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Special Interest Magazines

Social protest magazines as a medium combines elements of social protest novels and newspapers. Writing a novel, any type of novel, is just a dream to most people because they lack the necessary resources. A person might not have the time and money to write a society changing novel, but he/she does have the resources to write a socially provocative short-story. Magazines, especially early ones, were an easy way to have a short-story published and because of this a great many authors, most who probably did not have the resources to write a novel, were able to make significant contributions to the social movements of the era. Newspapers, while some carry short stories, are mainly news oriented. Social protest newspapers carry current issues affecting marginalized groups, but often the articles are short because of space constraints. Magazines, since they are published regularly, can carry current issues as well as short stories and are not as space constrained as newspapers.

Social Protest Magazines

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