absque baptismate: 'without baptism'. It was common in this period to put off baptism to the end of life, so as to avoid sinning after it.
corpus . . . officio: 'his body, placed in a central location, was crowded with the sad duty of the mourning brothers', i.e., the brothers were crowding around the body and mourning.
cum . . . accurrit: indicative in a 'inverted' cum-clause, indicating that this, rather than the apparently main verb, is the true point of the sentence. (A&G) The historic present tense adds vividness.
egredi...ceteros iubet: 'he ordered the rest to leave'. The position of egredi makes it emphatic.
incubuisset: 'had devoted himself to' (> incumbo + dat.).
defuncti: 'of the dead man' (> defungor), substantival use of the participle.
virtutem: 'miracle-working power'. virtus = 'miracle' or 'miracle-working power' is common in Christian Latin.
in defuncti ora defixus: 'looking intently upon the face of the dead man'.
laxatis in usum videndi palpitare luminibus: 'quivering in his (now) opened eyes for the power of seeing', i.e. 'blinking to regain his sight' (White).
membris omnibus: abl. of respect, specifying the location of the action of the verb (commoveri). laxatis . . . luminibus fills the same function for palpitare.
foribus: 'doors'.
virtutum: 'miracles'.
erat solitus: 'had been accustomed' (> soleo, -ēre).
corpore exutum: 'having shed his body'.
deputandumque: 'and that he was to be condemned'. This gerundive expresses the content of the verdict (sententia) referred to just below. Deputo = 'designate, assign, condemn' is post-classical. The -que joins the infinitives ductum (esse) and excepisse.
tristem excepisse sententiam: 'had received the grim verdict'
iudici fuisse suggestum: 'that it had been brought to the attention of the judge that'.
hunc esse pro quo: 'this was (the man) for whom'
iussum . . . redditum . . . resitutum: infinitives, with esse left out, in indirect statement after referre, above.
enituit: 'became well-known', literally 'became bright' (> enitesco, -nitescere, -nitui).
ut . . . haberetur: 'with the result that he was considered'.

Section 8

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

honorati secundum saeculum viri: 'an honored man, according to the (standards of the) secular world.'
excipitur: 'was greeted by', 'encountered', historical present.
quis esset hic fletus: 'what was (the reason for) this lamentation', subj. in indirect question after inquireret.
laqueo sibi vitam extorsisse: 'had wrenched life away from him self by means of a noose', i.e. 'had hanged himself' (> extorqueo).
supertratus: 'spread out on top of' (> supersterno + dat.).
marcescentibus oculis: 'his eyes being (still) weak', 'his eyes still heavy' (White), ablative absolute.
in ora illius defunctus erigitur: 'the dead man was revived (and looked) into the face of that man', i.e. of Martin.
enisus: 'having struggled, struggling' (> enitor).

Section 9

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

ad episcopatum Touronicae ecclesiae petebatur: 'he was sought (as a candidate) for the episcopacy of Tours', ancient Caesarodunum, a small Gallo-Roman town in the region occupied by the minor Gallic tribe the Turoni, south of the river Loire in France. Satellite image. It became a large city, the center of a great archdiocese, and a pilgrimage site thanks to the posthumous fame of St. Martin. In the early fourth century there were twenty-two bishops in all of Gaul, by the end of that century there were seventy. The date here is 370.
erui: 'to be uprooted' (> eruo, -ere).
ut egrederetur obtinuit: 'convinced him to leave' (his cell).
civitatem: 'the city,' i.e. Tours.
ad suffragia ferenda: 'to cast their votes'.
episcopatūs: genitive with dignissimum
fore: = futurum esse
ad constituendum antistitem: 'for the purpose of installing a bishop'
fuerant evocati: 'had been summoned', = erant evocati.
indignum esse episcopatu hominem vultu despicabilem: '(they said that) a man reprehensible in his appearance was unworthy of the episcopacy'. (indignum takes the ablative).
sententiae sanioris: 'of sounder opinion', genitive of characteristic, with populo.
haec illorum inrisa dementia est: 'this madness of theirs was ridiculed' (> inrideo).
qui: the antecedent is illorum, Martin's critics.
illustrem virum praedicabant: 'were proclaiming him (to be) an excellent person'
his: i.e. the bishops hostile to Martin.
aliud . . . quam quod: 'something other than that which'.
adfuerant: = aderant, 'were present'.
unde animadversum est graviter illum lectione prophetica tum notatum: 'from which cause (i.e. because of his name) it was observed that that man was sternly rebuked at that time in a prophetic public reading'. animadversum est is impersonal passive, > animadverto.
interclusus: 'having been shut out' (> intercludo).
ministris: 'servants' of the church, an order lower than that of the deacons. Cp. Optatus, Against the Donatists (AD 367) 1.13, 2.14 [Blaise].
quem primum versum invenit, arripuit: 'the first verse he found, he sized upon it (and read it out)' (arripuit > adripio, -ere). The antecedent of quem is versum.
ex ore . . . defensorem: a quotation from the Latin version of Psalm 8.3, "Your majesty is praised as high as the heavens, from the mouths of babes and infants at the breast. You have established a bulwark against your adversaries to restrain the enemy and the avenger" (Oxford Study Bible, from the Hebrew). The key word is the last, defensorem, which was taken as a fortuitous allusion to Martin's opponent Defensor.
lactantium: 'sucklings'.
propter: 'against' (a late and vulgar Latin meaning).
pars diversa: 'the opposing faction'.
atque ita habitum est: 'and so it was thought that'.
lectum fuisse: 'had been read' = lectum esse
et ostensus pariter et destructus esset inimicus: 'had been at the same time both revealed as the enemy and destroyed (as the enemy).'

Section 10

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

qualem se quantumque praestiterit: 'what sort of person, and how great, he showed himself to be' (indirect question after evolvere, below).
non est nostrae facultatis evolvere: 'it is not within my capability to describe' (facultatis is genitive of characteristic, A&G).
perseverabat: 'he steadfastly continued (to be)'.
idem . . . qui: 'the same person that'.
ita . . . ut: 'in such a way that'. ita modifies the verb, implebat.
dignitatem: 'office'
frequentantium: 'of the crowds of visitors' (lit., 'of the thronging ones', > frequento [1]).
non desideraret: 'would not lack'
latere: 'side' (> latus, lateris n.).
Liger fluvius: the Loire.
reducto paululum sinu: 'with a curve having been drawn back a little', i.e. 'in a slight bend' of the river.
una tantum eademque arta admodum via: 'by only a single road, and quite a narrow one at that'.
superiecti: 'above' (> super-iacio), opp. subiectus, 'below'.
receptacula: 'shelters'(receptaculum, -i, n.).
ad exemplum: 'in accordance with the example'
ut plerisque monachis moris est: 'as is customary for very many monks'.
ars nulla habebatur: 'no craft/trade was practiced'.
minor aetas . . . maiores: 'the younger men . . . the older men'.
noverat: 'was acquainted with' (> nosco, -ere, novi, notum).
camelorum saetis vestiebantur: imported rough camel-hair garments were part of an effort to evoke and recreate the Egyptian desert roots of asceticism. See John Cassian, Institutes, Book 1 ("The Garb of Monks"). John the Baptist also wore a camel-hair coat (Matthew 3.4). [2]
pro crimine erat: 'was considered a serious offense'.
quod eo magis sit mirum necesse est, quod: 'a thing that must be all the more remarkable because'. sit is subjunctive in a subordinate clause after necesse est, which is common and classical.
longe aliter educati: 'though brought up in a far different manner' (concessive participial phrase).
quae enim esset civitas: 'for what city would there be?' Potential subjunctive.

Section 11

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sed ut . . . adgrediar: 'But to come to' (introducing a new topic). The subjunctive is a kind of purpose clause used parenthetically, like the common ut ita dicam, 'so to speak'.
virtutes: 'miracles' 'there was a place'.
consepelio, (no perf.), consepultus: 'bury with' (later Latin only)
superioribus episcopis: 'previous bishops'.
non temere: 'not lightly, not easily'.
nihil certi constans sibi: 'nothing certain and consistent', lit. 'nothing of certain (partitive genitive), consistent with itself'.
ut quis esset . . . ostenderet: 'that he reveal who was buried there or of what worth he was'. Celebrations at the tombs of the honored dead were a major part of popular religious worship in the fourth and fifth century. People ate, drank, danced, and stayed up late in ceremonies that had strong ties to earlier pagan observances, but were now taken as part of the cult of the Christian martyrs. Bishops disapproved strenuously, alternately accommodating and seeking to suppress informal martyr-cults, particularly in north Africa (See MacMullen, The Second Church, 51-67.) Martin's actions here in putting a stop to what he saw as an illegitimate martyr-cult are typical of bishops of the period.
cuius meriti: 'of what worth' (gen. of characteristic). meritum = 'good action, benefit, service'; the sense 'worth, value' is poetic and post-classical (Cp. Ambrose, De paenitentia 1.9: non quicumque de vulgo, nec plebeiae vilitatis aliquis, sed vitae egregiae singularisque meriti). The use just below, meritum loqueretur, combines both senses.
celebratum: 'honored with ceremonies, crowds, etc.'
retineret: 'was keeping' (in place or in memory).
qui aderant audiebant: 'those who were present heard'.

Section 12

Latin text | text | vocabulary

Accidit . . . ut . . . obvium haberet: 'It happened that he met'.
quingentorum passuum: 'of 500 paces', i.e. half a Roman mile.
manum: 'band, group, company'.
agente vento: 'through the action of the wind'.
daemonum: 'of evil spirits' (gen. pl. > daemon, -monis, m. The more usual form is daemonium -i,n.)
simulacra . . . per suos agros circum ferre: 'to carry images (of the gods) around through their fields'. The rite seems to be similar to the Roman Ambarvalia, intended to purify the fields and ensure their productivity.
miserā . . . dementiā: 'in their pitiable delusion' (White). Abl. of manner.
imperat turbae non moveri loco: 'he ordered the crowd not to move'
riguisse: 'become stiff, freeze' (> rigeo or rigesco).
victi: (nom. pl.) 'having been overcome'.
semet invicem aspicientes: 'looking at each other'.
exsequiarum esse illam frequentiam: 'that that was a crowd for a funeral'. The word order shows exsequiarum is emphatic.

Section 13

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

esset adgressus: 'had begun' (> adgredior).
dum templum evertitur: 'while their temple was being demolished'. Dum = 'while' can take the present indicative, whatever the tense of the main verb. Cp. Cicero, Verrines 2.161: dum ego in Sicilia sum, nulla statua deiecta est. But the impf. subjunctive was also used, see below, 14.5.
quievissent: 'had grown quiet' (> quiesco).
commonere: 'he earnestly impressed on them'. Historical infinitive, introducing indirect statement.
nihil esse religionis in stipite: 'that there was nothing sacred in a stump'. religionis is partitive genitive.
sequerentur: 'that they should follow', jussive subjunctive in indirect statement.
ceteris: 'than the rest', abl. of comparison.
aliquam de Deo tuo . . . fiduciam: 'any confidence in your God'.
nosmet ipsi: 'we ourselves' (-met is intensive).
tu ruentem excipe: you catch it as it falls! tu is emphatic.
confisus: 'trusting' (> confido, -ere, -sus sum).
ad istius modi condicionem: 'to a deal of that type'.
hīc: 'at this point'(Adv.).
facilemque arboris suae habuere iacturam: 'and they considered the loss of their tree easy (to bear)'.
eo loci . . . quo: 'in that place where'. loci is partitive genitive.
vinctus: 'tied up' (> vincio, -ire).
aderat eminus turba mirantium: 'a crowd of people was present looking on in amazement from a distance'.
iamque paulatim ... minitari: 'And now the pine was gradually starting to sway to and fro and, on the point of falling, it threatened its own destruction' (White). Sulpicius is drawing out the suspense.
cum iam fragorem sui pinus concidens edidisset: 'now when the pine had given out a crashing noise from itself as it fell' (edidisset > ēdo).
cadenti . . . ruenti . . . opponit: 'he put in the way of it as it fell . . . as it rushed down' (> oppono + dat.).
signum salutis: 'the sign of salvation', i.e. the cross.
velut turbinis modo retro actam (sc. esse) putares: 'you would think it had been driven back by a kind of whirlwind,' a vivid appeal to the reader in the generalizing 2nd person singular.
prostraverit: 'flattened' (> prosterno), pf. subj. in a result clause.
stupere . . . flere . . . praedicari: 'were amazed at . . . wept . . . was praised', historic infinitives.
satisque constitit: 'and it was generally agreed that' (> consto, -are).
nemo fere . . . fuit, qui non . . . crediderit: 'there was almost no one who did not believe in' (+ acc.). crediderit is pf. subj. in a relative clause of characteristic.
impositione manus desiderata: 'with the laying on of hands having been asked for'. The pagans asked for the laying on of hands, abandoned their errors, and believed.
quod: the antecedent is nomen.
adeo convaluit: 'has become so strong' (> convalesco).
sit repletus: 'has been filled' (> repleo), pf. subj. in a relative clause of characteristic.

Section 14

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

sub idem fere tempus: 'at about the same time'.
eodem in opere: 'in the same task', i.e., destroying pagan shrines and converting the peasants.
proximam, immo adhaerentem: 'nearby, in fact adjacent'
agente vento: 'through the action of the wind'.
cerneres: 'you would see', i.e., if you were there, more vivid appeal to the reader.
quidam conflictus videretur: 'there seemed (to be) a kind of collision', impf. subj. in a result clause.
ibi tantum . . . ubi: 'only at that place where'.
absque: 'without'.
opulentissimum superstitione religionis: 'richly ornamented by pagan superstition' (White).
ad proxima loca: 'to a nearby region'.
cilicio tectus et cinere: 'covered in sackcloth and ashes', a traditional sign of mortification and mourning (Isaiah 58.5, Matthew 11.21). A cilicium is a rug or blanket of goat's hair', a rough material suggestive of austerity.
instar militiae caelestis: 'like a heavenly soldiery'.
rediret . . . impleret: 'he should go back and complete', jussive subjunctive in indirect statement, representing the angels' instructions.
devotus: adverbial, 'zealously, piously'.
inspectiantibus . . . et quiescentibus dum . . . dīrueret: 'watching and being quiet until he demolished'. The dum clause is part of the ablative absolute, and its subj. suggests that dum means 'until such time as', as though the pagans were waiting for him to be done. But Sulpicius uses the indicative in a similar context above, section 13: cum īdem illī, dum templum ēvertitur, imperante Dominō quiēvissent.
redegit in pulverem: 'reduced to dust' (> redigo, -ere).
colendum: (sc. esse) 'should be worshipped' (> colo -ere), passive periphrastic in indirect statement after confitentes.
neglegenda: (sc. esse), 'should be abandoned'.
adesse: 'aid' (> adsum + dat.).

Section 15

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

Aeduorum: 'of the Aedui', a large and important Gallic people occupying the territory between the Saone and the Loire rivers. Historical map.
stricto . . . gladio: 'with his sword drawn' (> stringo).
peteret: 'was attacking'.
reiecto pallio: 'with his cloak having been cast aside' (> reicio).
percussuro: 'to the one about to strike' (> percutio).
gentilis: 'the heathen (man)'.
huic . . . illud: 'this (just mentioned) . . . the following'.
non comparuit: 'disappeared' (> compareo).
plerumque autem contrā dīcentibus sibi rusticīs: 'generally, however, when the peasants were speaking speaking to him in opposition'.

Section 16

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

curationum . . . gratia: 'the divine gift of healing'.
qui non . . . receperit: 'who did not regain'. The subjunctive is consecutive, expressing a result. See Woodcock sec. 156.
vel: 'for instance' (indicating that the speaker is selecting from many possible anecdotes).
Treveris: (abl. of place where) 'among the Treveri', a large and important Gallic people inhabiting the country between the Moselle and the Ardennes, with its chief settlement at modern Trier. Historical map.
dira parlysis aegritudine: 'with a dreadful sickness of paralysis', i.e., with a dreadful sickness that left her paralyzed.
nullo ad humanos usus corporis officio fungeretur: 'she executed no bodily function for human uses', i.e. she had no use of her body. fungor takes the ablative.
omni ex parte praemortua vix tenui spiritu palpitabat: 'nearly dead in every part of her body, her pulse was almost non-existent and her breathing faint' (White). palpito (1) = 'quiver'.
ad solam funeris expectationem: 'for the lone expectation of her death', i.e., 'expecting only her death'.
cum . . . nuntiatur: 'when it was announced', historical present and indicative in an inverted cum-clause (A&G 581)for extra vividness.
rogaturus: 'intending to ask' (for help).
fuerat ingressus: 'had entered' (> ingredior), = essset ingressus.
et quod ipsā est morte crudelius: 'and (something) which is more cruel than death itself'.
confido quod: 'I am certain that...' Quod introducing indirect statement with a subjuncive verb is late Latin.
refugit: 'he refused' (> refugio).
hoc suae non esse virtutis: 'that this was not within his power', virtutis is genitive of characteristic.
perstare . . . orare:'persisted and begged', historical infinitives.
non se esse dignum, per quem Dominus signum virtūtis ostenderet: 'that he was not worthy to be used by the Lord to reveal a sign of His power' (White). The subj. in the relative clause expresses tendency, as often with words like dignus ('worthy') or idoneus ('suitable'), or aptus ('fit'). See A&G 631.1.
expectabat, quidnam: 'was waiting (to see) what'.
quae erant: the antecedent must be supplied from what follows, 'things which were . . .'
familiaria . . . arma: 'his usual weapons', i.e., his usual method, prayer. This looks forward to the main verb, oravit.
solo: 'on the ground' (> solum -i, n.):
prostratus: 'prostrate, face down' (> prosterno).
contactu eius: 'at his touch' (> contactus, -ūs, m.)
populo teste: 'with the people being a witness', i.e., 'as the people watched' (abl. absol.). Cp. Augustine, City of God 22.8 (of the miraculous cure of a blind man) immenso populo teste res gesta est. The presence of spectators guarantees the reliability of the account.

Section 17

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

Taetradii cuiusdam proconsularis viri: 'of a certain Taetradius, a man of proconsular rank'--evidently a very important personage, though nothing more is known of him. A proconsul was a distinguished former consul and governor of a province. Perhaps Taetradius had governed a province like Africa, then returned to his estates in Gaul. Gaul itself was not governed by a proconsul.
dolendo exitu: 'a lamentable death'.
ut ei manum imponeret: 'to lay his hand upon him', jussive noun clause after rogatus. ei is dative with imponere.
nequam: 'wicked' (indeclinable adjective).
nullo . . . modo: 'in no way'.
daemoniacus: 'demoniac', a person possessed by an evil spirit.
negare: 'denied' (historical infinitive).
fuisset exactus: 'has been driven out' (> exigo, -ere) = esset exactus.
fore: (= futurum esse): 'would become'.
baptizatus est: 'was baptized' (baptizo (1)).
Martinum . . . auctorem . . . coluit: 'paid great respect to Martin as the author of' (> colo -ere).
patris familiās cuiusdam: 'of a certain property owner' (> paterfamilias).
cui cum ut discederet imperaret: 'when it (the demon) ordered him (Martin) to leave'. cui is dative with imperat.
aedium: 'of the house' (> aedes -ium, f. pl.).
saevire dentibus miser coepit: 'the wretched man began to gnash his teeth'
et obvios quosque laniare: 'and to mangle each person who came in his way'. Roman doctors knew such violently insane people as phrenetici, who were known to bite their caregivers. See Caelius Aurelianus, On Acute Diseases, Book 1. Normally they were tied up: Augustine, Sermons 87, PL 38.538; Gregory the Great, Homilies on the Gospels 2.33.4.
commota . . . turbata . . . versus: supply est with all three participles.
se furenti obiecit: 'put himself in the way of the raving man' (> obicio, -ere).
hianti ore: 'with gaping mouth' (> hio (1)).
ei . . . in os: 'into his (the demoniac's) mouth'. ei is dative of reference (A&G 377).
ac si: 'as if'.
candens: 'white hot'.
obsesso: 'possessed' (> obsideo).
nec . . . ei . . . liceret: 'nor was it permitted to him'.
fluxu ventris: 'through the evacuation of (the man's) bowels'.
egestus est: 'was expelled' (> egero).

Section 18

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

motu: 'revolt, rising'.
civitatem: presumably Trier (Augusta Treverorum), where the previous two episodes were set (Fontaine ii.854).
dispersissent: 'had scattered' (> dispergo).
hoc saltim metu: 'by this fear, at any rate', i.e. rather than by direct attacks by demons, thus far ineffective.
nihil minus quam: 'merely'.
irruptione: 'incursion, raid' (> irruptio -onis, f.).
Apud Parisios: 'among the Parisii' (Parisii, -orum, m. pl.), a people of Celtic Gaul, bordering on the Senones. Historical map. Their chief city was Lutetia Parisiorum, the modern Paris.
leprosum: 'a leper' (leprosus, -i, m.).
emundatus: (sc. est) 'was cleansed' (emundo (1)).
nitenti: 'shining, glistening' (> niteo, -ēre).
nec praetereundum est, quod: 'and I must not pass over the fact that'. praetereundum est (> praetereo, -ire) is impersonal passive, lit., 'it must not be passed by that'.
fimbriae: 'fringes'.
crebras . . . egēre virtutes: 'performed frequent miracles' (egēre = egērunt > ago).
digitis illigatae aut collo inditae: 'tied on the fingers or placed upon (> indo, indere) the neck'. The antecedent is fimbriae.

Section 19

Latin text | text + notes | vocabulary

vir praefectorius: 'a former prefect', commander of a legion or detachment of a legion (see A.H. M. Jones, Later Roman Empire i.640).
gravissimis quartanae febribus: 'by very serious attacks of quartan fever' (quartana, -ae, f.), technically one that recurs every third day; perhaps a form of malaria.
casu: 'by chance'
delata fuerat: 'had been delivered' (> defero, = delata erat)
in tantum valuit, ut: 'had such an effect that'
dicarit: 'dedicated' (> dico (1), = dicaverit).
praesens virtutum eius testimonium: 'a potent testimony to his miracle working powers', parenthetical.
per absentem licet: 'through him even when he was not there' (> absum).
neque ab alio . . . quam: 'by no one other than'.
Paulinus . . . exempli: 'Paulinus, a man who later would set such a fine example', i.e., by giving up his considerable wealth and devoting himself to the church. This is Paulinus of Nola, the poet; see below, 26.4.
oculum graviter dolere: 'to suffer from a serious eye complaint' (White). oculum is acc. of respect.
iam pupillam eius crassior nubes superducta texisset: 'quite a thick grey film had spread across his pupil and now covered it' (White). superduco = 'draw over' is late Lat.
oculum ei Martīnus penicillō contigit: 'Martin touched his eye with a little brush'. ei is dative of reference (A&G 377).
penecillo: evidently a kind of soft sponge. See Rabanus Maurus, De Universo (ca. AD 842) 8.5 (PL 111.239C): mollissimum genus earum [sc. spongiarum] penecilli vocantur eo quod aptae sint ad oculorum tumores, et ad extergendas lippitudines utiles.
casu quodam: 'by some chance'
esset . . . devolutus: 'had fallen down' (> devolvo).
per confragosos scalae gradus decidens: 'tumbling through the treacherous steps of a flight of stairs', or else 'falling through the broken rungs of a ladder'. The Latin could mean either.
salubri unguedine: 'with a healing ointment' (> unguedo, unguedinis, f.).
contusi: 'battered' (> contundo).
superlinire: 'annoint'.
nihil umquam . . . incommodi: 'no injury at all' (incommodi is partitive genitive).
longum est: 'it is a long task'.
sufficiant haec . . . satisque sit: 'let these things suffice . . . and let it be enough' (jussive subj.).
vel: 'even if only'.
nos et in excellentibus non subtrahere veritatem et in multis vitare fastidium: 'that in describing outstanding deeds I do not detract from their believability, and in describing many deeds I avoid annoying the reader'. Supply a gerundive like dicendis after excellentibus and multis.

Section 20

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

ut minora tantis inseram: 'so that I might include lesser events with such great achievements'. The subjunctive is a kind of purpose clause used parenthetically, like the common ut ita dicam, 'so to speak'.
quamvis . . . praecipuum sit: 'although, as is the age of our times, in which all things are now depraved and corrupt, it is almost an exceptional achievement'. sit is subjunctive after the conjunction quamvis, which is normal (A&G 527).
adūlātiōnī . . . cōnstantiam: 'for priestly constancy not to yield to royal flattery', i.e. for priests not to yield to the temptation to flatter the emperor so as to gain personal advantage. This infinitive phrase is the subject of the preceding verb, sit, specifying what counts as an exceptional achievement nowadays.
imperatorem Maximum: Magnus Maximus, Roman emperor AD 383-8.
elatum: 'puffed up, arrogant' (> effero).
notaretur: 'was observed'.
seque degenere inconstantiā regiae clientelae sacerdotalis dignitas subdidisset: 'and with contemptible weakness, priestly dignity had subjected itself to royal clientage'. degenere is ablative > degener, subdidisset > subdo. The elaborate syntax and emotive terms are a sign of Sulpicius' emotional involvement in this issue. As he describes in more detail in the Chronica, Sulpicius saw clerics of this period sometimes flatter and manipulate emperors into persecuting rival Christian sects and factions. In his view the church should be separate from and above the state, but many bishops became entangled in imperial politics. Martin set a good example by staying true to his principles and not flattering the emperors for his own personal advantage.
et si pro aliquibus regi supplicandum fuit: 'even if it was necessary to petition the emperor on somebody's behalf'. As a bishop Martin might have to intercede with the emperor on behalf of a member of his flock.
mensae eius . . . qui: 'the table of that man who', i.e., Maximus.
imperatores unum regno, alterum vita expulisset: 'had expelled one emperor from office, another from life'. In his rise to power Maximus had killed the western emperor Gratian and later invaded Italy, displacing Valentinian II.[3]
cum Maximus . . . affirmaret: 'when Maximus declared that' (>affirmo (1)). This is followed by a series of infinitives in indirect statement.
se . . . defendisse: 'that he had defended'.
divino nutu: 'with divine approval' (> nutus, -us, m., nod).
non alienam ab: 'not unfriendly to'.
penes quem . . . victoria fuisset: 'since the victory had been due to Him'. fuisset is subjunctive because the relative clause is causal (A&G 535e).
tandem victus: 'won over at last' (the antecedent is Martin).
impetrasset: 'had obtained' (> impetro (1) = impetravisset), subjunctive because it gives the reason on the authority of another, not the writer himself (A&G 540).
convivae autem aderant: 'Moreover, there were present as his fellow diners . . . ' There follows a list of notables, some of the most powerful men of that time.
Euodius: Flavius Euodius, consul 386.
vir quo nihil umquam iustius fuit: 'a man than whom no one (lit. nothing) was ever more just'.
ut moris est: 'as is customary' (> mos moris, f.).
pateram: a broad, shallow bowl or dish, used in making libations.
ambiens: 'seeking'.
ut ab illius dextera poculum sumeret: 'that he (Maximus) would receive the drinking vessel from that man's (Martin's) right hand'--which would be a sign of respect to Maximus. According to Roman drinking custom a person proposing a toast tastes the wine in his cup and then hands it over to be drunk by the person honored (propinatio).
digniorem, qui post se prior biberet: 'more worthy to drink immediately after him'. Subj. is regular in a relative clause after dignus (A&G 535f).
nec integrum sibi fore: 'and (thinking) that it would not be morally upright for him'.
ut hoc ipsum eis, in quo contempti fuerant, placeret: 'that this very thing, in which they had been treated with contempt, was pleasing to them'.
celeberrimum . . . fuit: 'it was much talked about that'.
fecisse Martinum . . . quod: 'that Martin had done . . . that which'.
futurum: 'the future, what was to come'
sciret se . . . periturum: 'he ought to be aware that he would be victorious in the first onslaught, at any rate, but that he would die soon after'. sciret is subjunctive in a noun clause, as is regular after verbs of warning and admonishing (A&G 563), the notion of admonishing being implicit in praedixit futurum. esse periturum > pereo, -ire.
quod quidem ita vidimus: 'And this is in fact what we have seen'.
Aquileiae: 'of Aquileia, an important city at the northern extremity of the Adriatic. Satellite image.

Section 21

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

conserto . . . sermone: 'with conversation having been joined', i.e. 'engaging in conversation'.
conspicabilem et subiectum oculis: 'clear and visible to his eyes'.
contineret . . . transtulisset: 'was keeping . . . had transformed', subjunctive by attraction into the surrounding result clause (ut . . . videretur).
spiritalis: spiritual (> spiritalis, -e, late Lat.)
qualibet . . . sub imagine: 'in any manifestation whatsoever'.
cornu: neter accusative singular.
admisso recens scelere gaudens: ' rejoicing in the recently committed crime'. admisso scelere is abl. with gaudens. recens is adverbial.
modo: 'just now' (Adv.).
indicasset: 'had revealed' (> indico (1), = indicavisset).
sollicitos ire praecipit: 'he instructed them to go carefully'.
affectus fuisset: 'had been afflicted with' (> afficio, -ere + abl., = affectus esset).
neminem: accusative in indirect statement, after nuntiant, below.
deesse: 'was missing' (> desum, deesse).
rusticum mercede conductum ut: 'peasant hired to' (> merces, mercedis, f., reward; conduco, -ere, hire).
iunctis scilicet bubus: 'evidently his oxen were yoked together' (abl. absolute).
dum dissoluta artius lora constringit: 'while he was tying more tightly the straps that had come undone'. Dum = 'while' can take the present indicative, whatever the tense of the main verb.
sibi excusso capite inter inguina cornu adegisse: 'having shaken his head, had driven a horn into his (the peasant's) groin'. sibi is dative of reference (A&G 377). adegisse > adigo, -ere.
post: adverbial, 'later'.
vitam reddidit: 'died' (>reddo, -ere).
videris: 'it is for you to decide' (fut. pf. indic., see OLD s.v. video 18b).
data fuerit: 'has been given' pf. subj. in indirect question, = data sit.
rettulimus: 'I have described' (> refero), polite 1st person plural for singular.
si quotiens: 'if ever, whenever' (= quotiens, a mannerism of Sulpicius, cp. Dial. 3.6).
sibi nuntiata (sc. esse) fratribus indicabat: 'he used to inform the brothers that they had been announced to him'.

Section 22

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

dum . . . conabatur: when(ever) he was trying'. cum would have been more regular.
artibus: 'cunning methods'.
visibilem se ei formis diversissimis ingerebat: 'used to make himself visible to him in a great variety of forms'.
se . . . offerebat: 'he used to present himself'.
vultibus: 'with respect to his appearance' (> vultus, -ūs, m.).
protervis vocibus: 'with impudent words'.
increpabat: 'used to rebuke'.
obiectis: 'by their taunts' (> obicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum, bring up as a reproach, throw in a person's teeth).
cur . . . recepisset: 'because he had received'. cur = 'because' is rare, but classical. See below, 23.4.
aliquos: direct object of recepisset, below.
conversos: 'after they had repented' (> convertor, -verti, -versus sum, return, repent, convert [eccl.]).
exponentem: 'describing'. The antecedent is the demon, parallel to increpantem above.
Martinum . . . respondisse: '(they say that) Martin responded'.
delicta . . . conversatione purgari: 'that sins were cleansed by repentance' (> conversatio, -onis, f. (eccl.)).
absolvendos esse peccatis, qui peccare desierint: '(those) who had ceased to sin ought to be absolved of their sins' (desierint is pf. subj. in a relative clause of characteristic (A&G 535a), > desino, -sinere, -sii).
non pertinere ad veniam criminosos: 'that guilty men had nothing to do with mercy'. criminosus, -i, m.: a guilty man (late Lat.). pertineo, -ēre: apply to, be suitable to.
lapsis: 'to those who had fallen', i.e., into sin after baptism (> labor, labi, lapsus sum).
in hanc vocem: 'in these words', 'as follows'.
te . . . paeniteret: 'you would repent' (> paeniteo, impersonal construction, standard with this verb, with accusative of person regretting and genitive of the thing causing regret, also standard with this verb).
in proximo: 'at hand'.
in qua etsi auctoritatem praestare non potuit, ostendit affectum: 'in which, even if he could not provide a guarantee, he did show his feelings' (> affectus -ūs, m.).
non ab re videtur: 'it does not seem out of place' (impersonal construction).
licet extrisecus: 'though it is not directly relevant' (lit. 'though it is exterior').
in eo: 'in this', i.e. in the incident about to be related.
res miraculo digna: 'a miraculous event' (lit. 'a thing worthy of a miracle').
memoriae mandabitur: 'will be committed to memory', i.e., 'will be recorded for posterity'.
in exemplum cavendi: 'as a cautionary example' (lit., 'for an example of taking care').
contigerit: 'happens' (> contingo, -tingere, -tigi).

Section 23

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

felici . . . excessu: 'as a result of his fortunate death'.
se . . . contulisset: 'had gone'.
ad summum fidei virtutumque omnium culmen enituit: 'reached the highest peak of faith and all the virtues' (enitesco, -ere, -nitui: to become conspicuous for merit, shine).
ad eum . . . accessit: 'came to him'.
mentitus: 'having falsely assumed' (> mentior, -iri, -itus sum: feign, fabricate).
dicebat: the subject is Anatolius.
fidem . . . adhiberet: 'was believing (him)'
coartabat: 'was compelling' (> coarto (1), a late Latin sense).
eo usque . . . ut . . . praedicaret: 'so far as to declare' (result clause).
ille: Anatolius
ei: Clarus
praesentes plagas: 'an immediate thrashing'
comminari: 'thretened' (historic infin.).
cur sancto non crederet: 'because he was not trusting a holy man'. Cur = 'because' is rare but classical; cp. OLD s.v. 4.
in hanc vocem erupisse: 'to have blurted the following words' (> erumpo -ere -upi -uptum: break silence, to utter violently or unexpectedly).
qua indutus: 'clothed in which' (> induo, -ere, -ui, -utus + abl.).
in medio vestrum deversabor: 'I shall remain in your midst' (White).
qui . . . donatus sim: 'since I have been endowed with', pf. subj. in a causal relative clause (A&G 535e), > dono (1).
professionem: 'declaration'.
fremitu terram insultantium: 'with a rumble of people trampling on the ground'.
commoveri loco visum est: 'seemed to be being jolted from its place', 'seemed to shake'.
summa mollitie, candore eximio, micanti purpura: abl. of description.
nec tamen, cuius esset generis aut velleris, poterat agnoscī: 'and yet it could not be recognized of what type or wool it was' (vellus, -eris, n.: wool, fleece).
non aliud quam: 'nothing other than'.
quidnam id esset: indirect question after ostenderet.
apprehensum dextera ad Martīnum trahere volebat: 'he (Clarus) wanted to take him (Anatolius), having been grabbed by the hand, to Martin'.
interdictum sibi esse . . . ne: 'that it was forbidden for him to' (> interdico, -ere).
fantasiam: 'deception', lit. 'phantom, specter, apparition' (late Lat.), i.e. the garment.
cum erat . . . ingerenda: 'when it was about to be put before' (> ingero, -ere).

Section 24

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

animadversum est: 'it was noticed' (> animadverto, -ere, impersonal passive).
multis signis auctoritatem paravisset: 'had obtained (spiritual) influence by many miraculous deeds'. (signum, -i, n. = miraculous deed (eccl.))
Heliam: Elijah (spelled variously: Ēlīās or Hēlīās, -ae, m., and Elia, -ae, m.)
adeo inlusit: 'he was so successful in his deception' (inludo, -ere, -lusi, -lusum: deceive).
plerique ... ex fratribus: 'several of the brothers'.
extitisse: 'appeared' (> exsto, -stare, -stiti, -stitum)
iactitāverit: 'boasted', pf. subj. in a relative clause of characteristic (A&G 535a).
istius modi pseudoprofetis existentibus: 'since false prophets of this type are appearing'.
mysterium iniquitatis operatur: 'carries on the secret ways of his wickedness', a phrase borrowed from Paul (2 Thess. 2.7 nam [qui adversatur, i.e. the antichrist] mysterium iam operatur iniquitatis). Matthew 4.23 predicts the rise of pseudoprophets who will mislead even the chosen at the end of time. operor, -ari, atus sum: carry on.
Non praetereundum autem videtur: 'Moreover it seems that it ought not to be passed over', i.e., 'I should not fail to mention'.
quanta . . . arte: 'with what great trickery' (indirect question).
praemissa prae se et circumiectus ipse luce purpurea: 'with a glowing light having been sent ahead of himself, and surrounded by it himself' (purpueus -a -um: radiant, glowing, see OLD 3a).
claritate assumpti fulgoris: 'thanks to the brilliance of his acquired splendor'.
quo facilius . . . illuderet: 'by which he might more easily deceive', subj. in a relative clause of purpose containing a comparative (A&G 531).
illitis: 'coated with' (> illino, -ere, -evi, -itum).
nihil minus quam: 'anything but' (lit. 'nothing less than').
fuisset hebetatus: 'had been stunned', > hebeto (1) = hebetatus esset.
tum prior diabolus: 'then the devil (spoke) first'
quem cernis: '(the one) whom you see'.
nec quidquam responsi referret: 'and did not make any response at all'. responsi is partitive genitive with a neuter pronoun (A&G 346).
quid dubitas: 'why do you hesitate?'
tum ille . . . inquit: 'then he (Martin) said'.
purpuratum: 'dressed in purple'.
formaque, qua passus est: 'and in the form in which he suffered' (on the cross).
stigmata: 'marks, wounds' (> stigma, stigmatis, n.).
evanuit: 'vanished' (> evanesco, -ere, -ui).
foetore: 'stench' (> foetor, -oris, m.).
hoc itaque gestum: (sc. esse) 'that this incident happened in this way' (indirect statement after cognovi).

Section 25

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

olim audita fide eius vita atque virtute: 'having heard long ago of his faith, his life, and his virtue'.
aestuaremus: 'I was burning'. The first person plural here, as in suscepimus, nobis, sciscitati sumus and cognovimus below, is polite and refers to Sulpicius alone.
in quantum: 'in so far as'.
sciscitati sumus . . . cognovimus: 'I inquired . . . I gained knowledge'. sciscitor, -ari, -tatus sum: inquire thoroughly.
credi non potest: 'it cannot be believed', 'it is incredible'.
congratulatus plurimum et gavisus: 'expressing great happiness and rejoicing'. congratulor, -ari, atus sum: rejoice (eccl.); gaudeo, -ēre, gavisus sum.
quod tanti esset habitus: 'because he was consirdered to be of such great worth'. tanti is genitive of value (A&G 417).
quem . . . expeteremus: 'that I sought him out', subjunctive in a relative clause of result (A&G 537).
cum me sancto convivio suo dignatus esset adhibere: 'when he considered me worthy to invite to his holy feast', i.e. a dinner. dignor (1): consider worthy. adhibeo, -ēre: invite (as a guest), summon (to a feast, etc.).
nec . . . constantia fuit: (sc. mihi) 'nor did I have the strength of will'.
si non adquievissem: 'if I had not consented (> adquiesco, -ere, -evi).
non alius . . . quam: '(about) nothing but'.
praesentissimum . . . exemplum ingerebat: 'he repeatedly brought up the most outstanding example' (ingero, -ere: to din into a person's ears, say repeatedly).
Paulini: Paulinus of Nola, a wealthy man who sold his possessions and devoted himself to the life of the church; also a friend of Sulpicius, and one of the most prominent poets of this period.
solus paene . . . complesset: 'almost alone had fulfilled', i.e. 'was practically the only one who had fulfilled'.
beatum . . . documento: 'blessed in (having) an example' (documentum, -i, n.: an example serving as a precedent, warning, instruction, etc.).
secundum: in accordance with (preposition + acc.).
dives et possidens multa: 'a rich man and one possessing much' (i.e., Paulinus)..
quod erat factu impossibile: '(that) which was impossible to do'. factu is supine, abl. of specification (A&G510).
confabulatione: 'conversation' > confabulatio, -onis, f. (late Lat.).
in absolvendis scripturarum quaestionibus: 'in resolving disputed points of scripture'.
promptus et facilis: 'ready and accommodating'.
ad hanc partem: 'on this point'.
quippe quos viderim me ipso etiam referente non credere: 'in as much as I have seen some people fail to believe even when I was telling them myself'. viderim is pf. subj. in a causal relative clause (A&G 535e). quippe + qui, quae, quod = 'as one in fact who', i.e. 'since' or 'inasmuch as I, you, he' etc. (L&S s.v. quippe 5).
puri sermonis: 'correct speech', according to the standards set by teachers of the day, based on classical authors.
tantum scientiae, tantum ingenii, tantum tam boni et tam puri sermonis: 'so much knowledge, so much natural ability, so much excellent and correct speech.' This follows the text of Fontaine, rather than of Halm. ingenium, -i, n.: mental powers, natural ability, talent.
illiterato: 'uneducated'. A soldier at 15, Martin did not receive the advanced training in literature and rhetoric that would have been typical for a bishop. He was definitely literate, as emerges below, 26.3 lectioni. homini illiterato is dative of person, regular after defuisse (> desum).

Section 26

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

non quod omnia . . . defecerint: 'not because all the things have been exhausted.' defecerint is pf. subjunctive in a causal relative clause (> deficio, -ere, -feci, -fectum: run out, cease, disappear).
quae fuerint dicenda: 'which needed to be said'. fuerint is pf. subj. in a relative clause of characteristic.
utcumque: 'somehow or other'.
nulla . . . nulla: both with oratio, repeated for emphasis. oratio here means 'discourse, treatise'. Just below, orationibus refers to Martin's praying.
illam scilicet . . . exponere: The subject of this long sentence is Homerus, the main verb posset: 'not if, as they say, Homer himself should emerge from the underworld, would he be able to express (exponere) . . . .' The series of accusatives at the beginning are direct objects of exponere.
illam scilicet perseverantiam: 'I mean the sort of perseverance'. This and the following accusatives are the direct objects of exponere below.
perinde ac: 'in the same way as'.
quo indulserit: 'with which he devoted himself to/indulged in', > indulgeo, -ēre, -dulsi, -tum, pf. subjunctive in a relative clause of characteristic. The antecedent of quo is the idea of Martin's energy and self-control, taken from the first part of the sentence as a whole. indulgeo regularly takes the dative, and is here followed by four: otio . . . negotio . . . cibo . . . somno. With the first pair of objects the verb means 'devoted himself to', with the second pair, 'indulged in'.
nisi quantum: 'except in so far as'.
vere fatebor: 'I will tell you truly', parenthetical.
adeo omnia maiora in Martino sunt quam ut verbis concipi queant: 'to such an extent are all things in Martin greater than can be expressed in words'.
ut fabrīs ferrāriīs moris est: 'as is customary for blacksmiths' (faber ferrarius, fabri ferrarii, m.; mos, moris, m.)
pro quodam laboris levamine: 'as a kind of lightening of their labor'.
incudem: 'anvil' (> incus, incudis, f.).
loco . . . amoverit: 'removed from his position'. As bishop Martin had the authority to dismiss priests.
quantum in ipso fuit: 'was much as was in him', i.e., as much as he could.

Section 27

Latin text | notes | vocabulary

commotum: 'agitated', 'worked-up'.
quodammodo: 'in a certain way', 'a kind of'.
extra naturam hominis videbatur: 'he seemed above human nature'.
numquam in illius ore nisi Christus: 'never (was anything) on his lips except Christ'.
pro eorum . . . peccatis: 'for the sins of those'.
remotum et quietum: substantival, 'a secluded and quiet man', i.e. Martin.
qui in illo oderant quod: 'who hated in him that which'.
ingemescendum: 'lamentable'.
non alii . . . non alii . . . quam: 'none other than' (repeated for emphasis).
fere: 'for the most part', 'mostly'.
licet pauci admodum: 'though quite few'.
ferebantur: 'were said (to be)'.
licet nosmet ipsos plerique circumlatrent: 'although quite a few are barking all around at me myself', a reference to Sulpicius' critics, who claimed that he exaggerated Martin's abilities. circumlatrent (> circumlatro (1)) is subj. in concessive clause (A&G 527).
sufficiet ut: 'it will be sufficient that'.
ex his: 'of these men', i.e., from among the critics.
dictum: (sc. esse) 'that it has been said' (indirect statement after fatebitur).
non refugimus . . . ut: 'I do not mind that'.
nos quoque: 'me too', another polite 1st person plural, referring to Sulpicius himself.
opusculum istud: 'the present work'. Opusculum is diminutive of opus, used here for modesty. iste = meus is late Latin. See Lönnergen, De Syntaxi Sulpicii Severi, p. 10.[4]
de cetero: 'for the rest, otherwise'.
ego mihi conscius sum me: 'I am conscious in myself that I', introducing indirect statement.
non quicumque legerit, sed quicumque crediderit: 'not he who has read, but he who has believed'. This is the subject of habebit above. legerit and crediderit are subjunctive in a relative clause of characteristic. 'Believed' is the emphatic final word in the work.